Performance Appraisal Rubric 2013-2014 Tatik

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The use of English as the language of instruction and communication is a characteristic of the school. English use by teachers is encouraged at all times in order
to improve proficiency and confidence and is a requirement in all lessons other than those specifically designated .
If a teacher is unable to meet ALL the criteria for Basic Teacher in any standard, they will be considered Unsatisfactory for that particular standard. Any
areas considered unsatisfactory will be identified in the not achieved column.
Definitions of key terms: Always: with few exceptions; Consistently: most occasions; Generally: more than 50% of the time; Sometimes: less than 50%





Element 1. Curriculum: The teacher understands the relevant curriculum and demonstrates the ability to plan and deliver the teaching

Professional Knowledge
Applies the key concepts, content, skills, subject specific language and current curriculum research and issues


Knows the content, processes,

skills, subject specific language and
some key issues in the curriculum
areas taught.

Understands the content, skills,

pedagogy, subject specific
language and key research and
issues in the curriculum areas

Applies key concepts, content,

skills, subject specific language
and current curriculum research
and issues.
Shares information about
curriculum knowledge with

Planning and preparation

Plans daily/ weekly coherent, comprehensive learning programs using student learning goals and curriculum requirements.

Sometimes plans lesson by lesson

Generally plans with IB Program in

Consistently plans using IB

and has little familiarity with IB
mind and uses curriculum scope
Program and links with the
and sequence documents
curriculum scope and sequence

Sometimes uses students learning

Generally includes innovative and

goals and follows curriculum
differentiated activities, students

Consistently includes innovative

learning goals and follows
and differentiated activities to
curriculum requirements.
ensure that students demonstrate
learning in a variety of ways.


Resources & Strategies

Selects, develops and uses quality resources and strategies.

Knows what resources and

Selects and uses quality resources

strategies are available to support
and strategies to support teaching
teaching and learning.
and learning.

Knows how ICT can be used to

Uses ICT to construct, demonstrate

enable and enhance student
and expand knowledge.

Selects, develops and uses quality

resources and strategies.
Uses ICT to construct,
demonstrate, expand and evaluate
knowledge that supports teaching
and learning.
Shares these skills and resources
with their colleagues.

Applies and demonstrates in

planning a detailed understanding
of the key concepts, content, skills,
subject specific language and
current curriculum research.
Provides evidence that colleagues
have been guided to improve their
curriculum knowledge.

Always plans using IB Program and

links with the curriculum scope and
sequence documents in detail.
Plans with students for innovative
and differentiated activities that
are intellectually challenging,
enabling students to demonstrate
learning in a variety of ways.
Mentors colleagues to improve
programming and planning

Selects, develops and uses quality

resources and strategies.
Supports colleagues to select
and/or develop innovative
resources and strategies to
enhance teaching and learning.
Supports colleagues to include ICT
in their pedagogy to develop
student knowledge and skills.



Communication of the Curriculum

Understands and demonstrates a range of different communication strategies such as questioning, negotiation with students, explanation and discussion to promote
understanding of the content. Uses the appropriate language of instruction.

Spoken and written language of

Generally, spoken and written

Spoken and written language is

Spoken and written language is

instructions contains grammar and
language of instruction is clear.
clear and correct and uses the
clear, correct, expressive and
usage errors.
conventions of language of
appropriate to the language of

Directions and procedures are


Sometimes directions and

generally clear. Any confusion is
procedures are confusing to

Directions and procedures are

Directions and procedures are

consistently clear and contain
always clear and contain an

Generally uses a variety of

appropriate level of details.
appropriate level of detail.

Questioning and discussion

questioning and discussions
techniques are low in quality

Consistently uses a variety of high

Always uses a variety of high

and/or variety.
cognitive level questioning and
cognitive level questioning and
discussion techniques, with
discussion techniques, with
adequate time for responses.
adequate time for responses,

Promotes critical thinking and

creative problem-solving.

Delivery of Curriculum
Ensures the learning program is student centred and meaningful, the teacher acts as facilitator and students are active in the learning process.

