Initiation Activity

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Initiation Sleepover

5:30-5:50 Arrival
6-6:15 whole group gets in circle and says name, grade,school cartoon character most like you
and why
6:20-6:30 split into groups and begin team building activities start with holding hands with a
person across the circle until everyone's holding hands. Can't be someone next to you, Unravel
6:35-6:45 two truths and a lie
6:50-7:00 create a story. each person in the story says one sentence.
7:05-7:10 create team name
7:15-7:25 explain scavenger hunt
7:30-8:45 scavenger hunt- first team back wins
9:00- 9:25 pictionary
9:35- 9:55 initiations
10:10- 10:45 Letters to kids with cancer
11-11:30 shabbat
11:40-12 installations
12-12:30 bullying program
12:40-1:10 good and welfare

Initiation Activity
Easter eggs
puffy paint
List of everyone's name before hand
Bracelets (friendship)
Everyone is gathered in a circle around BBG candles. Hidden around the room are easter eggs,
2 per person. Written on one is a name and a symbol, then on the other is the same symbol with
a nickname. Inside the egg is a surprise (glitter, candy, ext). We also have matching bracelets to
give to everyone.

Amanda: Welcome all to the initiations portion of our sleepover

Bari: In BBYO, there is an official induction when you join a chapter where you receive a red
book, the bbg guidebook, and a bbg pin

Amanda: Since it is still the recruitment season and not everyone who wants to join BBYO is
signed up yet, we are doing our own initiation tonight to help all of you feel more like you are a
part of the chapter before officially inducting you.
Bari: Hidden around the room are many easter eggs and pieces of paper. The paper will have
your name and a symbol, the egg will have the same symbol and your initiation name.
Amanda: Each of you must find your paper and egg and then sit back in the circle
girls find eggs
one girl is called to the center of the circle and we give her her name, then crack the egg over
their head. Then they are initiated and get to eat candy and take a bracelet.

Shabbat Service
Supplies Needed:
Shabbat Candles, matches (I can bring)
Grape Juice
Dixie Cups
Abby: Hey everyone, we will now be beginning our Shabbat service. Please make a circle and
refrain from using your cell phones. We want services to be serious and we have some special
talent showcased tonight.
[Everyone will be sitting in a circle and Amanda and Amanda will be next to me, leading with me
(they are playing guitar).
Abby: After a long week of school, youve all chosen to spend your Friday night with your Shira
sisters. This choice is just one of the ways you allow Judaism to impact your life. Were happy
youre here. As I said before, tonight we are also excited to showcase some Shira talent:
Amanda and Amanda on guitar.
Please join me in lighting the Shabbat candles.
Soph Baron, light those candles!!!

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Please join Amanda, Amanda, and I in Henei Matov.

Henei Matov




Abby: Throughout our Shabbat service tonight, I want each of you to think about how Judaism
impacts your lifestyle. Whether it be at school, your interests, your values, your friends, your
clothes, how does being Jewish impact your entire life?
Please stand with me for Barchu.

Please sit with me and the Amandas while we all sing together the shema and vahavtah.


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Abby: For me, being Jewish has impacted my life in almost every way. My
friends are Jewish, Ive spent my summers in Poland and Israel, and at Jewish
summer camp. I go to Shabbat dinners at my grandma every Friday night, I
keep Kosher, and whenever I see the Israeli flag, I feel at home. During the
next few prayers, think about how your life is changed in even the smallest
ways because of our religion and get ready to share.

Now the Amandas and I will lead Mi Chamocha

Abby: Please stand for the Hatzi Kaddish, followed by the Amidah.
(Amandas, put down the guitars and help lead)
Hatzi Kaddish




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?Abby: Would anyone like to start in saying a few words about how Judaism impacts your life
)(Board members please help start this short conversation by adding your answer
Some of you may feel more connected to Judaism than others. A large handful of us have been
to Israel, some have been confirmed, most Bat Mitzvahed. But no one here has given up their
Jewish identity. By being here, as a BBG in Shira, each of you is holding onto your Jewish
identity. Around the circle I see Jewish star necklaces and hamsahs. I see more than 30 girls
who saw the importance of spending their Friday night with their Jewish sisters.
Please join the Amandas and me in Oseh Shalom.

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Abby: The Mi Sheberach is not usually said on Friday nights. But today we all made
cards to children in need of a prayer for healing. When my hand passes over you, please
feel free to say the name of someone else you are thinking of that needs healing
alongside Emalee, Lisa, and Mason.

Mi shebeirach avoteinu
M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu
May the source of strength,
Who blessed the ones before us,
Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing,
and let us say, Amen.
Mi shebeirach imoteinu
M'kor habrachah l'avoteinu
Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah,
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit,
And let us say, Amen

Abby: Please join me as we welcome Shabbat with prayers for the wine and challah.
(Sophie, Amanda, and Amanda, please help me pour grape juice into dixie cups!)

