Ed215r Instructor Observation

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OF ED 215-R Field Student
Candidate: Cassy Wroblewski

Check One:
1stObservation __X

Assessor: Robin Gleason

2nd Observation __


Cooperating Teacher: Jessica Pollex

Number of Students: 17

School: Highland View Elementary - Greendale

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization, Diagnosis
WTS: 1,2,3,4,5,7 DISP: Respect)
Plans instruction appropriate to students stages of development and
learning styles.
Plan includes a motivating opening.
Activities and materials are well chosen.
Plan reflects use of an effective theoretical model, such as Holdaway,
Cambourne, Vygotsky, etc.
Plan encourages student progress and engagement.
Plan includes adaptations for students with specific needs and learning
Questions are planned in advance.
A meaningful closure concludes planning process.




Grade: 1

Subject(s): Literacy Reading Worskhop

Evidence (Candidate)

You were well prepared for this lesson, Cassy. You

appropriately planned to use shared reading to teach retelling.
The text you chose was appropriate for this learning objective
and for the developmental levels of the children. You
considered their developmental levels of reading as well,
particularly when the children were practicing the strategy using
their own just right books.
Your plan clearly was guided by theory. The structure of your
plan followed the Holdaway Model and you incorporated
Vygoskian Theory into your procedures. You detailed the think
alouds you planned to do as well as the turn and talks
throughout the demonstration and participation parts of your
lesson. You also prepared your assessment checklist ahead of
time and had it ready for note-taking during the practice part of
your lesson.
You submitted your plan in plenty of time to receive feedback
both from me and your CT. Because of the thoroughness of
your planning process, you taught a very effective literacy
lesson. You knew the content and procedures so well that you
were completely confident as you taught.


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

School: Highland View Elementary - Greendale

Grade: 1
Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,3,4,5,6

Subject(s): Literacy Reading Worskhop

DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Collaboration, Communication)

Offers explicit praise to students.

Teachers and students connect to one another by smiling, sharing and
Respects each child as an individual.
Supports students as they work independently and collaboratively.
Manages transitions efficiently.
Effectively uses resources and curriculum materials to develop the ideas
being taught.
Manages student attention by engaging them productively in learning
Clearly communicates expectations and procedures for behavior and




Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You set a positive and productive learning environment right from the
start, Cassy. Your interactions with the children were respectful and
warm. You consistently kept the focus on the lesson objective
throughout the workshop.
Your CT settled the children on the rug for you. You greeted the children
and set expectations for readers workshop. You had great eye contact
and leaned in to connect with the children. Early on in the lesson, you
also set expectations for turn and talks by having the children role-play
what this would look like. You made sure that the children could see the
text. You engaged the children in turn and talks and monitored their
understanding by rotating around the room. When the children lost focus
a bit, you easily reminded them to use their good listening behaviors.
You also reminded them that they would have a chance to talk with their
partners in a minute. The children were also engaged as you read the
text because you used a big book with some repetitive language. The
children joined in on these parts.
You checked in with the partners a second time and noticed when a little
girl was not participating. You went over to her right away to address her
concerns. After your min-lesson lesson, you easily transitioned the
children back to your CT, who organized the children for the Daily Five.
When you conferred with the children, you sat next to each one of them
on the carpet with the child holding the book. You easily engaged them
in conversation about their reading, keeping the focus on retelling. (Your
CT at this time also seemed responsible for monitoring student behavior
of the rest of the children. What role will you need to take when you are
the primary teacher in the classroom? What are you learning from this
experience to equip you to take on this responsibility?


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis,

Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,4,5,6,7,10
DISP: Respect, Communication)
Demonstrates knowledge of content throughout delivery.
Presents content in developmentally appropriate ways.
Consistently demonstrates enthusiasm.
Models and supports active listening, discussion and
thoughtful responses in reading, writing & speaking.
Challenges and supports student thinking by using:
o different types of explanations
o various levels of questioning and discussion
techniques-Blooms Taxonomy
o techniques that repeat and/or extend student
o a variety of modalities (visual, auditory,
Focuses student attention on lesson objectives.
Actively engages students in meaningful learning and
keeps them on task.
Adapts plans as needed.
Varies role in instructional process (instructor, facilitator,
coach, audience) in relation to content, purposes of
instruction and needs of learners. (Holdaway Model, etc.)
Is respectful of cultural and gender differences.
Relates learning to students previous learning and/or to
students personal experiences.




Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You clearly knew the content of this lesson retelling- and how to go about
teaching it effectively to first graders in a developmentally appropriate way. You
were confident in your teaching and were natural in your interactions with the
children throughout the workshop.
Introduction, Demonstration and Participation:
You started the lesson by connecting the learning with previous learning. You
clearly set the lesson objective retelling and then also set expectations for
the children to notice the good reading strategies you will be using as you read.
You used the visual your CT had prepared to remind the children of the 5 things
they need to think about as they are reading. You highlighted the character,
vocabulary, use of pictures/illustrations, as you read aloud, using a think aloud.
You checked in with the children through turn and talks to see if they noticed
what you were doing the reading strategies you were using as you read. (After
the turn and talks, it would have been helpful for you to recap what the children
were saying in their conversations.) You continued reading, modeling making
and checking predictions. After the reading, you modeled how to use the Five
Finger Strategy to retell the story. You used the enlarged text to go through the
book again to help support the retell as you were thinking about the five points.
This is a great strategy to teach the students to retell. You used retelling
language, and then You went back to address if there was a problem and
solution in this story. You went back to the visual and recapped how you went
about retelling the story. Then, you asked the children to turn and talk with their
partners to discuss what they saw you doing when you retold the story. After the
partner share, you recapped what some of the children said. (Another great way
to recap to get ready to close the lesson.)
Closure, Practice, Performance:
For the closure, you set the expectation for read to self and read to partner,
aspects of the Daily Five, that the children will be transitioning to next. Once the
children were settled, you got ready to confer in with the children who were
reading to themselves. You easily prompted a little boy to retell the story he was
reading by using the pictures and the Five Finger Strategy. You checked his
retelling on another book, by again prompting him to use the pictures and the
Five Finger Strategy. (At what point, might you lesson your support and ask the
child to tell you what he needs to think about to retell?)
Your solid preparation for this lesson clearly contributed to your teaching a strong
literacy lesson, Cassy. You did a great job of varying your level of support
throughout the lesson, from modeler/demonstrator, to coach. (Were there any
times you were the audience?) Just one suggestion remember to incorporate
teaching the children why the strategy is important how this will help them as
readers and even when they use this strategy (before, during, or after reading.)


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,3,7,8,9

DISP: Reflection)
Provides feedback to learners (oral and/or written).
Focuses the students attention on the process of learning rather than
just getting the correct answer or finishing an activity.
Assessment relates directly to objectives.
Students self assess (oral and/or written).
Assessment was well chosen for lesson content.
Uses information from lesson and assessment in planning of future
Reflects on own performance in relation to student learning and WI
teacher standards.




Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You did a nice job of monitoring the childrens learning during the
Demonstration and Participation parts of the lesson through the turn and
talks. You walked around to listen into the pairs as they discussed the
strategies they saw you using and how you used the Five Finger strategy
to retell the text. You gave the students positive feedback, particularly
toward the end of the lesson during the closure. Another time you
assessed and gave feedback was during your conferring with individual
children. You used a checklist you prepared to record their thinking. What
did you notice about the childrens learning in relation to retelling? What,
specifically, were you looking for? How would you use this information to
plan future lessons? What did this tell you about the effectiveness of your
teaching? Think about how you can collect evidence of how independent
the children are in their use of the strategy as well as if the children can
explain their use of the strategy and why it is important for them to know
and be able to do. (You were able to confer with several children as they
rotated through the Daily Five.) The rest of the children were engaged in
their Daily Five tasks. You followed the routines set by your CT, and
therefore the children were engaged in these learning experiences so you
could devote your attention to conferring with individual children. Work to
grow in consistency when reflecting in depth on your practice in relation to
the WTS and the AEA.


Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative Interaction WTS:

1,2,6,7,9,10 DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Collaboration, Communication)
Demonstrates professionalism through timely completion of work for Classroom ____
Seminar ____
Demonstrates professionalism through regular attendance, arriving on time. School
____ Seminar ____
Relates professionally and effectively with students, cooperating teacher____,
staff____, and supervisor ____ (including initiating conversation, and problem solving).
(Social Interaction at Level 4)
Completes self -assessments, reflecting on planning and implementing of lessons.
Is willing to give and receive help.
Demonstrates Effective Citizenship by attending a school/parent event and completing
an accompanying log.
Actively participates in seminar by offering ideas, sharing materials and supporting
peers. (Social Interaction at Level 4)



Evidence (Candidate)
You are professional in your interactions with me, your CT, the
students in your field classroom, and your colleagues in seminar.
You actively participate in discussions in seminar.
You are growing in becoming more consistent in the quality of your
written performances, particularly in elaborating on your thinking
with details and examples.
Your assignments are generally submitted on time.


Additional Comments: This was a fine literacy lesson, Cassy. You were natural and confident in your teaching due to the
amount of planning and preparation you put into this lesson. You seem very comfortable in a first grade classroom! The
children responded very well to you and your approach.
I encourage you to put this type of planning and preparation into all of your assignments, Cassy, to become more consistent
in timeliness and quality. This type of thinking will help you to grow into a truly effective teacher, not only of literacy, but in all
content areas. I also encourage you to continue to grow in reflecting on your practices in relation to student performance and
the theory. Your thinking has grown throughout the semester as your understanding of effective literacy teaching and
learning has developed.

Overall Performance: ____Inadequate ____Emerging _X___Proficient ____Distinctive

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

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