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GEXMBDE ERSE soe opt pests || vow ne | eau | RICEETA | RANK IMPROVEMENT COURSE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Subject : Network Theory Section-A : Objective ANSWERS 1. (ce) a (b) 13. (d) 19. (d) 25. (c) 2 (a) 8. (a) 14. (a) 20. (a) 26. (d) 3. {c) 9. fa) 15. (b) 21. (c) 27. (b) 4. (b) 10. (b) 16. (c) 22. (b) 28. (a) 5. fa) abt (ce) 17. (d) 23. (d) 29. (c) 6. (b) 12. (c) 18. (b) 24. (a) 30. (b) Salus 1. (0) 0: Applying KVL in the loop, we have +iR, + 2i on on on So, voltage across the resistance R, = 100 is 12g Vay = 4gX10=8.23V =92V (a) The input impedan system is given by (__ Rest ~ nes+ Le { sf | L R. 1 So *TS*ic} The poles of Z{s) willbe obtained as 1 of s+4e,1 -0 c°*Te or, s For the poles of Z(s) to be real put unequal, aesoxd we have, 4a) = 1 Po L (Rete | Fe-ygr oe naele NETWORKTHEORY worwimadeeasyin | cpa MADE EASE re] MADE ERSY con | nos | anopat Fderbad | per Lucow | Indore | Bhubaneswar RICEE14 n 3. 4. (c) According to Tellegen's theorem, the sum of instantaneous power consumed by various elements in the branches of the network is always equal to zero, ° Lv i) =0 (where, b= number of branches) (b) The circuit of an ideal transformer (no-loss either in winding or core) is shown in figure below. Ti (1) or, L= ol, From equation (1) and (2), we have (2) = ol, Comparing above equations with transmission equations, AV, + Bl, CV, + Dl, We get, C=0,D=n (transmission or chain parameters) Hence, transmission (or chain) matrixis [e al-[0 5] é produced or utlleed in any form without th ofthis book may be "ASY, New Delhi. No p 0 MADE ° 5. (a) Let, Ly=10mH, Ly = 20mH Let the voltage across the terminal XY be v then li, at and de ct on and vat by 20 so 4b. ® b L710 or, i, = 2i, (1) Also, i, +i,=25 (Given) (2) Solving equations (1) and (2), we get i, = 16.674 and i, = 833A . (b) A tank circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor connected in parallel as shown in figure given below. < re At resonance, X; = X,and the citculating current (through L or C)is given by pee ~X, Xp | nhl (f,=tesonant frequency) Vv nx. 1 L 2nVlo or, A NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERSY tain) sc | shops Fderbad | per Lucow | Indore | Bhubaneswar RICEE14 7. (b) The heat energy dissipatedfiberated by the resistor is given by f(t) = 2t+ 4 (since intercept = 4) Laplace transform of 0 is As)= 24224429 ve € s s H= Dep o-3(4] t é 2] 10. (b) £| Using initial value theorem, we have = 343? 6-3) : : 5 5 g 40%) = Lt 19) eos ae 9 |2 s(s+) 5 5 oa poreeet im a sels eset Zs- 12) : Amp. 5 », Power dissipated in the resister of Sis oH 2 400+ 900+ 100 + 00100) 3 W= [OVP x 5 s = (1)? x 5=5 Watts = 5700 4440 2] 41. () 5 2 As the given circultis a parallel combination 8. (d) 2 of RLC elements, therefore, > | inputaamittanceis Given, V, (& + 2} vots for all t 8 Pea) y and i) = 0 3 1 i ao = {yar 5 or, (9 = Tf 5 2 z 1 2 - tj (ala 5 alle) (for t= 200) | 8 z The given circuit will be at resonance (ie. V = fia and J will be in phase) if the imaginary part 3 of Y,, will be equal to zero. 3 Wole o,c-— oe g) ie Roe a] oo B] ox 9. a 8} on Using the equation y= mx-+ o, the equation on of the ramp will be 12. + WETWORKTHEORY worwimadeeasyin | cpa MADE EASE GQ MADE ERSY tain) sc | shops Fderbad | per Lucow | Indore | Bhubaneswar RICEE14 1 iL migvo- ee ‘Substituting the values, we