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Lisa Rogers ePortfolio Analysis and Action Plan

The field of higher education requires a certain set of knowledge, skills,

and competencies. After participating in this program, my assistantship, and
my internships, I feel more that adequately prepared to enter the field.
Throughout my time at Loyola University Chicago, I have gained knowledge
and skills in cultural competence, student development theory, research and
assessment, leadership theories, enrollment management, and
organizational theories. These courses have provided me with extensive
knowledge that I will continue to apply as I enter a professional position.
I believe that my two strongest skills set are in self-reflection as it
relates to social justice and diversity as well as in counseling skills. As is
noted throughout my ePortfolio, I spent a lot of time during this program
reflecting on my identities and how they influence the work that I do on a
day-to-day basis. The reflection I bring to my work allows me to be more
aware of how identities shape professional work environments. I look
forward to the opportunity to engage students in conversations around topics
of social justice. I also bring counseling skills to my role as a student affairs
practitioner. Having studied social work during my undergraduate studies, I
came into this program with foundational skills and knowledge about
counseling theory and techniques. This program has given me the
opportunity to practice and refine those skills. I found that I have a skillset
for building rapport and getting to know students regardless of the
circumstances under which we are meeting. These are the skills and
knowledge that I am most excited to bring to the field.

Lisa Rogers ePortfolio Analysis and Action Plan

As for professional development, I feel that while I am in graduate
school I often rely on our classes or institution to provide those opportunities.
That being said, I look forward to pursuing professional development that is
of my own choosing. Throughout my time here, I have been stockpiling a
number of articles and jotting down names of books that others have said I
must read. It is my desire and hope that I will be able to incorporate
professional reading into my regular schedule so that I am continuing to be
up to date on what is happening in the field. I would also like to do
additional reading so that I can incorporate it into my work with and training
of student staff.
Finally, I will seek out formal professional development opportunities,
including departmental and divisional opportunities to engage in topics of
importance to the field of higher education. I will also continue to attend as
many conferences as I can. I have been a member of NASPA for three years
and though I have attended conferences, I have not been as involved in the
regional branches of the organizational. I would like this to change once I
graduate and enter into my first professional job. I have always found
tremendous value in networking at these conferences and would like to
increase my involvement on campus and beyond. I also foresee that much
of my professional development will come from my peers in this program
right now. I anticipate that I will be calling them when I have a question or
need advice and I know they would be happy to help, just as I would be. I

Lisa Rogers ePortfolio Analysis and Action Plan

built incredible relationships with people in this program and know that they
will continue to be a support system on which I can rely.

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