Has a program where worksheets

Has a program which is sometimes

Ensures that the learning program

Ensures that the learning program

and teacher driven activities are
student centred but often still
is interactive and not dependent on
is student centred and meaningful,
the major part of the program.
dependent on teacher driven
teacher driven activities.
the teacher acts as facilitator and
students are active in the inquiry

Uses a limited number of strategies

Consistently uses a wide variety of

learning process.
to engage students in the inquiry

Generally uses a variety of

strategies to engage students in
strategies to engage students in
the inquiry process.

Always uses a wide variety of

the inquiry process.
strategies to engage students in the
inquiry process and shares these
with colleagues.

Element 2. Classroom Management: The teacher creates and maintains a safe and challenging learning environments


Learning Environment
Uses knowledge about students to develop and manage engaging, authentic virtual and/or physical environments to maximize learning.

Sometimes the classroom

The instructional goals, activities,

The instructional goals, activities,

The instructional goals, activities,

environment conveys high
interactions and classroom
interactions and classroom
interactions and classroom
expectations for student
environment generally convey high
environment consistently convey
environment always convey high
expectations for the students.
high expectations for the students.
expectations for the students.

Sometimes maintains a classroom

Generally maintains a classroom

Consistently maintains a classroom

Always maintains a classroom
environment that is organized,
environment that is organized,
environment that is organized,
environment that is organized,
productive and orderly.
productive and orderly.
productive and orderly
productive and orderly and
supports colleagues to do the

Sometimes students are off task.

Tasks for group/ individual work

Tasks for group/ individual work

are organized and students are
are organized and students are
generally engaged in the lesson.
consistently engaged in the lesson.

Tasks for group/ individual work

are well organized and students are
always engaged in the lesson.




Students learning needs

Understands and demonstrates a range of strategies for determining the interests and learning needs of students, including: Special Education Needs (SEN), gifted and
talented (GATS), English as a Second Language (ESL) and students with disabilities or disadvantages.

Generally constructs programs that

Consistently shows knowledge of

Always uses knowledge to

Attempts to construct programs

take into account some of the
differentiation and uses this
construct programs that take into
that take into account the varying
varying needs of individual
knowledge to construct programs
account the varying needs of
needs of individual students and
students and groups.
that take into account the varying
individual students and groups.
needs of individual students and

Generally uses different strategies

A wide range of strategies are


Minimal range of strategies

to implement programs that
always used to implement the
evident in programs
engage students

A wide range of different strategies

programs that engage students.
are consistently used to implement
Promotes the importance of this
programs that engage students
knowledge to colleagues within the
ICT usage
Uses class computers and ICT tools to support the program
Sometimes uses class computers and
Generally uses class computers and ICT
Consistently and effectively uses class
Always effectively and independently
ICT tools to support the program.
tools to support the program.
computers and ICT tools to support the
uses class computers and ICT tools to
support the program, sharing this
information with others.
Support for IB Philosophy
Implements and follows the IB learner profiles and attitudes.

Sometimes demonstrates

Generally demonstrates following

Consistently implements and

Always implements and

following the IB learner profiles
the IB learner profiles and
demonstrates following the IB
demonstrates following the IB
and attitudes.
learner profiles and attitudes.
learner profiles and attitudes.

Needs support to assist students

Assists students to monitor their

Assists students to monitor and

Effectively assists students to

to monitor their own behaviour
own behaviour related to the
review their own behaviour
monitor and review their own
related to the learner profile and
learner profile and attitudes.
related to the learner profile and
behaviour related to the learner
profile and attitudes.

Generally works with colleagues

Sometimes works with colleagues

to develop and implement

Consistently works with

Always works with and guides

to develop and implement
colleagues to develop and
colleagues to develop and
implement strategies.
implement strategies.