get, 1 Ces ar 2nx0.1V10x10% = 158.44Hz 12. (c) By observing the given network, we see that there are two networks which are connected in parallel as shown below. o> Wr 9 aad 19 Networker Network-I can be redrawn as shown below. wai o > ° So, admittance matrixis 1 05 m=(35 | é produced or utlleed in any form without th ofthis book may be "ASY, New Delhi. No p 0 MADE ° Also, the impedance matrix of Network-Il is zest! tpt 214 teal bt 2 24 Hence, [Yp= [ZB 4 2 3.3 Since the two network-| and Il respectively are connected in parallel, therefore, their y- parameters will be added Hence, the equivalent admittance mattixwill be (Mloax. = [Yh + [Ye 2 1 _[ 1 -05),|3 73 [es THA 2 3.3 5 5 3 6 =\'s 5|® 6 3 Hence, option (c) is not true. (a) Let the current through the capacitor be I, Lotus apply superposition theorem. To find current only due to the 100° V voltage source: The other current source get open circuited current through the capacitor is 10.20" (6+ /5) + (6-15) 1Z0°A=1A To find current only due to the 5290° A current source: The 1020° V voltage source gets short circuited and the circuit becomes as shown below, 13. Ba 5290" 5a 13. + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERY oats sic | shopa | treated | ape | Lucnow | indore | thabarenrr | RICEET4 (. 5+/5 5) Curenti, = (+8 _) (6007 1 urentle = By eH)? ee = (pos +5) 2m2x10* x200x10 = (0.25 + 0.25)A . = 7.988 kHZ Using superposition theorem, the total | & . 1 rent 7 2] 80, Easy = (6) x10x— current through the capacitor will be E dssieyore = & 78x10) Lehth 2 (14 (o2s+p25ya | é = 31.41 md = (0.75 + 25)A Hence, both the statements are true = 07921843" A 15. (b) = 0821843" After transforming the given network in s- domain, the given figure can be represented as shown below, 14, (a) Aseries RLC circuit at resonance stores a constant amount of energy. Since when the inductor current is maximum, the capacitor voltage is minimum and vice-versa. ©, maximum energy stored in aRLC series circuit al resonance is the maximum energy slored in capacitors equal tothe maximum energy stored in the inductor. So, maximum energy stored is é tie. oye 3 = tug, =tev i Wry = 5 Liman oVenax : Now, at resonance 3 v_50 s = Ba, =5A 3 fous = R10 (on) Maximum energy stored. 3] Hore, Z,(s) = 84 2 ext tie 2 (2 t)o1 = tu sti W, = 5 Mia 3 J = txaxtotxee — |F = =} 3 = 0.025 = 25.25 mJ i Also, total energy dissipated per eycle is | 2 equivalent to the energy dissipated by the | 2 inductor and the energy cissipated by the | E capacitor ia. c and Z,{s) = 2 2 z . Exuoce = (SExt | o[ BE : sss = (3H) "LB 3 = (wed) i 6 ° -( 2542544 ) Now, resonant frequency, © \2s4 2844445" +8s, 1 -( Ast+4 2nJLC 4s + 12844) 14. + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GA MADE ERS con | noes | sepa | tyntas | ape | cn | indore | thasreorr | RICEET4 sti) Lt [s? E(s)] o a()= (St - 0-(stonl a Now, the above circuitreduces to the circuit > as shown below. < = J — 28) s sso (5+ (5 +8)(5+5) 2(9) é 1 £ ° £| 17. (@) y aL] vy Applying KCL at the input mode, we have | | 3 are ig yy Me = ¥ 2 £ 7 Now, thez-parameters forthe abovenetwork | E 2 willbe z or, 2Vp 4h = 4) Z (8) = Z (5) +29) 2 ats get 3 Again, applying KCL at the output node, ~ easel 523s) = we get: S4ase1 Seass1 | 3 ew 1 8 a= Vi Ve 3 ° V2 * 1 th and Z y= Zale) -(34) 2 % +3 Vz-2 a0 (2) si r3eet & Also, using y-parameters (given) for Also, Zy(8) = Z(s) = Zp 