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Hoisington 1

When an eccentric millionaire asks one to build a tower for them, one does not just
simply say no! In this case, the millionaire has a plot of 31 by 31 feet, and wants an 18-sided
tower built on their plot. However, the local rules say that one cannot build within 3 feet of the
plot limits; therefore the available building space has actually been reduced to 25 by 25 feet of
Part 2:

Figure 1. Part 2A
Figure 1 shows the four polygons of the tower as well as the scale, the plot dimensions,
how many sides the tower has, and the length of one polygon to the other. The scale for this
drawing, as well as all of the other drawings, is 3 feet of tower space for every 1 in-real-life
centimeter. The original plot, as previously stated, was 31 by 31 feet. Due to the limits, one has
to go in by 3 feet on all sides; therefore the limit in which the tower can be constructed is 25 by
25 feet, or 6 feet off total. The tower that was asked to be constructed was asked to be

Hoisington 2

constructed in a way so that it turned out with 18 total sides. Finally, the length of one polygon to
the other is approximately .32 centimeters, which is actually 1 foot in the full scale tower.
The central angle was also asked for by the millionaire. This can be found by using a
formula, 360/n, with n standing for number of sides to the polygon. With the formula and
substitutions, it looks like this:

(Number of sides is plugged in for n)

360/18 = 20 Central angle

Figure 2. Central Angle

Therefore, as shown in figure 2, the central angle of the 18-sided-polygon is 20 degrees.

Figure 3. Polygon 1
Polygon 1, as illustrated in figure 3, is the start of the footing, or the outer edge of the
footing. Segment ME (M standing for middle and E standing for edge) is equal to 4.16
centimeters, which, when scaled, equals 12.5 feet. One would find this length by taking half of

Hoisington 3

the limit boxs length, which was 25 feet, so half of that would be 12.5 feet. To find one side of
polygon 1, one must find the length between B11 and B12 (which stand for Base of polygon one
[1] and Base of polygon one [2].) This can be found using formulas like so:
Sin = o/h (o = side opposite of the angle, h = hypotenuse of the triangle)
Figure 4. Base Formula

Figure 4 shows the formula used to find the base of any triangle when given the angle
and the hypotenuse. Since the central angle has been proven to be 20 degrees, half of that would
be 10 degrees, and so that is equal to because is half of the central angle, which is the half of
the triangle. Also, the hypotenuse, or segment ME, has already been proven to be 12.5 feet.
When plugged into the formula, it looks like:
Sin(10) = o/12.5
12.5 sin(10) = o
2(12.5 sin(10)) = One side of polygon 1 4.34 feet
Figure 5. One Side of Polygon 1

Because this is only the opposite of the 10 degree angle, this measurement has to be
multiplied by two, because the central angle is 20 degrees. This value is also approximately 4.34
feet. To find the area of the triangle, and then eventually polygon 1, one needs the height of the
triangle. The height can be found using cosine.

Hoisington 4

Cos = a/h (a = side adjacent to the angle)

Cos(10) = a/12.5
12.5 cos(10) = a
12.5 cos(10) = Height of polygon 1 triangle 12.31 feet
Figure 6. Height of Polygon 1 Triangle

So says figure 6, the height of polygon 1 is also approximately equal to 12.31 feet. Now
all that is left is to find the area of polygon 1. The area of polygon 1 is equal to the area of the
triangle multiplied by 18, because there are 18 sides to the polygon. The area of a triangle is
equal to (1/2)(base)(height). This can be expressed as:
A = 18(1/2bh)
A = 18 (1/2((12.5 sin(10))2) (12.5 cos(10)))
APOLYGON 1 480.97 feet2
Figure 7. Area of Polygon 1

In figure 7, first is the area formula for the 18 sided polygon, and then the base and height
of the triangle that has already been found was plugged in. The area of the first polygon, polygon
1, is about 480.97 square feet.

