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In the Community: A Study of Culture (TPSP Student Expectations)

Description of Unit
In this project, the students work in groups to explore their local communities and aspects of
the local culture that are meaningful to them (local community and Houston area). After
researching, the students produce a final product that will provide a lasting and impactful
contribution to the community.

Group Research
A. Research Process
1. Selecting a topic. Each group chooses a subject from the local community
to study. The focus of study could be a local author, artist, neighborhood,
cultural component, political movement, or leader. Each group will submit a
topic proposal for approval by their classroom teacher.
2. Ask guiding questions. Once the group has selected a subject from the
community, students should think of five guiding questions to explore, such
a. What does your subject contribute to the community?
b. What is the history behind your subject? How has your subject
changed and developed over time?
c. How has your subject impacted other communities?
d. What would your community be like without your subject?
While these examples are general, the groups questions should be
specific to the chosen cultural aspect. The questions should lead the
group to form research-based opinions. The group should develop a
hypothesis or some possible answers to the questions.
3. Designing and submitting a research proposal. The group should
include numerous components in the research proposal:
a. The cultural aspect the group will study
b. Three to five guiding questions the group will investigate and a
c. Primary and secondary resources the group will need to find answers
to questions, such as an expert on the local community, pieces of
literature or works of art created in the community, or museums and
In the process of writing the research proposal, the students may refine their
guiding questions.
Here are some questions to guide group identification of resources in the
a. What libraries, research centers, archival institutions, museums, or
organizations will have information on the cultural aspect?
b. What are some key words, events, or people related to the subject?
c. What types of primary sources might exist? Who might you interview
to gather information?
d. What letters, diaries, or other first person narratives are available?
e. What manuscripts, songs, hymns, photographs, governmental records,
original newspaper articles or cartoons, or oral histories are available?


Are there local art showings, poetry or book readings, or theatre or

dance productions you can attend?

4. Conducting the research. After teacher approval of research proposal,

students begin using the resources they have identified and others they may
encounter. It may be helpful to plan a trip to a local museum, art exhibit,
literary event, or landmark. Students must conduct at least one oral
interview with an expert in the local community. It is recommended
that students use their school email address and CC a parent when emailing
individuals in the community.
B. The Product
The group members show what they have learned through one of the following products:
1. A contribution to the local community- The group may develop a service
project that promotes the culture of the community. For example, the group
could coordinate an art showing for local artists in the community. Each
individual student in the group must document his/her contributions and
reflections on the project. The group must provide a visual to document the
groups contribution to the community.
2. Website or newsletter for a neighborhood- In order to promote a positive
feeling of community in the area, the student can create a website or
newsletter. In the product, the group could highlight cultural events and
other significant activities. The group could also showcase significant
members of the community and their contributions.
3. Documentary or awareness video about an issue in the community- Based on
the groups studies of the topic, the group can create a documentary or
awareness video to educate members of the community about a relevant
4. Promotional video for an organization or group and its impact on the
community- Based on the students studies of the topic, the students can
create a video to educate members of the community about this
group/organization and recognize its contributions to community culture.
Whatever product the group chooses, the group must complete a Works Cited Page that
includes at least 7-10 references. All references used must be documented.
C. Communication
In a period of 15-20 minutes, the group will use a multi-media presentation to share their
products and research process, engaging other students in the content of their work.
Audience members should ask unscripted questions for the students to answer.
Questions to consider for research reflection:
Why did you select this topic?
What were your initial goals?
How were the research questions modified over time?
What steps did you take in completing this product?
What surprising discoveries did you make in the course of your research?
What struggles did you face in achieving your objectives? How did you overcome them?
What did you gain from this experience?


A completed project consists of:

A topic proposal
A research proposal, including guiding questions
Progress checks
Copies of documented sources and research notes
Works Cited Page with at least 7-10 references
A multi-media presentation reflecting on the research process
The product
a. A contribution to the local community (service project)submit documentation,
reflections, and visual
b. Website or newsletter for a neighborhoodsubmit the URL or paper or electronic
c. Documentary or awareness videosubmit the video (DVD or digital)
d. Promotional videosubmit the video (DVD or digital)
1-6 must be submitted in a binder.

Teachers will designate work days for students to collaborate with group members.
Students will also receive a grade for periodic progress checks on April 27 and May
8. The final project and all research requirements are due by Tuesday, May 19,

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