Differentiating Instruction Through Technology

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Task Cards and Differentiation

LaMonica Cole
March 30, 2015
Instructor Sean Diana

Task Cards and Differentiation

Differentiating Instruction through Technology
Student Centered Technology
A student-centered classroom is where students take the initiative to work without the
direct supervision from the teacher. Technology plays an important part in a student-centered
classroom because it reaches, motivates, teaches and engages students to create an active
learning environment. It fosters differentiation of instruction by allowing students to express
their different views and learning styles.
Technology to Differentiate Instruction
PowerPoints can be used to capture the visual learners in a classroom. They learn by
seeing. With all the different possibilities in creating an engaging presentation, students are
exposed to many opportunities to be creative in how and what they turn in as their assignment.
Web Blogs:
Blogs can be useful because it can be something as simple as posting a message on the
site to remind parents of a due date. Not only can the teacher post information, but students and
parents may comment as well. This tool has a great impact on student achievement because it
provides the students with the necessary resources for success and there is no excuse why they
cannot complete all assignments and turn in on time. Blogs can provide all of this information
and more. This tool is student centered because they do not need a teacher standing over them
watching as they complete the assignment.
Collaborative resources:
Collaborative resources can be used to differentiate instructions by allowing students the
opportunity to coach each other. They also allow them to work in groups and the teacher can

Task Cards and Differentiation

observe their interaction and see who the leaders are as well as the followers. This will give you,
as a teacher, an idea on where the students strengths and weaknesses are so that lesson plans and
curriculums can be prepared.
Pros and Cons
With all learning techniques there are advantages and disadvantages. One major
advantage in a student centered classroom is that all learning styles are welcomed. This could
become an issue because students can get accustomed to the individuality in one class but have
difficulty in another class where the learning environment is teacher led. It allows teachers to be
creative in their curriculum and lesson planning but can be a challenge to a new teacher who has
not developed the proper techniques to ensure that all students are successful.
Allowing technology to create a student centered classroom enhances the learning
experiment for all types of learning.

Task Cards and Differentiation

Raft: Elementary Examples. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.cantonschools.org/~elegere/FOV2
Reading Rockets. (n.d.) Retreived from http://www.readingrockets.org/strategies/raft=2015
The Student Centered Classroom. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.cambridge.org/other_files/
Differentiating with Technolog. (n.d.) Retrieved from

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