3 network-N, we ean write and Zyls) = Z(s)= Zp > 16. (c) 3 We know that power is given by 2 poy = dene) _ 0 3] puting tse values of, and in equations att 5 3 (1)and (2), we get. or Pls) = sE(s) 2 Po) = Lt ISPs} é ‘ = LIP eS z u 9 ; -uletttg] f) ot eK ° a=] (849) (8+3)(5+5) 2 and -2V, +3V, +2V, + 2V, =5V,=0 3 or, V, = 0 volt 448 £ Putting V, = 0 in equation (3), we get = lt s 3 ol (+3) (143) [1+ 3 3 Us, Z 2 =1 2 or, = initial value of power 3 Also, final value of power is Hence Peo) = [PII] (Using final value theorem) 15+ NETWORKTHEORY wowmadeeasyin | oomgn MADE EASE GQ MADE ERSY tain) sc | shops Fderbad | per Lucow | Indore | Bhubaneswar RICEE14 18. (b) For finding the Norton's equivalent circuit across the terminals a-b, the terminals will be short circuited as shown below. 210.20 Let the node vollage be V. Using nodel analysis, (aaa) (a) 0% V[0.2 - 0.4 + 0.125 ~ 0.125 +02) é produced or utlleed in any form without th (22e).0 54/6 44 j12 = 5 ore = 601213240 Hence, y= 269278°A and = 6213.24 and Norton's equivalent circuit is shown below. 2y= 8.21324 0 y= 2.69275") eb 19. (d) Using star-delta transformation, let us first convert the internal star connected = 10230" = (8.66 + 5) inductances to an equivalent deta Le. 5 _ (866-456 3 * | os25=j0.508 2) 9 ° L = 13.46278°V g} ow hn * 3 Hence, the current through the 5 @ resistor | 7 i‘ é a => ae 2 aa 2 ° = oe = 1SA6275" -pesacrera |S 1x 2 Here, L,. = 1+14+—=-=3H Also, Z,, = 2, actos the terminals avb is |= 7 found as shown below. e tt (Terminal ab is open circuited) w = ites 3H ‘w—se 8] and Lge tet Beg i Hence, the given circuit reduces to the ae 3| —creuitas shown below. 8 3H 2o§ Bo 2 » 3 ° ZZ (Gti 4+I4)) |g (jaa ja), 16 + NETWORKTHEORY wwwimadeeasyin | opr MADE ERSY MADE ERSY con | nos | anopat re] Ferabae | per | Lucnow | indore | Bhubaneswar | RICEE14 Now, each 3 Hinductances are connected in patallol with a3 Hinductance each. Thus, combining the parallel inductances, the equivalent circuit reduces as shown in figure below: 1s 20 8 ec 154 is be ed Hence, the equivalent inductance between the terminal a-b is 3x18) _ yy 3418 (a) Let ¥;.be the final votage (in steady state) appearing across te terminal 1-2 atte the capacitor C discharges and charges the capacitor aC through the resistor Equating the charge of the two capacitors, we get Vac) = 4o- ve ma 20. Here, V,(ai0) = Charge appearing on capacitor aC V,C- VC = Charge remaining on capacitor C on V(1 ta) = My % (ra) Now, initial stored energy by capacitor C (a) sew 2 and, final energy in the circuit é produced or utlleed in any form without th ofthis book may be "ASY, New Delhi. No p 21. Hence, total energy lost (in resistor A) = Initial energy - Final energy 1 1 1 ~ 206-308 (ta) = Love (2 = 208 (5) Hence, total energy lostin circuit is ( <) ta 16s of inital energy stored by C. Thus, k= (2 (8) (c) At t= 0" (before switching), the circuit will be in steady state condition and hence inductor will act as short circu. Also, i,(0") = i(0*) = 5A 80, voltage drop across the resistor R at t=0ris Va = (0") x R= 5 x 1= 5 volt Also, the circuit at t= 0° (after switching) is shown below where, the capacitor acts as short circuit te tae E Applying KVL in the loop at t= = Haowy? +3ev i Ve V0") = 9 : 3 or. (0") = -Vz=-5V = 30 (14a) z Hence, voltage across the inductor at 5 t=O =-5V 1 % F 3 Check: porvene| He] ® At t= 0, Vor) = 0 or, V0") = Vq+ V,(0") 1 Vj " 5- v = 1 BE Using equation (1) 2 (ira "9 Clearly, V.