Project 1

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Project 1 / Implementation of an H-Profile Class


Project 1
Please implement the total code for an H-Profile into our Python package Profiles. The following features
should be considered.
The H profile should be implemented within a class HProfile (like we have done it with the UProfile
class). The implementation should be able to handle all H profiles of the profile tables.
The class Profile should be extended by methods which are able to calculate and list the profiles
section properties according to the script appendix A.
A testing code should be implemented which should create 3 different H profiles. The calculated
section property values should be printed with the log function of the class Base.
The results should be discussed comparing them with the values of the profile table.
Its recommended to use parts of the code we have developed in the lecture. Please dont forget the error
checking in the code. The code should be able to detect wrong input data and should also be able to
handle special cases.
The report for this project should content a section, which describes the theory of the problem. One
section should describe the usage of the developed program (like a users manual) and one section should
describe the code (like a programmers guild). And dont forget the layout.

Computational Mechanics / Analysis of Structures

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