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Present Simple / Present Cont. Tense

1. I ________ going to school tomorrow.
a) Am b) is c) are
2. I like _________
a) Ski b) skiing c) skis
3. Jo and Eve _______ a piano lesson every day.
a) Has b) having c) have
4. _________ Luke have much homework?
a) Do b) Does c) Is
5. I ________ have English on Mondays.
a) Isnt b) dont c) doesnt
6. He _________ like his teacher.
a) Isnt b) doesnt c) hasnt
7. Josh _______ got a brother.
a) Have b) havent c) hasnt
8. She always ________ her homework at home.
a) Do b) does c) is doing
9. He _________ sleeping in my bed now.
a) Doesnt b) isnt c) not
10. I prefer ____________ TV than playing football.
a) Watch b) watching c) watches


Write the singular or plural
























Fill in: some, any, a , and an

1. There is ______ milk in the fridge.
2. I dont like ______ apples.
3. Have you got _______ sisters?
4. She hasnt got ____________ books to read.
5. Are there ____ girls in your class? No, there arent _____.
6. Every day I eat ____ orange and I drink ______ tea.
7. My cousin is ______ teacher, and my brother is _____ fire fighter.


Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives or choose the right

possessive adjective
1. Where is ( I ) _______ book?
2. ( You )_________ laptop is very expensive.
3. ( He ) ________ favorite hobby is tennis.
4. We want to see ( it ) __________historical monuments.
5. She goes to school with ________ brother.
6. Nancy is from England. ________ husband is from Australia.
7. I like singing. ______mother sings with me.
8. Two students didnt do ___________ mathematics homework.
9. We go to a high school. __________ high school is fantastic.
10. We have a dog. ________ name is Pancho.


Observe the map and choose the correct preposition.

1. The music store is ____________ Santos Dumont Street and Rosa e Silva
2. The hospital is ____________ the pet shop.
3. The toy store is ____________ the music store and the restaurant.
4. The supermarket is ______________ the restaurant.
5. The fast food restaurant is ____________ Amelia Street.

6. The bookstore is _____________ the supermarket.

7. The Bank is on Santos Dumont Street ___________ the flower shop.
8. The school is __________ Amelia Street and Rosa e Silva Avenue.
9. The pet shop is _________ Amelia Street.
10. The flower shop is ____________ Santos Dumont Street.


Describe yourself

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