Management Information Systems Short Essay Questions: EMBA12 - March 2015

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Short Essay Questions

Your answer to each essay question should contain no more than 200 words. You may
use additional Internet references and professional journals to defend your response;
however, if you do, you must reference these sources within your answer.
Question 1.
What is an intranet? What are the advantages that an intranet can
have for an organization?
Question 2.
Discuss privacy issues in relation to the Internet and what steps
have you taken to protect your privacy.
Question 3.
Do you see increased online sales? How do firms mine your sales
data to their advantage?
Question 4.
What are geographic information systems? How are they being
used? By whom?
Question 5.
The use of virtual reality in a non-entertainment setting falls
primarily in three categories (training, design, and marketing). Provide an
example of each.
Question 6.
Explain how a group support system (GSS) works and discuss
possible benefits.
Question 7.
Electronic mail is almost impossible to live without in today's
business environment but there are potential drawbacks to e-mail. Discuss these
potential drawbacks.
Question 8.
What is joint application design (JAD)? What are the benefits of
using this approach? Describe how the approach works.
Question 9.
What criteria about the candidate packages and vendors should be
considered when business and IS team members work together to choose the
best one?
Question 10. What are some of the risks associated with a purchased package
solution when it comes to maintenance?

EMBA12 March 2015

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