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Evolution of Apple

"Think Different"
Melissa Rodriguez
EDUC 515

The Start

Steve Jobs befriended Steve


1975, both set up work shop in

Job's parents garage

1976 business was named Apple

Computer, Inc.

Renamed business to Apple Inc.

in 2007

1st & 2nd Innovations

1976 Jobs and Wozniak generated

business capital of $1,350 to start

The Apple I generated enough cash

to improve and refine their design.

Targeted mostly hobbyist

1977 Apple II was created

First personal computer with color

graphics and a keyboard-$200 Mil

Apple Shine was Wearing


Apple III was created I'm 1980

Followed was the Lisa

Lisa did very poor

Decline due to other competitors

Lost almost half of Apples market

to IBM

The Macintosh

Introduced in 1984

First personal computer to integrate

a graphical-user interface controlled
by a mouse.

Created to be an at home computer

but was was to expensive- $2,494.

Tried to pitch the Mac as a business

computer instead, but failed for
what America wanted and needed.

A Different Direction for


Jobs resigned in 1985 due to

differences with a business partner

Jobs launch NeXT Computer Co. The

NeXT Computer was fast processing,
had executional graphics and a optical
disk drive.

Jobs Focused on other business such

as Pixar Animations- Toy Story

Apple bought NeXT due to its success$400 Mil

Jobs was re-appointed

The Right Direction

Jobs installed the G3 PowerPC microprocessor in all Apple computers

The development of iMac began

Now, under Jobs guidance, Apple quickly returned to profitability- in

1998 Apple boosted sales 5.9 billion

Revolution of Products

2001 iPod portable digital audio


2003 Online market is createdApple iTunes

2007 iPhone handset

2010 iPad tablet computer

Only Continues

Tim Cook CEO of Apple in


World's greatest leader in

2015 averages
new Apple products


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