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Contorted Figure Assessment

Advanced Digital Photography

Reflection: Answer the following about your contorted figure photos.
On your site, drag down a text box and write a paragrah to answer the following questions:
What gestures were you able to capture with a fast shutter speed that would be impossible to capture or hold
in normal time (or with a slow shutter speed)?
What was your model doing to create an interesting shot?
Describe how you were able to create interesting negavtive space in composing your photo or by cropping
in photoshop.
Is your photo dynamic? Why or why not?
What is strong about your individual photo, or sequence?
What would you do differently if you could change your image or work process?

Individual Photos:
Photo One

Photo Two

Photo Three

Photo Set/Sequence combined in 1 Photoshop Document: (worth 15 points)

Photo Four

Photo Five

Photo Six



Reflection Paragraph:


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