Hoisington 5

Figure 8. Polygon 2

Figure 8 showcases a drawing of polygon 2. Polygon 2s area is found in somewhat the

same way, but to find the base tangent is used, and the height is simply the height of polygon 1
minus 1 foot. Segment M2E2 is not relevant in any way, shape or form in finding the area, but it
was included nonetheless. To find the base of the triangle in figure 8, or one side length of
polygon 2, this formula must be used:
Tan = o/a-1 (the 1 is subtracted from a because the height is 1 foot less than polygon 1)
Tan(10) = o/((12.5 cos(10))-1)
((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10) = o
2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)) = One side of polygon 2 3.99 feet
Figure 9. One Side of Polygon 2

In the first line of text in figure 1, the 1 is subtracted from a because the height is 1 foot
less than polygon 1. Then the values are plugged in, and both sides are multiplied by the
dividend. Then it is multiplied by 2 because it was only half of the base. Therefore, one side of
polygon 2 is approximately 3.99 feet.

Hoisington 6

The height, as previously stated, is 1 foot less than polygon 1, so the height of this triangle is
about 11.31 feet. The formula for the height could be displayed as:
H = ((12.5 cos(10))-1) 11.31 feet
Figure 10. Polygon 2 Height Formula

Now, the area of this polygon must be found. The same formula can be used as last time:
A = 18(1/2bh)
A = 18(1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-1)))
APOLYGON 2 406.00 feet2
Figure 11. Polygon 2 Area Formulas and Substitutions

In figure 11, it shows the area formula for the 18 sided polygon first, then the base and
height values are inputted, and then finally the area is shown. The area of the second polygon is
approximately 406.00 square feet.

Hoisington 7

Figure 12. Polygon 3

In figure 12, polygon 3 is shown. The height of polygon 3s triangle is the same situation
as polygon 2s, but this height is two feet shorter that the height in polygon 1s triangle.
Therefore, the height is:
H = ((12.5 cos(10))-2) 10.31 feet
Figure 13. Polygon 3 Height Formula

The formula shown in figure 13 can be round to about 10.31 feet. The base is found in almost the
exact same way as polygon 2, but instead of subtracting 1 from the height (a), 2 must be
subtracted because it is 2 feet shorter. The formulas and substitutions look like this:
Tan = o/a-2
Tan(10) = o/((12.5 cos(10))-2)
((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10) = o
2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10)) = One side of polygon 3 3.64 feet
Figure 14. Polygon 3 Triangle Base Formula and Substitutions

Hoisington 8

As shown in figure 14, one side of polygon 3 is about 3.64 feet.

A = 18(1/2bh)
A = 18(1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-2)))
APOLYGON 3 337.38 feet2
Figure 15. Area of Polygon 3

So, as proven in figure 15, the area of polygon 3 is approximately 337.38 square feet.

Figure 16. Polygon 4

Polygon 4 is the smallest and final polygon of the tower. Inside of polygon 4 is an
aquarium that the millionaire ordered. The height of this polygons triangle is 3 feet shorter than
polygon 1, and can be displayed as this formula:
H = ((12.5 cos(10))-3) 9.31 feet
Figure 17. Height of Polygon 4

Hoisington 9

As for the side length of polygon 4, one must find the base of this triangle, also using
tangent. This time, however, 3 must be subtracted from a, because the height is 3 feet shorter.
In the formula, it looks like this:
Tan = o/a-3
Tan(10) = o/((12.5 cos(10))-3)
((12.5 cos(10))-3) tan(10) = o
2(((12.5 cos(10))-3) tan(10)) = One side of polygon 4 3.28 feet
Figure 18. One Side of Polygon 4
Figure 18 shows the formula, with 3 subtracted from a because it is 3 feet shorter than it
was in polygon 1, the inputted values, and then the solved equation, which tells that one side of
polygon 4 is about 3.28 feet. Finally, the last area of all the polygons.
A = 18(1/2bh)
A = 18(1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-3) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-3)))
APOLYGON 4 275.11 feet2
Figure 19. Area of Polygon 4 Formulas and Substitutions

Figure 19 shows the area formula, and the inputted values for the base and height, then the final
approximated area of polygon 4. The area of the final polygon, polygon 4, is about 275.11 square

Hoisington 10

Part 3:

Figure 20. Footing

In figure 20 is a drawing of the footing. The footing is a 3.5 foot deep piece of concrete
that spans from polygon 1 to polygon 4 and is hollow in the middle, which would be inside
polygon 4. This footing is going under the walls to provide stability, and the aquarium is in the
middle. One would find the volume of the footing by first finding the volume of polygon 1, and
then subtracting from that the volume of polygon 4. To find the volume of the polygon, one must
first find the volume of the triangle, and then multiply that by 18. The volume formula can be
displayed as:
V = 18(A D)
Figure 21. Volume of Polygon

Figure 21 shows the volume formula for these polygons, A stands for the area of one
triangle from the polygon and D stands for the depth, which is 3.5 feet in this case.

