Radix Complete

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RADIX GUITARS PATALOGUIE 1 SO ee) eee eta Cee a ne Oca) [VAs ba mend} We always wanted to have 2 guitar with modemn sound, thick overcrive, ringing Eerie Deluxe is the frst guitar we designed. Countloss prototypes, hundreds ideas Cee eee ees Cee ae a econ is Dee a end cece ee cas Cen ee Fe eee ee eee er od Se ee eee ee eee Parts eee ee eres eee eed ree cae CC te ec eed ee Loe a Dee eee aR ee Color Options Cee a eee ee One Fe Ee ee ec an] Sem rer ara Cente eee ey (aa ae ae oa Us ayy ac eS RADIX RAVEN Cee ee Ce Corey Pe eet ae ee ees eee ae er a rd Sec e nS cece Mzhogany body curved top, ivory binging, E5 mm thick 5 pieces mahogany ‘set in’ neck 20.5 mm thick at 1st fret, 22.5 mm at 12th od Se ee eee Pats ee eee eens Rc ee eer ee eae ees eee ee Bee ec! ores ted Re ees eee es One sy Cee eRe erences aa aa oo Pras ayy a eS Vee aaa) This model is designed to full Ect Sjahranio's need of a guitar he creamod ‘sincs he wes a very young boy. Not an easy task. Neod moro than 2 yoarto finally Cee CC er ee eT) Eee eens TESLA VR NITRO 'S’ Chrome Cover pickups, specially designed for Radic delivers 3 warm and classic tone with 2 lot of punch and responsive to any ceed cee Co eo Se ee Parcs Se oe ee ee Pats ee eee rere Se eee Creer Sen Ce eae ea SEE ea nae tute? Se ees ee ees Floyd Rose Licensed Tremolo, die cast body keops the classic and warm freer ores Deca Peete aa Se (ata oe aac Tay Le 7A aemis} Deo ae ene ke Ce ord Dee ee en ee eee ees Cee ee ee ee Dee eee ne ca Bee Se ee en ee ene er cd Bound rosewood fret board, 14° radus 41 mm wide at the nul, 66,6 mm at 22nd fet. eee ees ere eer ee SC re ee ae eee ee Bee ce ces Color Options Flame Sunburst, Classic Tobacco Sunburst Black, White oes aCe oe ak ao as vy ea eT 7A aN aaron Ree eee eae ee aE Ce Cee er eR ec ed De eee ec eee ied eens Technical Specifications SU ee ae ed ee ee eee cere od Se ee ee ee eee Parts cre eee ee eer ee eas ce eneree tn ete en es renee es See ces ores ted Caer ee Ere eed ee es ama oe uae Pas av ea eS 7A aloe Dee EE Oe a ee ae are all single cut thing. Only the ‘elongated’ upper hom tums this quiterto some CO eee Oe eee Ce ee ee eee nee Ce oe ee Loe ear cece Dee Re een Se ee een eer cod = Bound rosewood fret board, 14” radius 41 mm wide at the nut, 55,6 mm at Pats es See ee ees ee eee ee eneree eee ete ees rere ees Bee eee! ores toed Cee eee ey Oey Cees erences aa Ce ee co as ay ace SL VA eta i} ee ere ee eee ee Eee ee ee ee ee eee Pe ee ae cece Dee aed Se ee eee er cd = Bound rosewood fret board, 14” radius 41 mm wide at the nut, 55,6 mm at Parton ee ee ene Se ee ees cree ee ene eee a ees oe eee ee ~ Floyd Rose Licensed Tremolo, die cast body keeps the warmth of te classic tone. Color Options eaa UUme Om eee ey (eat oe aac Tay Le VAs Panel ay Designed for Buluks Suporgiad, a punk rock hero. Straightforward and simplol! Solid block mahogany body, solid color, 1 volume pot and 1 switch. No fancy OSE mea cece Cree ee ate § pieces mahogany ‘set in’ neck 20.5 mm thick at 1st fret, 22.5 mm at 12th od Se oo ee ee patos tee een) Rc ee cere ae Cer ag eed eee) Bee ee cies) ores ned RC eed ere as ein eens aa a ae ae ol us yy Rt = 7A aint TAs Se ee ete eee ey Pe eee oe en ay ee cece De ee ene en ee eee ener cd eee eee See ee ee eee Eeattod De eee ee oe eee eens reesei TESLA AHI Aatve pickups for bridge and neck cee eed Bee Men cay ores taey Cee Oey Peete eerie ef Ce Ran ere On aC Sc eke) Posy) eo Sd

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