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Leadership Development Plan

Touro University Nevada
Elizabeth Hares


Personal Statement
Since becoming best friends at the age of six with a young girl who had developmental
delays after undergoing brain surgery, I knew as I grew up that I wanted to be in a field where I
was able to help others. It took me volunteer experiences in different healthcare professions to
truly figure out where I wanted to be. From volunteering in nursing to observing at a physicians
office, I was able to discover traits from each profession that matched my life goals. Helping
individuals was always first and foremost my desire but finding a profession where physiology
meets therapeutic rapport and changings lives was the most difficult obstacle in my educational
journey. While volunteering at an assisted living in the activities center facility, I observed an
occupational therapist helping an individual re-learn movements of the upper arm using creative
techniques. I researched more on occupational therapy and every description matched what I had
been searching for. Taking classes in occupational science and lifestyle redesign at USC
solidified my choice in occupational therapy as a profession, enabling me to live out my desire to
help, embrace science, and work hands on in changing peoples lives. My journey through
developing skills as a future occupational therapy practitioner is a journey that will guide the rest
of my life and will enable me to live life to the fullest.
Vision Statement
Throughout my journey as a future occupational therapist, I will live out the values I
developed as a daughter, fiance, and student. My belief in staying committed, honest,
innovative, and motivated to the journey will be lived out in life and in practice. I will be
committed to growing as a leader and figure to my family and the community, to be honest in
practice when providing services to clients in need, and staying true to being innovative and


using science to back interventions utilized in practice. I envision myself providing services to
pediatric populations with neurological disorders, leading the way in my community by
advocating for my profession and stepping outside my comfort zone to enable others in emerging
areas of practice. My vision is being a prominent educational figure in Neurodevelopmental
training in pediatric settings. I envision myself volunteering my time to organizations that will
enable me to develop as a person and practitioner, such as the American Occupational Therapy
Association (AOTA) and state organizations that fuel growth of my profession and indirectly,
Strengths & Areas for Growth
Using the Taoist model of Yin and Yang, with Yin representing the passive or negative
personality traits complimented by Yang, the active and positive traits within personality. Yin
and Yang are opposite by nature, but their nature is also a reliance on each other as one cannot
exist without the other. This holistic view of personality traits encompasses my strengths while
balancing areas needed for growth. I will always have room for growth and improve myself to be
a better individual and practitioner, a balance that will take place for years to come as I grow and
develop as a leader in the profession. Strengths that I have identified in my professional journey
include my adaptability, ability to relate, self-empowerment, innovation, and leadership; qualities
I feel will benefit my clients and my work ethics in practice. Utilizing these strengths to the best
of my ability is a goal I have in the present and future. With the Yang of personality strengths is
the Yin. Areas for growth compliment strengths because they provide opportunities to become a
better individual and change the balance of Yin and Yang. Areas of growth provide opportunities
for the individual to gain new strengths and personality traits. To achieve growth in the future, I
feel I need to work on my assertiveness, passive nature, and organization within my personal life


to improve my work skills in practice. To advocate for patients, I feel assertiveness is vital to
achieve patient advocacy. Addressing assertiveness will provide me opportunities to work on my
passive nature as well, improving my ability to achieve hard but necessary goals for myself and
my clients. Improving my organizational skills will come with experience through trial and error.
Learning the consequences of being disorganized in my personal life will enable me to improve
my organization skills and carry-over these skills in practice. All of these areas of growth, or
should I say opportunities for growth, are necessary in my professional journey. These
opportunities for growth are needed to become an exceptional leader, a goal I hope to attain in
the near future.
Leadership Style
The leadership style I feel most closely associated with is the authentic leadership style.
This approach to leadership emphasizes building the leaders legitimacy through honest
relationships, leading others by valuing their input and building relationships on an ethical
foundation. I feel my positive attitude in practice enables me to build rapport and trust with my
clients and colleagues, a trait present in authentic leaders. I feel many of my values are in line
with values often seen in authentic leaders, such as honesty and positivity. Knowing my
leadership style has opened my eyes to a new perspective on types of leaderships and how each
and every leadership style has its benefits depending on the target audience. I feel an authentic
leadership style works best with other healthcare professionals who uphold the same values and
ethics as I do; values and ethics seen in many healthcare professions, especially in rehabilitation


