Capstone Portfolio Standard Reflection Standard 3

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Professional School Counselor Portfolio (PSCP)

Brief Reflection Form

Standard 3
Standard 3: Fostering Relationships
Competencies Addressed:
1. Employ effective counseling and consultation skills with students,
colleagues, administrators, and others.
2. Communicate effectively with parents, colleagues, students, and
3. Counsel students in the areas of personal, social, academic, and
4. Assist families in helping their children address the personal, social,
emotional concerns and problems that may impeded
educational progress.
5. Implement developmentally appropriate counseling interventions
with children
and adolescents.
6. Demonstrate the ability to negotiate and move individuals and
groups toward
consensus or conflict resolution or both.
7. Refer students for specialized help when appropriate.
8. Value the well-being of the students as paramount in the counseling
Date Created: March 10th, 2015
Student Name: Kelli Mitchell

Reviewers Initials: _____________

Reflection Papers must be typed and 2-3 pages in length following the four domain headings
1. Describe the context in which these artifacts were collected and identify the standard
and competency(s) the artifact represents.
My Individual counseling video from GEDU 551/550 demonstrates competency 1, 3, and
8. This artifact represents responsive services because it is individual counseling.
The practicum GEDU 551/550 parent conference form was completed as an assignment
under the consultation section of my practicum. The documents completed for consultation were
determined to be an artifact that demonstrates proficiency in several competencies under this
standard. These artifacts explain how I was able to meet competency 5 and 4.
The small group counseling video from GEDU 551/550 in which I facilitated a
Friendship small group was completed as a required assignment for my (K-8) practicum. This
video demonstrate competency 3, 4, 8. This artifact represent responsive services since it was
small group counseling.

2. What do they demonstrate to you about your learning and mastery of the competencies
which fall under this standard?
My Individual counseling video was used as an artifact for this standard because of the
way in which it demonstrates my use of effective counseling skills with a student, counseling a
student in the areas of personal/social and academic, as well as building rapport with the student.
The parent conference form was determined to be an artifact that demonstrates
proficiency to several competencies under this standard. In this parent conference I
demonstrated my ability to employ effective counseling and consultation skills with students,
parents, and colleagues; competency 1. I wore a review of my performance during the parent
teacher conference.
AS a demonstration of my fostering of relationships skills, I chose to use my small group
video in which I facilitated a Friendship small group for male students in the second grade.
This video demonstrates the way in which I counseled students in the areas of personal/social
goals. I assisted the students with their personal/social problems, meeting competencies 5 and 6.
Also demonstrated competency 8.

3. What do these items of evidence tell you about your overall progress toward your
personal goals and your growth as a professional school counselor?
These artifacts show the growth and change that I have experienced compared to the
skills that I had in the area of fostering relationships upon entering the program. I fond the
process of small groups, individual counseling, and parent consultation very familiar. Prior to
entering the program I had a lot of experience with building relationships and rapport with
children and families. I would do Life Space Interviews (which is somewhat equivalent to
individual counseling) with children after they were in crisis. In the life space interview we
could explore what happened, connect their feelings and behaviors, and the child would come up
with alternate behaviors and make a plan. In order for a child to complete a Life space interview
with you they would need to have a relationships with you and trust you. I felt this skill was a
great foundation prior to entering the program. I would also communicate weekly with families
on how their child was doing, and things that were going on the unit. I would communicate if
their child was restrained and answer any questions or concerns they had. Building a
relationship with the childs parent was also a very important skill I required. A parents
relationship is important because you want them on board with the treatment or education you
are providing to their child. Going into the program and learning about the educational setting
dos and donts helped me progress and grow. Relationships with teachers and faculty is
something that was new to me, and I feel that I was able to grow in that aspect. I learned that
teachers and faculty are very knowledgeable of their students and can be a great resource to use.
4. What are your plans for additional growth or improvement in this area?

As I would move into a school counselor position I would want to

implement regular small group counseling sessions. I really enjoyed the
small group process and feel that it can impact the students. Small group
counseling session are a grew way to reach more then one student at a time.
It is also a great way for students to learn from their peers. A students
peers is often their greatest teacher. Students tend to be influenced by their
peers, and small groups is a great way for students to do that. I also plan to
reach out to as many teachers and individuals as possible for individual
counseling. I would reach out to the teachers, because they see the
students in their natural environment and have the most knowledge of what
is going on with their students. It is also important to be visible and
reachable. I would make sure the students know who I am and where they
can find me. Having rapport with students and teachers is a necessary
foundation in the counseling process and fostering relationships. I plan on
establishing and maintaining positive relationships with the students and
teachers in the school that I work in so that I can best serve them and
understand their needs and situations.

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