Prayer for bread! Hamotzi Lechem.

Community Service Program
Supplies Needed:

Colored Paper (Abby has this)
Markers (Abby has this)

Abby: One thing we all take advantage of is our health.. Tonight, we will be making cards for
children with cancer to brighten their day. Some of these children have been battling cancer for
years, so we need to keep in mind a few important DOs and DONTs when we write these cards.
DO: Keep in mind the age of the child.
DO: Talk about yourself, your life as a teenager. You could tell them about BBYO, what classes
you take in school, what St. Louis is like
DO: Talk about your pets, tell funny stories, instruments you play, things you do on your
DO: Tell a funny (appropriate) joke if you know one. Talk about your favorite TV show (with their
age in mind)
DO: Draw!!!!! Use lots of colors
DO: Make a couple well-written, pretty cards, without rushing. Focus on quality, its a card youre
writing to someone to cheer them up!
DONT: Say Get Well Soon. For some, their illness will never go away.
DONT: I hope you win your battle With little kids, this could confuse them. Some might not
know that they could lose and others wouldnt like to be reminded.
DONT: I know how you feel Sorry youre sick Poor you I dont know how you do it
The kids: Will pick the bios when the date is closer, because we want people whose bios have
just been updated (for some of the kids, their parents have not updated in a very long time). I
will print these bios out that have their age, their story, favorite things, and addresses for us to
use for our cards.
Materials: masking tape
Sophie: The goal of this program is to learn about other people's experiences and see that
bullying does exist even if you don't always see it. Early in the night we have had competitions
and played games against each other. We will now switch gears and come together to trust
each other and become closer because of this along with creating awareness for the bullying

Amanda:Line up on one side of the masking tape line, facing the line.
Sophie:Sometimes when someone hurts another person he/she is just being mean or maybe
being careless.
Amanda: Sometimes they feel pressure from
friends to join in the teasing It is best to do the activity in silence since there may be some
strong feelings during the activity. Remember, all feelings are important and okay.Everyone
needs to be respectful so everyone can feel safe.I am going to say a situation.
Sophie:if this applies to you please cross the line and turn around to face the other side of the
Amanda: If you are uncomfortable crossing, you may choose to stay where you are and notice
the feelings you are having.
Sophie:Over the next ten minutes or so, we will share some of our experiences and
vulnerabilities with one another. This will demand a safe atmosphere.
Amanda:To insure that we remain sensitive to one another's feelings, we need to follow two
critical guidelines.
Sophie:The first involves LISTENING. Let's have silence throughout the exercise--no talking,
snickering, giggling, etc. Silence will allow all of us to participate fully. Silence will also enable us
to experience our personal thoughts and feelings more clearly. put your phones away.
Amanda:The second guideline is RESPECT. It is imperative that we respect the dignity of each
person who is here this evening.
Sophie: Everything that is shared should remain confidential. Nothing that is offered should
leave this room.
Amanda:NO PRESSURE. No one here is under any pressure to respond in any particular way
to any of the questions. If you have any doubts about sharing some part of yourself, you should
feel perfectly comfortable with your decision not to walk across the room.
Sophie: One final point. Each of the categories I use will have some GRAY AREAS. If you find
yourself stuck in a gray area, simply define the words from your own point of view. In other
words, define the terms as you yourself understand them when thinking of yourself.
Amanda:For example, suppose the question asks everyone who is religious to walk across the
room. If you think of yourself as religious, then the word fits, regardless of whether or not

someone else would use the word religious in the same way, and regardless of other meanings
the word might have
Sophie: If you have serious reservations about the clarity or meaningfulness of any particular
category, then the best things to do is to not cross to the other side of the room.
Amanda: please raise your left hand to indicate you will follow the guidelines and respect
everyone's feelings and opinions
Sophie: after each phrase you will be asked to cross back over the line
Amanda:Cross the line in silence if youve ever been teased, called a bad name or made fun of.
Sophie: Cross the line if you have been picked last in games or sports or felt left out or excluded
from an activity.
Amanda: Cross the line if you have ever been called a name or been put down just
because you are jewish.
Sophie:Cross the line if you have ever been made fun of because of your sexuality.
Amanda:Cross the line if you have ever been made fun of for your lack of intelligence.
Sophie:Cross the line if you have ever been made fun of because of your physical or emotional
Amanda:Cross the line if you have ever been teased about a personal feature.
Sophie :Cross the line if you have been put down because of a fantastic talent that you posses.
Amanda:Cross the line if youve been told you're too small or tall or fat or skinny or just that the
way you looked was wrong.
Sophie:Cross the line if youve ever been told you are a bad, ungrateful, no-good, or
worthless kid.
Amanda: Cross the line if you have ever seen someone else being teased, called a bad
name or made fun of.
Sophie: Cross the line if someone you thought was a friend, turned on you
Amanda: Cross the line if people have purposely left you out, and you dont understand why
Sophie: Cross the line if someone has ever been mean to you and youve been
reluctant or too afraid to say anything about it.
Amanda: Cross the line if youve ever stood by and watched while someone was hurt
and said or did nothing because you were too afraid.
Sophie: Cross the line if youve ever wanted to speak out because you thought
something was wrong but were too uncomfortable, shy, or afraid to say
Amanda: Cross the line if youve ever bullied someone.
Sophie:Cross the line if youve been bullied and you have done something about it.
Amanda:Cross the line if youve been bullied and want to do something about it.
Sophie: now that we have a better understanding about each others experience we want to
open up the conversation to you guys about what you can do to help make a change.

