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Getting to Know You

Childs name:
Birth date:

Childs siblings:
Parents names:

1. What are some of your childs favorite activities or special interests?

2. What are some of your childs favorite songs and stories?
3. What are your childs special strengths?
4. What are your childs favorite foods? Are there any special food considerations
about which we need to know (allergies, nutrition concerns, etc.)?
5. What are your childs toileting habits? Are there any considerations about which
we need to know?
6. What is your childs resting habits? Does your child still rest in the afternoon?
7. Who are the important people in your childs life outside of his/her immediate
family (special friends, caregivers, etc.)? What pets do you have?
8. What dislikes or fear does your child have?
9. What special routines, if any do you use with your child when she/he is having a
rough time or when you are leaving him or her?

How does your child communicate at home?

What are you hopes for your childs preschool year?

Is there anything else that you think would be helpful or important for us to
know about your child before school starts?

What can I, as your childs teacher do to help you?

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