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6th largezst in pop

total populatin 182 2012, 2014 185, now 188 m 2015

GDP capita 2013 806 USD
in pakistan 46% males focuses more on SD, 27% in Juices
Female 40% SD, 34% in Jucuice
young 45% SD, 28% juices

why do you want to be in coke?

Because it is a place where I can get personal growth, equal employment
opportunity, carrier development, capacity enhancement and sense of equality.

And also i have been impressed by the move that Coke has undertaken to
empower 5 million females by 2020 in pakistan. Till now females had been the
second citizen but now the trend has been changing and i loved to see coke as a
part of who felt it and bringing the change.
till today in almost 3 years coke with kashf foundation empowered 5000 female
entrepreneurs and its an impressive amount.

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