Element 3. Student Welfare: The teacher knows the students and how they behave


Student management
Effectively manages students behaviour and maintains a classroom where students take responsibility for their own behaviour.
Generally maintains a classroom
. Generally maintains a classroom
where students take responsibility
where students take responsibility
Consistently maintains a classroom
for their own behaviour.
for their own behaviour.
where students take responsibility
for their own behaviour.
Anticipates possible disruptions and Generally controls possible
implements limited strategies to
disruptions and implements
Consistently controls possible
maintain a safe learning
strategies to maintain a safe
disruptions and implements
learning environment.
strategies to maintain a safe
learning environment.
Attempts to respond to student
Consequences are in place for
misbehaviour but with uneven
student misbehaviour and

Consequences are in place for

management procedures are
student misbehaviour and
generally implemented.
management procedures are
consistently implemented.

Student growth
Uses a wide range of strategies to promote a positive self-image for all students

Generally, encourages students to

Provides evidence of promoting

have a positive self image.
positive student self image.

Attempts to establish an

Students are consistently

atmosphere of mutual respect in
respectful of each other, the lesson
the classrooms.
and the teacher.

Provides evidence of promoting

positive student self image.
Students are consistently respectful
of each other, the lesson and the
Has established, written rules for
promoting mutual respect among
students in the class.


Element 4. Assessment and Reporting: The teacher assesses, keeps records and reports for effective learning

Assessment Strategies
Selects, develops and uses valid, reliable and innovative assessment tools

With assistance, uses valid

Selects, develops and uses valid

assessment tools and approaches
and reliable assessment tools.
and/or moderation processes to

Uses a variety of informal, formal,

assess students learning.
formative and summative
approaches and/or moderation
processes to assess students

Selects, develops and uses valid

and reliable assessment tools.
Uses a variety of informal, formal,
formative and summative
approaches and/or moderation
processes to assess students
Works with colleagues to develop
and review assessment strategies.

Always maintains a classroom

where students take responsibility
for their own behaviour.
Always controls possible
disruptions and implements a
variety of effective strategies to
maintain a safe learning
Shares strategies for managing
challenging student behaviour to
Consequences are in place for
student misbehaviour and
management procedures are
always implemented

Provides evidence of promoting

positive student self image and
leads/mentors colleagues to do the
Students are consistently respectful
of each other, the lesson and the
Has established, written rules for
promoting mutual respect among
students in the class.


Selects, develops and uses valid,

reliable and innovative assessment
Uses a variety of informal, formal,
formative and summative
approaches and/or assessment
moderation processes to assess
students learning to inform future
Leads colleagues to develop,
review, and use a range of
assessment strategies.




Measuring Student Learning Goals

Develops and uses assessment criteria based on the students learning goals and communicates these to students

Sometimes develops assessment

Generally develops and/or uses

Consistently develops and/or uses

criteria based on student learning
assessment criteria based on
assessment criteria based on
goals and communicates these to
student learning goals and
student learning goals and
students and, where appropriate,
communicates these to students
communicates these to students
and, where appropriate,
and, where appropriate,

Works with colleagues to develop

and review assessment criteria.
Data Management
Collaborates with colleagues to collect, organize and store data of students achievement
Maintains accurate and effective
Collects, organizes and stores data
Collaborates with colleagues, to collect,
records of student achievement that
about student achievement in ways that organize and store data about students
might be accessed by others.
can be accessed by others, including the achievement in ways that can be
use of ICT.
accessed by others, including the use of
Provides timely and effective verbal and written feedback
Sometimes provides timely and
Generally provides timely and
effective verbal and written
effective verbal and written
feedback to students about their
feedback to each student about
achievement of learning goals and
achievement relative to their
to promote future learning.
learning goals and suggests
improvements to promote future

Consistently provides timely and

effective verbal and written
feedback to each student about
achievement relative to their
learning goals and suggests
improvements to promote future
Provides opportunities for students
to use feedback to reflect on their
achievements and /or demonstrate

Leads, assists and collaborates with

colleagues to review and/or develop
systems to collect, organize and store
data about students achievement in
ways that can be accessed by others,
including ICT.


Constructs effective verbal and written reports that reflects students achievement
Demonstrates an understanding of
Completes effective verbal and
the principles and practices of
written reports that reflect their
effective reporting to parents in an
students achievement and
intelligible and respectful way.
consistently communicates this
information to students, parents
and colleagues in an accessible and
respectful way.

