Idsl 860 Wilkerj, V R Williams Case For Support Scoring Template

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IDSL 860 ~ Case for Support Evaluation

Total of 20 points possible

Written Case Document
Heroic purpose clearly stated. Recent
relevant data cited.


Points Earned
(Please explain your scoring rationale)

Points 18

The heroic purpose is to upgrade WCC's radiologic

training equipment so that students can better prepare for,

and succeed in, clinical education in radiography. Much
recent relevant data is cited as background.

The colleges vision is articulated and plan 0-5

for implementing the vision is logical and
demonstrates what will be different/better
(advantages) for learners and the

The vision is articulated, and the implementation plan is logical.

WCC's is committed to providing occupational education
programs, in partnership with the business and medical

community, to train skilled professionals needed in the

medical workforce. The radiographic equipment being
sought will improve the training environment for learners.

Funding equation is clear, including

portion to be raised through donor


The funding equation is clear. 6.6% of the $150,000 being

sought is expected to come from WCC Board of Trustees, 26.7%

from community and philanthropic support, and 66.7% from

"other" donors. Not sure about the circular funding chart on p. 3.

Colleges unique qualifications are

presented effectively.


WCC's unique qualifications are presented well: it has a

successful history in training entry level diagnostic radiography

students, with impressive completion and job placement chart.

Convincing sense of urgency is imparted.


Convincingly conveyed need, but not a strong sense of urgency.


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