{0") = O is satistying 17 + "NETWORKTHEORY worwimadeeasyin | cpa MADE EASE re] MADE ERSY con | nos | anopat Fderbad | per Lucow | Indore | Bhubaneswar RICEE14 22. (b) 23. 8 Given, Power dissipated in the circ Active power = 320 W and Apparant power will be = 100 x 4 = 400 VA Hence, Power factor of the circultis cosy = _Hotive power ‘Apparent power = 320 00 Now, power dsipatedin he oreut = PR=320W ' = 220, 920, 320 ray 16 =200 Also, vege top actoss 2 = 14 =179 vols 179_ 179 ° Aap e =44750 Hence, 20? + x? = 44.75 or, X= (44.75) - 20” = 400 (< inductive part of 2) Therefore, net inductive reactance in the circuits =x ex = 2% + 40-052 Thus, net reactive power drain in the given circuits Og = PX, = (4)?x65 = 1040 VAR lagging = +1040 VAR (d) Applying Thevenin’s theorem To find Vog across 50 & resistor: 50 © resistor is removed to find Vog (open circuit voltage). é produced or utlleed in any form without th ofthis book may be "ASY, New Delhi. No p 0 MADE ° The circuit will be as shown below. im Applying KVL in the loop a-d-c-b-a, we get 101, + (1,~ 1)1.5-(8.5-1,)20-(5 -1,)30 =0 oF, 10/, + 151, + 20/, + 30/, = 15 +70 +150 = 235 ot = 3.138 Voltage drop in branch a-dis Vig = 101, = $1.33 volt and voltage drop in branch d-< is 118 = 2.18 x 15 = 32 volt Also, = 63.33 volt To find Ry, across the 50 Q resistor: The equivalent resistance across 50 resistor is 25x50 _ 50 25450 3 The Thevenin’s equivalent circuit across 50 & resistor is shown below NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERSY tain) sc | shops Fderbad | per Lucow | Indore | Bhubaneswar RICEE14 ~( ros) 24. (a) The given circuit in s-domain can be drawn as shown below. 1Rs Ie It é produced or utlleed in any form without th Therefore, Ash(s) 1{s) = 4841s) (9° Te sassi 4sv4(s) ~ F(e)i4s? +8541] Also, rom above figure, we have Vis) = 1x 118) 45-Vis) 2(6)[45" + 85+ 1) (2 4s-Vis) 1 wis) 418) a 10 Vys) —AsMis) 1 lr law (4s? +8s+1) 28) = AS-Mis)_ 25(ds? +8541) or Ui(s) = —48-4le)_25(48" +8549 x8) bMS) = GS eeet 257 1251 The equivalent impedance 2s) is 128? 412841 As) = malt 2 | ( g 28) = Fas +851) = a5*|liez8]| (ae28)] |E 2 {r ") 3 on Vs) = — 8 wis) — 1, leas" 25 2 tas 1284 es [z= +t 8 2) 42s" 2s. : Vos) _{__8s°*__ : wis) ~ (2s? 12841 2, 2 | fz = Voltage transfer function 4| 122s" 2stt42s)] |S 24d 3) 25. (ce) Teas 35 : Tha equivalent capacitance of 2 uF and é P= 3uF oe Age ha 882 4] when the switch is closed at t= 0, then, the 2s 48° +8s+1 = equivalent capacitance of the circuit will _ 12s? +128+1 become 2s(4s? + 8+ 1) i (ess) ue Nom 1(s) = MS) z Gur + Sur 2s) 3 2 Also, Ri, of the circuit is ( 2 ) = Reg = R= 202 and Ifa) = 1fa)--01#28) | 8} So. timo constant of given cireuit at ¢= 0° & +) ° willbe 1428" 2s, Faun _ _4shis) 20x2x 108 4s +88+1 40 us 19 + NETWORKTHEORY wowmadeeasyin | oomgn MADE EASE MADE ERSY con | nos | anopat Fderbad | per RICEE14 Lucow | Indore | Bhubaneswar Now, intial voltage V, across the capacitor Ss Q _ 300x10* G 6x10% = 50V For t< 0 (07), vollage across 2 uF and 1 MF capacitors = zero Hence, when switch is closed at t= 0; the capacitor C, will start discharging through the resistor A Thus, the entire voltage drop will occur across R. = Soe tiOxte on Vp = S0e #10 gn 26. (d) ‘or Network (4), we have RxZ, Z)xR °" R4Z, | Z,+R = RZ,(R+Z,)+ Z,R(R+Z,) (R+ ZZ, +A) P(Z,+Z,)+2RZ,Z, (Re