Hoisington 11

Due to the fact the height and base of these polygons have already been found, the only thing left
to do is plug the values into the volume formula.
VPOLYGON 1 = 18((1/2((12.5 sin(10))2) (12.5 cos(10))) 3.5)
VPOLYGON 1 1683.38 feet3
VPOLYGON 4 = 18((1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-3) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-3))) 3.5)
VPOLYGON 4 962.87 feet3
VFOOTING = (18((1/2((12.5 sin(10))2) (12.5 cos(10))) 3.5)) (18((1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))3) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-3))) 3.5))
VFOOTING 720.51 feet3
Figure 22. Footing Volume Formulas and Substitutions

In figure 22, it shows the volume of polygon 1, then the volume of polygon 4, and then
finally the volume of polygon 1 minus polygon 4, which gives one the footings volume. Based
on the calculations in figure 22, about 720.51 cubic feet of concrete are needed for the footing.

Hoisington 12

Figure 23. Plexiglas floor

Figure 23 shows the Plexiglas floor. This floor is inside of the footing, or polygon 4, and
is 4 inches thick, which is 1/3 of a foot. To find the volume of this piece of Plexiglas, one can use
the same formula as to find the volume of the polygon 4 footing, but instead of multiplying it by
that depth, which is 3.5 feet, one should instead multiply it by 1/3 feet, which is equivalent to 4
inches. This looks like:
VPlexiglas = 18((1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-3) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-3))) (1/3))
VPlexiglas 91.70 feet3
Figure 24. Plexiglas Floor Volume

Based on figure 24, it is now known that about 91.70 cubic feet of Plexiglas is needed to
complete the floor inside of the footing and above the aquarium.

Hoisington 13

Figure 25. Aquarium

The aquarium, as shown in figure 25, is in the middle of the footing and is also as deep as
the footing. However, one must first subtract the floor to find the actual volume because the floor
dips down into the space so that it is flush with the ground. The millionaire wants the aquarium
to be 75% full of water. To find the volume of the water, one must use multiply the volume of
polygon 4 minus the volume of the floor by . This formula looks like this:
VWATER = ((18((1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-3) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-3))) 3.5))
(18((1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-3) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-3))) (1/3))))
VWATER 653.38 feet3
Figure 26. Water Volume

In figure 26, it shows the waters volume formula with the values plugged in, and says
about 653.38 cubic feet of water is needed to fill the aquarium 75%.

Hoisington 14

The millionaire also asked for a cost analysis for the concrete needed and the Plexiglas
needed. For the concrete, the company sells it for $115 for every cubic yard. Because 1 yard is
equal to 3 feet, the volume of the footing, which is in cubic feet, needs to be divided by 3 to
convert it over to yards.
VFOOTING/3 = Cubic yards needed
(18((1/2((12.5 sin(10))2) (12.5 cos(10))) 3.5)) (18((1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-3)
tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-3))) 3.5))/3 240.17 yards3
241 cubic yards $115 = $27,715 needed to purchase footing concrete
Figure 27. Concrete Needed for Footing

Figure 27 shows the formula for the concrete and the substitutions, which amounts to
about 240.17 cubic yards of concrete. In a real life situation, however, the value must be an
integer value, and because it would be better to have more than needed than not enough, the
volume becomes 241 cubic yards. Total, $27,715 is needed to purchase all of the concrete needed
to fill the footing, along with a little extra.
Now for the cost of the Plexiglas. The Plexiglas is sold in 48 inch by 96 inch sheets, with
each one being $1100, which is also 4 foot by 8 foot. This is also equal to 32 square foot sheets.
So, to find the amount of sheets needed, one must divide the area of the Plexiglas (polygon 4s
area) by 32. The formula and substitutions look like this:
Sheets = APOLYGON 4/32
Sheets = (18(1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-3) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-3))))/32
Sheets 8.6
9 Sheets $1100 = $9900
Figure 28. Plexiglas Needed for Floor

Hoisington 15

Figure 28 shows the formula and substitution for the needed Plexiglas. This is also a real life
situation, so the sheets value must be rounded up to the next integer, which is 9. The cost of the
Plexiglas floor over the aquarium is $9900.