Amanda: don't say things like "stick up for them" obviously that's the main goal. Dig deeper and
actually do something
Sophie: even little things can help make a difference what do you guys think( board starts
throwing out ideas to get people started)
Amanda: I hope we all have a better understanding of real world bullying. Remember that
bullying can be anything from sharing a secret or pressuring someone into doing something to
cyber bullying or even physical bullying.
Sophie: please repeat after us a pledge against bullying and peer pressure.
Sophie:I will never write something mean or untrue purposely to ruin someone's reputation or to
hurt them
Amanda: i will stick up for my friends and be aware of rumours or lies
Sophie: I won't spread secrets or gossip about things I hear that aren't true
Amanda: I will stay honest and true to my own values and respect others as well
Sophie: I will fight against bullying
Pictionary Program:
white board/markers
We are going to play pictionary and I will write different jewish/BBYO related things on the board
and each team color will guess what I am drawing. The first team to guess what it is will get a
point. After we do the BBYO education round I will go into more depth about what each
menorah pledge principle means we can also discuss the 6 folds.
Jewish round:
matzo ball soup
sedar plate
Shira round:
staci the cheetah

cheetah paw (mascot)

purple and yellow (colors of shira)
BBYO education round:
jewish heritage
community service
faith relations
prayer for world jewry


Materials: Voices

(In honor of Valentines Day I will have hearts cut out with different prompts on them such
-what was something good that happened to you this week
-what is your goal this year
-something that has been tough on you
-something you wish you could've/wouldn't of done
-talk about anything in your life
- your biggest fear and why
- something you really care about
- something that you wish you could change about yourself
-something that you're really proud of
-a time when you you should've done things differently
-an experience that was life changing

-something that's always been hard for you to deal with

-a time when you had too much stress
-something that has changed your perspective
-a new relationship you have formed
- when you treated someone well or meanly
- when something you did had -or + consequences
- when you felt threatened by someone else
-when someone you thought was your friend did something that hurt
- a time when your family helped you get through a tough time
- when a friend helped you get through a tough time

everyone will pick one, this will help for people to talk more because so far the good and
welfares i've been too everyone is afraid to talk and let out their feelings.)
What I Say...
On every heart there is a prompt written on it. The reason its on a heart is because a heart
symbolizes love and last week was valentines day. What is love? Love can be many things, it
can represent an emotion, attitude, feeling, human kindness, and compassion. I think a huge
part of love is trust and support and all of us shira sisters do that to one another. Since at a
good and welfare it can be hard to let your feelings out hopefully this can help and know we all
love one another and support each other. Also feel free to talk about anything else good or bad
that you want t share even if its not on your heart.

Materials: money for the ice cream cone (one per team) and trophy and candy
This is a scavenger hunt based off of time. Everyone shouldve gotten a team already but if you
dont know your team ask me. Every team has one driver and you will get a list of tasks and
whoever gets back here first wins a prize! The rules are, nothing involving children, be
respectful to store items, employees, and other shoppers, every group member must be
involved in at least one task, and DONT SPEED.

1. take a funny picture with fruit

2. get a video dancing with a random person
3. get a picture with a guy flexing
4. take a video of you walking through a drive thru and coning
5. pretend theres an earthquake in a store
6. go to Dicks and dress up one member as a guy
7. go to either Sweetology (on Clayton Rd.) or United Hebrew Congregation (on
Conway Rd.) and take a picture with the STL anniversary cake
8. interview a stranger for 1 minute about their most embarrassing story
9. propose to a random guy
10. fake talk to someone on the phone (loud and obnoxiously) until people look at
11. kiss an AZA guy on the cheek (cant be Josh Rudman)
Good luck and be

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