Z.)R+ 2) Now, Z,= —=R (Given) 50, FR(Z,+ Zp) + 2RZaZp (R+Z,)(R+Z,) or, (R+Z)(R+Z)IR FEZ, + 2,) + 2RZZ, on, (P+ AZ, + AZ,+ ZZ) 8 = FZ,+2) +222, on, R=-(Z,+2Z) R-Z,Z, + AZ, + Z,) +222, or, Fe = Z,Z, VZa20 ‘or Network-B, we have (R+Z,)(R+Z5) (QR+Z,+Z,) on "ASY, New Delhi. No part ofthe boak may be reproduced or utlleed in any form without he written permission. © Copyright: Subject matter to MADE v, nd 4 = 2,=8 (Given) wa = Z,=8 (Given) (R+Z,)(R+Z,) Ae “GR Z,4Z,) or, (R+Z,+R+Z)R = RA ZREZALZZ, or, 2F% + (Z,+ Z,)R = RP (24 Z)R+ ZZ, or, 2RR- FP = (Z,+Z,)R-(Z, + Z,)R +22, o, | RE ZZ, o [Re JZzZe 27. (b) vss) wl] The admittance of the circuit across terminals aa’ is ¥(s) = [Ms)+1] 80, impedance, a6) = Now, Vs) = 1 - M+) = in Vols) Yee 4 = ye 4) Vols) _ 1 at re 1) aiven, ts) _ _sis*+9)_ Wels) 25 45° +6541 20. + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY Let current through A, and R, be J, and , GA MADE ERS con | noes | sepa | tyntas | ape | cn | indore | thasreorr | RICEET4 1 of, 2Vy-V,=-8 (3) - ees) From equation (3), we have 843s | V5 = ry 1 3 2 “ase iF Putting the value of Vin equation (2), we Aeris st le get 343s a g %-8 a ‘ | =10 on Me) 1 ali 2 Qs) a(S] 5 of 2V,-05¥,+25=10 S438 2 or, 15V,=75 Comparing equations (1)and(2),we get | & ot, v,=5V 2 Hence, current through the resistor vo = [S4)-{221) |5 s 43s} (s%+3)} |S = ve 2 Re 28. (a) 3 ” 5] 29. (e) respectively, Now, power loss in R, é v2 _ 50 3 = FE. _ sowatt E R50 3 ‘So, power loss in R, 2 100 - 50 = 50 Watt — hu Ea Now, PR, = 50W Applying KCL at node (1), we have. 2 z on t= foo =2.236A 55% : 70 RR. i Also, v= (Are, = 25+ 3 ot, 502 = (2.286 10)? + V2 or Vath = 75 ay |2 or = (60? -497.3) Applying KCL at node (2), we have 44.75 volt : Also, 3 or, oY 3 of, 2Y,-Vyat (2) |® Applying KCL at node (2), we have 21 ence, X20 3 " 2nf 2x3.14x10 Mo=Ve Mo 526 = 318.7 mb Ry Re ox 5 21+ “NETWORKTHEORY wowmadeeasyin | oomgn MADE EASE re] MADE ERSY con | nos | anopat Fderbad | per Lucow | Indore | Bhubaneswar RICEE14 30. (b) 2 Given, f, = 5000Hz The total impedance of the given circuit is 21> Zeowce + Zea = (2+ A) + (10~iX) = [12+ 44x12 ‘The power consumed by the resistor willbe maximum if current in the circuit will be maximum i. at resonance. (Since power consumed = FR) Now. at resonance, imaginary part of Z, will be zero. $0, 4-X,=0 ox Xe4 Cr - tet % ~ wpe ~ Bax5000%4 = Bur Also, at resonance, Z,= 12 v_ 100 s = H-8-a30 So, kr 42 Power in the resistance (max. value) = GR = (8.33)2x10 = 694.46 é produced or utlleed in any form without th ofthis book may be "ASY, New Delhi. No p 0 MADE ° NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY MADE ERSYT ce | seis | shopat | ryeerabae | per | Lidoow | indore | shatareswar | RICEET4 RANK IMPROVEMENT COURSE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Subject : Network Theory Section-B : Conventional 1. Solution: (a) The circuit or the given problem is shown below: Given, Here, 2niL=2nx50x© =80 314 Re jX, = (6+ /8)0-10283.19°9 RMS value of currentis: r= Y- 10020" _ to _sa.13°4 Z, 10283.13° The rms voltage across the resistance is; Va(rms) = I- = 10 x 6 = 60 voit The rms voltage across the inductive reactance is Va(tms) = 1X, = 10 x 8 = 80 Volt The phasor diagram for the given problem is shown below: y= 80V 23. + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY MADE ERSYT ce | seis | shopat | ryeerabae | per | Lidoow | indore | shatareswar | RICEET4 Also, power loss in resist Hence, the final results are: 102-6313" A Va(tms) = 60V V,(rms) = 80V Power loss in the resistor = 600 Watts. 