Part 4:
3.99 feet

Figure 29. Base of Outer Prism

Figure 29 shows the base of the outer prism. The side length, segment BA, is known
because it is the same length as one side of polygon 2, which has already been proven to be 3.99

3.99 feet

Hoisington 16

7.98 feet

Figure 30. One Lateral Face of Outer Prism Including Door

In figure 30, one lateral face of the outer prism including the door to enter the tower is
drawn. The dimensions of the lateral face are 2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)) feet by 2(2(((12.5
cos(10))-1) tan(10))) feet, or about 3.99 feet by 7.98, and this is known because the base of
the lateral face is the same length as one side of polygon 2, which is 3.99 feet, and the height is
double that, which is 7.98 feet. The height of the rectangular part of the door is 5 feet, as
illustrated in the drawing as segment DHDW. The width of this part is 3 feet, or segment DW2DW.
Therefore, to find the area of the rectangular part of the door, one would use the area formula for
a rectangle, and with substitutions it looks like this:
A= 35
A = 15 feet2
Figure 31. Area of Rectangular Part of door

In figure 31, it shows that the rectangular part of the door is 15 square feet, and so the
total area of the door is the area of the top of the door plus 15 square feet. Since the top part of
the door is half of the shape of the tower, the top part of the doors area was found by using the

Hoisington 17

same triangle formula as the other polygons, but by using 1.5 feet as the radius of the shape, or
the hypotenuse of the triangle. Sine and Cosine were used to find the measurements, just like in
the polygons. To find the area of the top of the door, one must use the triangle area formula
multiplied by 9, because there are 9 sides to that shape. It looks like this:
ATD = 9(1/2bh)
ATD = 9(1/2(2(1.5 sin(10))) (1.5 cos(10)))
ATD 3.46 feet2
Figure 32. Area of TD (Top of Door)

So as proven in figure 32, the area of the top of the door is about 3.46 square feet, and
when added to the area of the rectangular part of the door, the door comes out to be, total, about
18.46 square feet.

3.99 feet
7.98 feet

Figure 33. Lateral Face and Window

Figure 33 shows the lateral face alone with a window. There are two windows total on the
tower, and the window is the same dimensions as the top of the door, but double. In a formula
and with substitutions, it would look like this:

Hoisington 18

AWINDOW = (9(1/2(2(1.5 sin(10))) (1.5 cos(10)))) 2
AWINDOW 6.93 feet2
Figure 34. Area of 1 Window Formula

Figure 34 proves that the area of each window is approximately 6.93 square feet.
In order to find the overall lateral surface area of the outer walls, one must multiply the
area of each wall by 18, and then subtract the area of the door, and the window multiplied by
two, because there are two windows. It looks like this:
LSAO = (18(B H)) (ADOOR + (AWINDOW 2))
LSAO = (18((2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10))) (2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10))))))
((9(1/2(2(1.5 sin(10))) (1.5 cos(10))) + 15) + (((9(1/2(2(1.5 sin(10))) (1.5 cos(10))))
2) 2))
LSAO 540.39 feet2
Figure 35. Lateral Surface Area of Outer Walls
As proven in figure 35, the lateral surface area of the outer walls of the tower is about
540.39 square feet.

Hoisington 19

Part 5:
3.64 feet

Figure 36. Inner Prism Polygon

Illustrated in figure 36 is the inner prisms polygonal base. The wall, segment IW2IW, is
about 3.64 feet, and this is known because it is the same length as a side of polygon 3.

