Absolute Advantage

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Absolute Advantage,

Comparative Advantage,
Political Economy of Trade,
Trade Policy Analysis,
World Trade Organization,
Preferential Trade Agreements,
Supply and Production Possibilities;
Preferences, Demand, and Welfare,
General Equilibrium in Open and Closed Economies
The Offer Curve,
The Gains from Trade, gains from exchange, gains from specialization
The Causes of International Trade,
Differences in Technology,
The Heckscher-Ohlin Model,
Factor price equalization theorem,
The Stolper-Samuelson and Rybczynki Theorem,
Extensions of Hecksher-Ohlin Model,
The Specific Factors Model;
Government Policies as Determinants of Trade,
Taxes, subsidies and determinants of trade,
Factor market distortions,
Imperfect Competition as a Determinant of Trade and the Gains from Trade,
Cournot-Nash equilibrium
Increasing Returns to Scale,
Tastes, Per Capita Income, and Technological Change as Determinants of Trade,
Linder hypothesis
Life cycle for new products,
Life cycle for new technologies,
Empirical Studies of Comparative Advantage Models,
Tests of ricardian model
Tests of Heckscher-Ohlin model,
The Leontief paradox
Tariffs, Quotas and other Non-Tariff Barriers
Price fluctuations and domestic monopoly

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