41. Solution (b) Norton's Theorem: linear active network consisting of independent and or dependent voltage and current sources and linear bilateral network elements can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a current source in parallel with a resistance, the current source being the short circuited current across the load! terminal and the resistance being the internal resistance of the source network looking through the open circuited load terminals, Explanation: Letus consider acircult shown below, where the load current (J,) has to be found using Norton's theorem The above network can be replaced by a Norton’s equivalent circuit across the load R, as shown below. Norton's 4 equivalent | We find /,, and R,, as follows: = Tofind fy: Here, fy = Igq- So. the load resistance is replaced by a short circuit as shown below: R, R ANY Here, i 24 + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERY oats sic | shopa | treated | ape | Lucnow | indore | thabarenrr | RICEET4 = Tofind Ry = Bry: Now, the load resistance is open circuited by short circuiting the voltage source for finding Ry as shown below, R, R 4 — 0 i ) dence, y= Fin=[ Res p%) Thus, the load current can be found from the Norton’s equivalent circuit as Second Part Given circuit is as shown below: 6, wQ ‘geo ota / Let the voltage at node (1) be vthen, ¥ Ai Applying KCL at node (2), we get v ~6i,-L4Iy =0 oF Gi, atv + or, 25. + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERY oats sic | shopa | treated | ape | Lucnow | indore | thabarenrr | RICEET4 or Sv = ty or My=15V «i Applying KCL at node (1), we get 0 or v=3V (ii) 3 rom equations (ii) and (ii), weave: [Ty=45A = To find Ry= Rr across terminals ab: Terminal abyis open circuited as shown below et the voltage at node (1) be ¥, Applying nodal analysis at node (1), we have “ y “3-8i, o 4 (iv) ) Also, V+ 2x6) = 44124, = W412 a3 =18V (» v,=-6 Volt) Thus, y= 26 + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERY oats sic | shopa | treated | ape | Lucnow | indore | thabarenrr | RICEET4 2. Solution: (a) The impedance of the series RLCcircuitis Loc R Wi — “RR a 4508 10° vg) 2 50236.82" Current rin the circuit is 12. 2-36.82" = Vieose = (8) x (2.12) 60836.82° = 180 W (i) Real power supplied = (or, P,=1°R = 2.122 x 40 = 180W) Power supplied by the source = 180 Watt (ii) The reactive power supplied by the source is ising = 192.12 x sind6.8: 35 VAR v2 (lil) The reactive power of the capacitor = 1? X= (2.12)* x ot 1 = 450 VAR 0* x10 x10 = (2.12)? x (iv) The reactive power of the inductor = 1° X, = (2.12)? x 190 = 586 VAR (Inductor consumes reactive power) (¥) The power factor ofthe circuit is cos9 = 0836.82" = 0.8 (lag) 2. Solution: © R (b) AW It oe @ 27 + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY MADE ERSYT ce | seis | shopat | ryeerabae | per | Lidoow | indore | shatareswar | RICEET4 The net impedance of the series RLC circuit is given by = Pa = JP (or) v 2 1) JR? +(e (oz) ‘The magnitude of the voltage across the inductor is Also, d ae_of Ll), 17? |_ four rt ore -2 6) ho] =0 orp otto) on [moet -o( Yeas Again, multiplying both sides by |r +0" 2 porto §)y 1] 2 (to? [Fron a5} ate] = (U0 or, 5 a Talat | roatetoneny Now, we can write So, in terms of quality factor of the circuit. 