Date Established: Year 1






1) Provide evidence based in-service presentation and discussion

relevant to current practice setting and population.
2) Apply for the AOTA Emerging Leaders Development Program
3) Attend the 2016 AOTA Conference and Expo in Chicago, IL
4) Become a member of the Neuro-Developmental Treatment
1) Prepare an in-service presentation (PowerPoint slides and educational
hands on demo) to educate other professionals in the rehabilitation
department on a topic relevant to the setting and population
2) Gather necessary materials to apply to Emerging Leaders
Development program such as a personal letter of interest, reference
letter, current resume, and supervisory form; submit my application
materials before the deadline on April 20, 2016
3) Register for the AOTA conference on the AOTA website before the
early deadline on March 16, 2016; payment will be made online
using electronic payment system
4) Submit an electronic membership application on the NDTA website
with an attached electronic payment of $105
1) The completion of the in-service presentation with presentation
materials and post in-service questionnaire completed by rehab
2) A completed and submitted application to the Emerging Leaders
Development program with a follow up email to confirm application
is received and the status of the application
3) Confirmation email with notification that payment has been received;
name badge and ticket retrieval at the check-in table at conference
4) Confirmation email with notification that payment has been received
1) A completed PowerPoint presentation with supplemental materials
for demonstration and discussion; final packet of questionnaires
filled out by rehab employees and a sign in sheet with number in
2) Information provided on the Emerging Leaders Development
Program listed on AOTA under the job and career resources with
directions on how to apply, deadlines, and needed materials provided
on webpage
3) Information on check-in process for conference and expo, tentative
itinerary for sessions, and housing options provided on AOTA
website with AOTA log-in information
4) Website information on how to apply, log-in information, and
subsequent correspondences
1) August 2016



2) April 20, 2016

3) April 2016
4) May 2016

Date Established: Year 3





1) Apply to be elected for regional director on the board for the

professional development and leadership committee for the
Occupational Therapy Association of California
2) Mentor a Level-II student at current facility
3) Represent my current facility at a Health Expo in local community
1) Submit an electronic self-nomination for a regional director position
on the board for the professional development and leadership
committee on the OTAC website, raise awareness at current facility
for other occupational therapists to submit nomination in my name to
increase chances for being chosen, and provide website for coworkers and fellow OTs to submit electronic nominations
2) Collaborate with facility director expressing desire to mentor an
occupational therapy student, and follow-up by contacting accredited
universities in the state to communicate availability and desire
3) Research upcoming health expositions such as Senior Health Expo
held annually around the country; collaborate with rehabilitation
director and human resources at current facility, presenting the
benefits of attending expo and representing the facility and
rehabilitation department; gather information about pricing for
booths and travel expenses to provide director and human resources
1) Submitted electronic self-nomination for professional development
and leadership committee; communication between OTAC regarding
position and results of elections
2) Completion of 12 weeks of supervision of a Level-II fieldwork
student from an accredited occupational therapy program; evaluation
from fieldwork student regarding supervisory and mentor capabilities
and skills
3) A booth at a health expo with banner or logo representing the
rehabilitation department of my current facility; a sign-in sheet for
visitors to write their name for more information on the rehabilitation
services provided by my facility or company
1) Information provided on the OTAC website for directions regarding
how to complete an OTAC Board of Directors self-nomination form
and instructions listed on the form for qualifications one must meet to
be nominated as a regional director



2) Contact information for the university fieldwork coordinator and

paperwork regarding deadlines and policies when taking on a
fieldwork student; scheduling information about when and how long
I will be mentoring a student
3) Information on location and time of Health Expo; information
provided from facility and human resources about flyers and
handouts; oversee of other rehab professionals joining the facility
booth at the Health Expo
1) March 2018 (Deadline for Board of directors nomination)
2) Fall 2018
3) Spring 2018 (Tentative based on dates of Health Expo)