7.98 feet
3.64 feet

Figure 37. Inner Lateral Face

Figure 37 displays the inner lateral face. The base of this face is the same length as a side
of polygon 3, or 2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10)) feet, which is approximately 3.64 feet, and the

Hoisington 20

height is the same as the outer lateral face, or 2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10))) feet, which is
about 7.98 feet. Therefore the dimensions of this face are about 3.64 feet by 7.98 feet.
The millionaire also wants to know the volume of this inner prism. To find the volume,
one must multiply the area of the base, which would be polygon 3 in this case, by the height of
the wall. With the formula and substitutions, it looks like this:
VI = (18(1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-2)))) (2(2(((12.5 cos(10))1) tan(10))))
VI 2,691.30 feet3
Figure 38. Volume of Inner Prism
Figure 38 tells one that the volume of the inner prism is about 2,691.30 cubic feet.

Hoisington 21

Part 6:
11.97 feet
16.47 feet

Figure 39. Outer Pyramid

Figure 39 is a drawing is the outer pyramid of the roof of the tower. The height of this
pyramid was relatively simple to find, it is three times the side of one base. It is known because it
is three times the side length of polygon 2, which is 2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)). The height
of this pyramid is then that multiplied by 3, which is 3(2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10))) feet, or
approximately 11.97 feet.
To find the slant height of a lateral face of this pyramid, the easiest way is to use the
Pythagorean Theorem. In order to use this theorem, one needs two legs and a right angle of a
right triangle. The two legs that were used in this substitution of the formula was the height of
the pyramid for variable b and height of a triangle in polygon 2 for the variable a, which is
also the distance between the middle of the polygon and the midpoint of the base of a lateral face
of the pyramid. With the formula and substitutions, it looks like this:

Hoisington 22

a2 + b2 = c2
((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))2 = c2
((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))2 = c2
c 16.47 feet
Figure 40. Slant Height of Outer Pyramid
As one can see, in figure 40, the slant height of a lateral face of the outer pyramid is proven to
be about 16.47 feet.
Finally, the last part that the millionaire requires of part six is to find the angle that the base of
the pyramid and the top of the prism make, or the angle at the foot of the slant height. To find
this, one can use the same triangle that was used to find the slant height, but this time using a
tangent formula instead of the Pythagorean Theorem. This time, however, one does not have the
angle measure; one has the two sides, the adjacent and the opposite. Therefore, theta will remain
theta until the end. Also, to find the angle measure, one must apply tangent to the negative first
power to both sides, so that the tangent cancels out and one is left with theta equal to the angle
Tan = o/a
tan = (3(2((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))/((12.5 cos(10))-1)
tan-1(tan) = tan-1((3(2((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))/((12.5 cos(10))-1))
Figure 41. Angle of Slant
The angle has now been proven to be approximately 46.6 in figure 41.

Hoisington 23

Part 7:


mV3PB2 =13.8


Figure 42. Lateral Face of Outer Pyramid

In figure 42 is one lateral face of the outer pyramid. The base is the same length as a
polygon 2 side, and the height has already been proven (slant height of pyramid). However, one
must still find the angles of the lateral face. Due to the fact that one has the height of the triangle
and the base, tangent can be used to find all the angles of the triangle.
Tan = o/a
tan = (((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))2)/(((12.5 cos(10))-1)
tan-1(tan) = tan-1((((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))2)/(((12.5
cos(10))-1) tan(10)))
Figure 43. Finding mMB2P
As shown in figure 43, one must once again apply tangent to the negative first to both
sides in order to get theta by its lonesome, and t\en solve from there. From here, it is proven that
mMB2P is approximately 83.1.

Hoisington 24

Now to find the angle measure of the other angle of this triangle. First one must start by
finding half of the angle mV3PB2 because one can only use tangent when one knows the
opposite, which in this case would be half the base, and the adjacent, which is the height. From
there, one can multiply it by 2 to find mV3PB2.
Tan = o/a
tan = (((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))/ ((((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5 cos(10))-1)
tan-1(tan) = tan-1((((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))/ ((((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5
cos(10))-1) tan(10)))2))
2 = mV3PB2
mV3PB2 13.8

Figure 44. Finding mV3PB2

In figure 44, half of the angle was found as theta. Then, theta was multiplied by 2 because
that angle was found only using half the base, therefore finding half of the actual angle. All in all,
mV3PB2 is about 13.8.