28 + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERSYT oats ics | shopat | ternbad | apes | Lucnow | nore | Bhubaneswar RICEE14 3. Solution: (a) The h-parameters equations are given below Vy = yy ly tig Vp I= Maly + Pap Vp To find hy, and he, {et us short-circuit the output port so that V, = 0 et the voltage at point A be Vwurt. terminal b. Now, R, and R,, becomes in parallel Curent through Rand R= -—V—— = v a+ Re) Ay Ro As Fo Ry +Re Applying KCL at node A, we get Vig + Re) Vii + Re) Wie + Re) «a, or, 1(1- a) = “Be + Fe) Re Ao + or, Ay(1— on) Re Re on ve (ea) Bp Re (Be + Fe) Now, applying KVL at the input port, we get %, Now hy 4 Vp, (10) Rp Ro So, hy = 4 Ryt t= Rye oe Me lye h* Ra+Ro ( Ra (Fe + Ro) + (1) Ra Ro on tel Ta Re a Again, by applying KCL al node-B, we got (ons) Re fats] of, p= - ar, oo Re (ah Fg) 22° 8 e) fe (1-0) Rg __ (Ro + Rs) Wy=0 (Rg +Re) (Ra * Ac) 29. + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERY oats sic | shopa | treated | ape | Lucnow | indore | thabarenrr | RICEET4 To find hy» and hy» The voltage V, is applied at output port and input portis open circuited (J, = 0) as shown below Using KVL, we have Again, we have Mi Me Ip Rae. fap 20 Fe(Ra+ Ro) (at) Hence, the h- parameters of the given network are fn [Stes a FF Fa + Ae Fe Me bs + A “(alig +s) (Re + Re) andi ( = x) 2 3. Solution: (b) Applying KVL in the loop ROY, we get 101, + (10-4 10) (f,-1,) = 212 200" on 1,(10-+ 10 + j10)— (10 + jto)r, = 212 290" or, 1,{20 + j10)~(10 + flop, = 212 290" Ai) Similarly, for loop YOB, we have 201, + 1, (10 + j10)- 10 + f10) = 212 2-160" or 1, (10 + j10~ j20) —1,(10 + j10) = 212 2-150" or, =L, (10 + j10) +1,(40- j10) = 212 2-150" Ai) Solving equations (i) and (i), we get 1, = 3.66215° A and [,=17.962-114°A Hence, the load currents are given by Iya 12366215 A = 11.9626" A and [y= [y-l, = 11.96.2114" ~3.66 215° = 14,54.2125.75° A 30 + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERY oats sic | shopa | treated | ape | Lucnow | indore | thabarenrr | RICEET4 4. Solution: (a) Lot the nodes be represented as (1) and (2) with their respective voltages as V, and V, wr. ground as shown below a4 v{t+2et =o on (3 275, a Ai) Solving equations (i) and (i) for V, and V,, we get |, =18.76V and V,=1651V Vi-5_ 1576-5 _ 3 Hence, current through 3 @ resistor 364 18.76 ~1651 current through 2 @ resist current through 4 @ resi current through § @ resistor = 4. Solution: (b) Reciprocity Theorem => Detinition: In any branch of a network, the current (I) due to a single source of voltage (V) elsewhere in the network is equal to the current through the branch in which the source was originally placed when the source is placed in the branch in which the current (2) was originally obtained. 31 + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY MADE ERSYT ce | seis | shopat | ryeerabae | per | Lidoow | indore | shatareswar | RICEET4 1 1, Network ‘ ™ “ -3 eo YY Mathematically, np zeen ty = Anetwork is said to be reciprocal iit satisty the reciprocity theorem i.e. the ratio of excitation to response remains constant when the positions of excitation to response are interchanged Za" Za = Limitations of Reciprocity theorem ‘ollowing are few limitations of this theorem (i) This theorem is applicable in which only a single source is present (i). Itis not applicable