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Isabella Pelaez



Say NO to Deforestation
Imagine a world with no trees, no animals, and no humans. This is exactly what will

happen if we continue to cut down trees! Deforestation has a big impact on the environment and
on those who live in it. Cutting down a tree can mean hurting a human. It can mean causing an
animal to go extinct, because cutting down a tree can destroy an animal's habitat. Lastly, it
contributes to global warming because when carbon dioxide is not absorbed, it goes back into the
atmosphere which heats up the earth. What would happen if a whole forest was destroyed? The
possibilities are endless. Save our earth, save our animals and save us!
People may not know but every time they cut down a tree, you affect a human a lot.
When you cut down a tree you contribute to losing a plant that can help cure diseases such as the
periwinkle plant. This plant was found in Madagascar but was wiped out by deforestation. The
Periwinkle plant helped increase the survival of of kids with childhood leukemia. It increased
survival by 60%, from 20% to 80%. According to the article from,
Tropical Rainforest, Natures Medicine Cabinet, it says that many plants found in forests can
help cure some diseases such as Malaria, heart disease, bronchitis, diabetes, muscle tension,
hypertion, rheumatism, arthritis, glaucoma, dysentery, tuberculosis, and many other health
problems. Another example showing how deforestation affects humans is every time we cut
down a tree or destroy a forest, less carbon dioxide is absorbed by the trees and too much carbon
is not good for humans.
Another result of deforestation is the extinction of of many forest animals. Every time we
cut down a tree, we destroy the habitat of an animal that depends on that tree to provide it with

food and shelter. If we stopped cutting down trees, many animals that have already gone extinct
would still be roaming the forest. We lose about 137 species of animals everyday due to
deforestation. According to, Amazon deforestation caused the
extinction of 26 species. Their homes were destroyed and they had no food. Animals such as
the red faced spider monkey, the spectacled bear, and many other animals were killed to
extinction because of deforestation. When we lose a tree, we lose and animal, we lose an entire
species. We need to stop cutting trees before more animals go extinct. What will you do to save
our forest animals?
One last reason for as to why deforestation is harmful is because it has a huge impact on
the earth. Cutting down trees contributes to global warming. If we prevent deforestation, we can
preserve natural resources. It can also slow down harmful effects of global warming. According
to, cutting down trees is also contributing to the greenhouse effect. Too much
heat is being trapped in the earths atmosphere which causes rising temperatures and climate
change. Another harmful effect of deforestation on our planet is acid rain. It is formed by the
burning of fossil fuels and because of this and deforestation it contributes to global warming
which is affecting the earth a lot. If we want to make the world a better place then we need to put
an end to deforestation!
Some may say that deforestation does good to the economy because it provides jobs such
as lumberjacks,. It also helps with agriculture. Clearing out the land leaves more space for
farmers to grow more crops. The wood of the tree can be used in various ways such as; building
homes, making chairs and desks and many more items that can be of great use to us. However,
deforestation hurts us a lot more than it helps us. According to Development or Destruction?

Deforestation by Richard Spilsbury, it states that illegal logging can increase the spread of
forest fires. Also, deforestation causes a lot of destructive landslides and floods every year.
All in all, from all the evidence you have read about, you will agree with that
deforestation is bad. It is bad for the earth, it is bad for animals and it is bad for us as well. In
order to make the world a safer and healthier place we need to stop cutting trees and cut
deforestation! There is so much we can do to help like planting a tree, or buying recycling
products or even trying to limit the amount of paper you waste every day. Dont wait until it is
too late!!

Development or destruction (BOOK)

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