Completes effective verbal and

written reports that reflect students
achievement and consistently
communicates this information to
students, parents and colleagues in
an accessible and respectful way.
Assists colleagues to construct and
use reports.

Always develops and uses

assessment criteria based on
student learning goals and
communicates these with students
and parents/caregivers.
Leads colleagues to develop and
review assessment criteria.

Always provides timely and

effective verbal and written
feedback to each student about
their achievement relative to their
learning goals and suggestions for
improvement to promote future
Integrates opportunities for
students to use feedback to reflect
on their achievements and /or
demonstrate improvement.
Models to colleagues a range of
strategies for feedback and student

Constructs effective verbal and

written reports that reflect
students achievement and
consistently communicates this
information to students, parents
and colleagues in an accessible and
respectful way.
Assists colleagues to construct and
use reports and contributes to the
development of whole school

Element 5. Professionalism: The teacher continually improves his /her professional knowledge, practices and conduct (12%)



Professional Growth
Update knowledge and practice, targeted to personal professional learning needs and school priorities.

Participates in a limited range of

Identifies and implements

Leads and implements research

professional learning activities
strategies to achieve personal
based professional strategies to
professional learning targets and
achieve personal professional
school priorities.
learning targets and school

Understands and applies current

educational trends.

Understands, applies, articulates

and shares relevant, recent
research and current educational
Professional Practices
Teacher Professional Development Plan & Portfolio

Has a current Teacher Portfolio

Has a current Teacher Portfolio and

and Professional Development
Professional Development Plan.

Reflects on personal progress to

make changes towards meeting

Has a current Teacher Portfolio and

Professional Development Plan.
Reflects on personal progress to
make detailed and thorough
(appropriate) changes towards
meeting goals.

Professionalism in the Workplace

Understands, complies with and models the code of conduct, regulations, policies and user agreements established by the school

Sometimes implements the code

Generally implements the code of

Consistently implements the code

of conduct, regulations, policies

conduct, regulations, policies and
of conduct, regulations, policies
and user agreements with
user agreements with students,
and user agreements with
students, colleagues and parents.
colleagues and parents.
students, colleagues and parents.

Initiates leads and implements

researchbased professional
strategies to achieve personal
professional learning targets and
school priorities.
Understands, applies, articulates
and consistently shares relevant,
recent research and current
educational trends and leads
others to change.

Has a current Teacher Portfolio and

Professional Development Plan.
Reflects on personal progress to
make dynamic and meaningful
(appropriate) changes towards
meeting goals.

Always models and implements the

code of conduct, regulations,
policies and user agreements with
students, colleagues and parents
and leads and/or assists colleagues
to do the same.

Element 6. Communication: The teacher has effective communication with students, staff, parents and community (12%)


Professional communication with students

Communicates fluently and accurately in the appropriate language of instruction

Demonstrates communication,

Demonstrates fluent and clear

orally and in writing, with students
communication, orally and in
using the appropriate language of
writing, using the appropriate
instruction with students.
language of instruction with
English usage and Improvement:
Uses English in professional settings and for professional purposes.

Always uses English in the

Always uses English in the

appropriate school environment
appropriate school environment
and purposes.
and purposes and participates in
English improvement opportunities.

Demonstrates fluent, accurate and

confident communication, orally
and in writing using the
appropriate language of instruction
with students.

Initiates, leads and demonstrates

fluent, accurate and confident
communication, orally and in
writing, using the appropriate
language of instruction with

Always uses English in the

appropriate school environment
and purposes, models to others
and participates in English
improvement opportunities.

Always uses English in the

appropriate school environment
and purposes, models and
encourages others and participates
in English improvement



Professional communication with parents and community

Initiates, leads and demonstrates clear, fluent, accurate and confident communication in the appropriate language

Sometimes discusses student

Generally discusses student

Consistently Discusses student

performance, lessons, concepts,
performance, lessons, concepts,
performance, lessons, concepts,
and units taught.
and units taught.
and units taught.

Sometimes responds and liaises

Generally initiates and liaises

Consistently initiates and liaises

with parents about individual
clearly with parents about
clearly with parents about
welfare issues
individual student welfare issues.
individual student welfare issues.