for the network in which + non-linear elements are present. + single dependent source is present, > Unilateral elements are present +more than one independent or dependent voltage or current sources are present. Second Part => Case-t The given circuit can be redrawn as shown below (50 V voltage source is short circuited) 1 B2 e a v= 50v 5 100 108 bove circuit across the 50 V voltage source is [10 +10) 1201110]+5=102 50 So. isa 10 = Lior toii2o) (Using voltage clvider theorem) [0+ 10)1120]+10 = 25A I-1,=25A 10+10 and (Ip + I) -| ——* a" tor aries] 125A “o 25-1, =2.5-1.25=1.25A (We can also find /,, J, and J, by finding the node voltage at 20 25x 75=1.25A on [Tp a using Nodal analysis). 32. + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY GQ MADE ERY oats sic | shopa | treated | ape | Lucnow | indore | thabarenrr | RICEET4 > Case-Il ‘Again, the other 50 V source remains activated while other gets short circuited resulting in the circuit as shown below. sa 100 aro The equivalent resistance across the 50 V voltage source in figure above becomes 0+5 oo a 2.187 A 22.86 Rue (G23) iG0+10)|+20=6 38! 20) + 20 =22.86.0 (y+0= a xX Ip=1.875A (Using voltage divider theorem) +1045 10 And, ences] =1.25A 1045 258 wo) equation ())and (i), we see that when V, is active (and V, deactivated) then, currentin the branch containing V, is 1.25 A while if V, is active (and V, is deactivated) then, current in the branch containing V, = 50 V is also 1.25 A. Hence, we conclude that the given network is reciprocal So, 5. Solution: (a) When the switch is at position-1, circuit is in steady state, therefore inductor acts as short circuit 1) = i,(0") When the switch is moved to position -2 at through the capacitor C. inductor energy ‘or time t> 0, the circuit in Laplace domain is shown above. Applying KVL, we get EL 1 £19 [tse al or, 19) 33. + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY MADE ERSYT ce | seis | shopat | ryeerabae | per | Lidoow | indore | shatareswar | RICEET4 EL fee o a ied) Men Taking inverse Laplace transform of above equation, we get E 1 A) = Geo 5 E E cos{ JA or, to 5. Solution: (b) Resonance: Resonance in electrical circuits consisting of passive and active elements represent a particular state of the circui when the current or voltage in the circuit is maximum or minimum Wirt, the magnitude of excitation at a particular frequency, the circuit impedance being either minimum or maximum at the power factor unity > The phenomenon of resonance is observed in both series or parallel AC circuit consisting of R, Land Cand excited by an AC source. Physical significance of resonance: The frequency of resonance represents the rate at which the magnetic field energy stored in the inductor is transformed to the electric field energy stored inthe capacitor and vice-versa, Second Part The input admittance ofthe given circuit is given by 1 14 A= jot Y, = = + jo +———= 1 + joc +| = in RC Riot RT (aoe) 1 A, or, Y= t+ Psiloc "ORS Bsa" i Atresonance, the imaginary part of ¥, will be zero ok apt oe-—M | 20 on Ae roa = (2 weg] oe AE rab = L RE ov oe = £ a Substituting the values of RL, Cin ay, we get oa Also, the admittance of the circuit at resonance is 4, 24, Roe tn jog 2 [7 wadises Yi Hence, ‘op = Wradlsec and Yq = 1.5mho]--- Atresonance. 34 + NETWORKTHEORY | ©ceprah MADE ERSY

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