To find the area of this lateral face, one must use the triangle area formula, like the one
that has been used to previously find the area of each polygon.
ALATp = 1/2bh
ALATp = (1/2)(2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))((((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5 cos(10))1) tan(10)))2)
ALATp 32.84 feet2
Figure 45. Area of One Lateral Face of Outer Pyramid
As proven, the area of one lateral face of the pyramid is approximately 32.84 square feet.

Hoisington 25

To now find the total lateral surface area of the pyramid, one must take the surface area of
one lateral face and multiply that value by 18, because there are 18 sides on the pyramid.
LSAOuterPyramid = ALATp 18
LSAOuterPyramid = ((1/2)(2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))((((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5
cos(10))-1) tan(10)))2)) 18
LSAOuterPyramid 591.04 feet2
Figure 46. Lateral Surface Area of Outer Pyramid
Therefore, as proven in figure 46, the total lateral surface area of the outer pyramid is
about 591.04 square feet.

Hoisington 26

Part 8:
A. Drawing of inner pyramid

3.64 cm = 10.91 feet

Figure 47. Inner Pyramid.

In figure 47 is an illustration of the inner pyramid of the tower. The height of this
pyramid is 3(2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10))) feet, or approximately 10.91 feet, and this is
known because it is 3 times as long as one side of the base, which is a side of polygon 3. The
millionaire asks for the volume of this inner pyramid. The volume formula for a pyramid is
unique and like no other, because the formula is 1/3 multiplied by the area of the base and then
multiplied by the height. This is obviously different due to the 1/3 multiplied to the formula at
the beginning.

Hoisington 27

VIP = 1/3ABH
VIP = (1/3)(18(1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-2))))(3(2(((12.5
cos(10))-2) tan(10))))
VIP 1,226.67 feet3
Figure 48. Inner Pyramid Volume
Figure 48 proves that the volume of the inner pyramid is approximately 1,226.67 cubic

Hoisington 28

Part 9:

Figure 49. Outside of Tower

In figure 49 is the drawing of the outside of the tower. This drawing includes the outer
prism and the outer pyramid roof. The millionaire asked for the total lateral surface area of the
tower, so that is what they will receive. To find this, one must add the lateral surface area of the
outer walls (LSAO) and the lateral surface area of the outer pyramid (LSAOuterPyramid.) It looks like
LSAT = LSAO + LSAOuterPyramid
LSAT = ((18((2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10))) (2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10))))))
((9(1/2(2(1.5 sin(10))) (1.5 cos(10))) + 15) + (((9(1/2(2(1.5 sin(10))) (1.5 cos(10))))
2) 2))) + (((1/2)(2(((12.5 cos(10))-1) tan(10)))((((12.5 cos(10))-1)2 + (3(2((12.5
cos(10))-1) tan(10)))2)) 18)
LSAT 1,131.44 feet2
Figure 50. Lateral Surface Area of Outer Tower
So as in figure 50, when the lateral surface area of the various outer parts of the tower
were combined, it equates to approximately 1,131.44 square feet.

Hoisington 29

The final calculation that is required by the millionaire is the overall volume of the inner
prism. This includes the volume of the inner polygon (VI) and the volume of the inner pyramid
(VIP). The formula along with its substitutions looks like this:
VT = ((18(1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))-2)))) (2(2(((12.5
cos(10))-1) tan(10))))) + ((1/3)(18(1/2(2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10)) ((12.5 cos(10))2))))(3(2(((12.5 cos(10))-2) tan(10)))))
VT 3,917.97 feet3
Figure 51. Volume of Inner Tower
As proven in figure 51, the final measurement of the tower, the volume of the inner
tower, is approximately 3,917.97 cubic feet.

Part 10:
If the owner is not happy with this amazing tower that has been constructed for them,
they must be crazy. All possible areas were covered on this 18-sided mansion. The architect
encountered numerous problems along the way, however. The most prominent problem was
definitely the fact that the calculator that was used was set to radians instead of degrees. Also, the
architect thought the inner pyramid was 1 foot shorter than the outer pyramid, but then realized
that was not the case.

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