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Coaching points of flicking

Flicks can be useful if opponents are blocking the route through to a teammate, being able
to lift the ball over the opponents defensive stance stick, or alternatively over the defence
for an attacker to run onto providing more options for the attacking team. The aerial flick can
be used to score goals: drag flick and penalty stroke.
However the down side of these passes is the time it takes for the ball to travel to its target.
Long aerials travel at a much slower rate over the same distance in comparison to a ground
ball, allowing defenders to recover, whilst also being harder to control for the receiver.

Left shoulder should be pointing at the target

Hands separated on the stick, left at top and right lower towards end of grip.

Body weight should be evenly distributed between the balls of the feet, with knees

The ball should be positioned somewhere between the center and the front of the

Head should be positioned over the ball, with the head of the stick behind the ball.


Drop the right shoulder and start to transfer body weight forward.

Use the left hand to pull the stick forward making sure the head of the stick is open.

The right hand is used to guide the stick and pass in the right direction.

As the left hand passes the same foot, extend the arms, keeping the head steady.

Follow through:

After lifting the ball into the air continue to transfer body weight through to the front

The stick should follow through and end up pointing to the sky.

The arms should be pointing at the target.

Physical Education Lesson Plan (Practical)

Time and

6 min

Organisation of both learning and resources

Teaching cues & Key questions


(1) Gate Flick

Pupils dribble around an area (end 25), when pupils reach
a gate they have to lift it over gate.
3 different gates, varying from easy to harder to challenge
Stick on floor
Stick on top of cones
Stick on top of high cones
Teacher explains technical points for flicking

Emphasis on creativity to get over the gate.

Q What do you have to do to help the ball over the
larger gates?
A Angle of stick (more open), bend knees and lift up

Range of different size gates to ensure

all pupils can try to make it over.
Smaller area and more gates, to
encourage more controlled flicks

Preparation/ execution/ follow through

Pupils attempt to flick over the gates again using teaching

3 min

(2) Gate Flick Competition truck and trailer


In pairs, one ball.

One dribbles the ball, the other follows.
First dribbles and lifts over gate and controls.
Second one then chooses different gate.

The pupils CANNOT lift over the same size gate

consecutively makes them think.

Count in pairs how many gates you can lift over in 1

min. Repeat.

(3) Penalty flick challenge

Each pupil has 3 flicks each.
1 point = Goal
3 points = bottom corners (through cones)
5points = top corners (wedge stick in corners)

Tactics, top and miss or safe and get points??

Can create sequences of different gate

heights to suit all learners e.g. 1 small,
2 medium, 1 small

Advanced Drag Flick Shot

Be able to progress the lessons to assist their needs. be able to progress the lessons
to assist their needs.
It is like a more powerful push shot which is lifted into the air.
The difference between this and the normal flick is that the ball starts near the back
foot in this shot so it has more contact time with the stick to generate extra power.
Also the cross behind step is used to gain momentum when the space to execute the
shot is limited.


In order to prepare correctly for this shot players must know where the target is
without necessarily looking directly at it.


The knees should be bent throughout the shot, and the upper body crouched slightly.
The right foot should start in front of the left, and the stick is held using the shakehands grip. The ball should remain parallel to the body but also 2 or 3 yards out in
front of it.

Bring the left foot forward with a short step, transfer body weight in the same
direction and drop the right shoulder.
The right foot is the next to move and should cross behind the left foot. When doing
this, place the label of the stick against the back, bottom half of the ball
Take another short step with the left foot, then rotate the hips, use the left hand to pull
the stick forward.
This should force the ball to roll towards the toe of the stick, however as the ball
reaches the end of the label above the hook, lift through the lower half of the ball.
This should get the ball off the ground, whilst using both arms to whip the stick.
Create more power and momentum through the ball by using the hips and shoulders,
Follow through

Transferring body weight through to the front (left) leg. When following through the
arms should be pointed at the target and the stick's toe pointing up.

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