Maintains minimal records of

Maintains minimal records showing

Maintains detailed records
contact with parents.
contact with parents and
showing contact and discussions
sometimes shares with colleagues
with parents, shares with
to keep all parties informed.
colleagues to keep all parties

Professional communication with colleagues and staff

Initiates, leads and demonstrates clear, fluent, accurate and confident communication in English

Demonstrates adequate

Demonstrates fluent and clear

Demonstrates clear, fluent,

communication, orally and in
communication, orally and in
accurate and confident
writing, in English, with colleagues
writing, in English, with colleagues
communication, orally and in
and staff.
writing, in English, with colleagues
and staff.

Always discusses student

performance, lessons, concepts,
and units taught.
Always initiates and liaises clearly
and consistently with parents
about individual student welfare
Always maintains detailed records
showing contact and discussions
with parents, shares and
coordinates meetings with
colleagues to keep all parties

Initiates, leads and demonstrates

clear, fluent, accurate and
confident communication, orally
and in writing, in English with
colleagues and staff.

Element 7. Contribution: The teacher contributes to his/her team, school and community (10%)


Collaborative practices
Works collaboratively with colleagues, school support staff, and other professionals

Sometimes contributes to team

Generally contributes actively to

team discussions.

Involvement in staff development

Is involved in sharing their knowledge and skills to enhance the school

Attends and is actively involved in

Supports staff who are

professional development courses.
implementing programs that
develop staff in their professional

Consistently leads and shapes team


Always initiates, leads and shapes

team and school wide discussions.
Initiates activities to develop
collaborative working practices to
enhance student learning and

Implements programs that develop

staff in their professional practice

Develops, implements and

supports programs that develop
staff in their professional practice.


Resource management
Effectively manages and maintains resources

Properly uses and takes care of

materials, equipment, resources

and systems.

Properly uses and takes

responsibility for the care of
materials, equipment, resources
and systems.

Properly uses, takes responsibility

for, and instructs others in the care
of materials, equipment, resources
and/or systems.



Contributions to the school

Is involved in activities which occur regularly and with successful outcomes outside the normal teaching role

Fulfils extracurricular

Contributes to the involvement of

Shows significant contribution to

responsibilities assigned.
students in school, local, national
involve students in local, national
or international events. OR
or international events or
extracurricular activities and

Fulfils extracurricular
prepares them to achieve at the
responsibilities given and assists
highest levels OR
events led by others

Offers and leads extracurricular

activities OR

Participates in Cross school

committees/ activities/programs or
helps plan social events (staff
relationship building).
Works collaboratively with families

Attempts to establish respectful

and collaborative relationships
with parents/caregivers and
provide opportunities for them to
be involved in student learning.

Sometimes uses the school

communication methods to keep
parents informed.

Establishes and maintains

respectful and collaborative
relationships with
parents/caregivers and provides
opportunities for them to be
involved in student learning.
Generally uses the school
communication methods to keep
parents informed.

Establishes and maintains

respectful and collaborative
relationships with
parents/caregivers and provides
opportunities for them to be
involved in student learning.
Consistently uses the school
communication methods to keep
parents informed.
Models to colleagues ways of
involving parents/caregivers in the
learning environment.

COMMENT (may include areas needing development / evidence of achievement / section(s) of the rubric:

Properly uses, takes responsibility

for, and instructs others in the care
of materials, equipment, resources
and/or systems
Promotes innovation in the use
and/or care for materials,
equipment, resources and systems.

Seeks and/or initiates opportunities

and shows significant contribution
to involve students in local,
national or international events
and prepares them to achieve at
the highest levels. OR
Leads Cross school committees/
activities/programs or leads/plans
participation in social events (staff
relationship building).

Initiates school approaches that

provide opportunities for
respectful and collaborative
relationships with
parents/caregivers and involves
them in student learning.
Always uses the school
communication methods to keep
parents informed.
Guides colleagues to gain a better
understanding of the local
community with a view to
improving teacher effectiveness
and student learning.

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