Established Date: Year Five




1) Attend a two week intensive NDT Adults training course to become

NDT certified
2) Attain NDT certification for Adults with stroke and brain injury
3) Attend the 2020 AOTA conference as a representative for my current
company to recruit entry level occupational therapists
4) Join a pediatric work group through AOTA for School Mental Health
Work group
1) Search for approved two week intensive NDT Adults course;
depending on area, schedule travel and housing for length of course;
submit documentation of current professional license and malpractice
insurance required for attending NDT Adults course
2) Attain proof of documentation and attendance of NDT certified
course; apply for NDT certification by printing a certification
application; mail off NDT certification application to within 30 days
of two week intensive course to waive paying application fee
3) Communicate with current facility rehab director to raise awareness
of upcoming AOTA conference; collaborate with recruiting director
of company and discuss steps needed to take to recruit new
occupational therapists for company at AOTA conference; gather
information from AOTA to obtain a booth at the Expo for company
4) Apply for a position on the pediatric work group by submitting
interest in the School Mental Health work group via COOL Volunteer
1) Documentation and proof of attendance in a certified NDT two week
intensive course; educational materials obtained from NDT course
2) Copy of submitted certification application and documentation of
official NDT certification.
3) Attendance of 2020 AOTA conference and expo with a booth at the


expo to recruit potential occupational therapists

4) A positon on a pediatric work group team for School Mental Health;
participation in conference calls and discussion every 5-6 weeks with
colleagues in the School Mental Health work group




1) Information provided by the NDTA website on statewide courses

provided and dates certified NDT course; steps for applying for
course and materials needed listed on NDTA website
2) Information provided on NDTA website for requirements to apply for
NDT certification; steps listed on NDTA website for sending in
documentation to obtain certification
3) Support from company and resources provided from company to
attend 2020 AOTA conference and expo as a company representative
for recruiting new occupational therapists; information provided from
AOTA website on how to reserve a booth at the expo; interest from
professionals encountered at AOTA expo
4) Information provided on COOL database on availability of positions
on the pediatric work groups; resources provided by fellow members
of the pediatric work group
1) August of 2020
2) September of 2020
3) April of 2020
4) June of 2020

Established Date: Year Ten



1) Obtain a managerial role as a rehab director at my current facility

2) Develop a community support program for individuals post-stroke to
address psychosocial impacts of residual deficits
3) Register and Attend Capitol Hill Day
1) Communicate with hiring director about interest in the position; take
on projects within the facility to show responsibility with managerial
tasks; gradually increase interest in taking on more administrative
tasks such as scheduling and weekly meetings for facilities to show
responsibility and accountability
2) Research current evidence to find most effective group treatment
methods for addressing psychosocial aspects of disability; provide a
detailed outline for length of program and highlight topics for each
weekly session to provide to facility director and human resources;
volunteer time to complete program and gather materials needed to
recruit and raise awareness for this up and coming support group;
search for grants that are applicable to fund future support groups and
companies that may make donations to support the program
3) Research current healthcare policies and their impact on the practice
of OT; register for Capitol Hill day by completing the Capitol Hill
day application online at the AOTA website; select a briefing time to
attend before Capitol Hill day; read through handouts provided by


AOTA or any supplemental information about senators and
representatives I will be meeting with; arrange travel itinerary for
hotel and flights for trip to Capitol Hill day







1) An official promotion from full-time OTR/L to director of

rehabilitation department of current facility
2) Approval for program to begin at current facility with necessary
materials gathered to start stroke support program soon thereafter; list
of interested individuals wanting to participate in first session of the
3) Attendance of Capitol Hill Day with active participation in advocacy
of occupational therapy to government representatives to discuss
current healthcare policies and their impact on occupational therapy
1) A resume from the past 10 years of volunteer, work, and leadership
experience; referral for position of director from administration
2) Funding from facility or outside grant programs to support program
development; approval from human resources or facility director to
begin program; materials and handouts to provide as advertising for
the program; word of mouth from other colleagues to potential
3) Information provided by AOTA on Capitol Hill day listed on website
and information provided by AOTA on the day of event for schedule
1) January 2025
2) May 2025
3) September 2025

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