Global Terrorism Database

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312015 (Global Terrorism Database Li | re GLO, Ve aD ee Mv «History © GID Team © GTDIn The News SIG Gt ma New User Dala Collection Methodology Download GID odebook (PDF) Guing GID GID in Research 16 TRI me + Contact GD Team Meola inquires Information on Over 125,000 Terrorist Attacks ‘The Global Terrorism Database (GD) Is an open-source database including information on terrorist events around the word from 1970 through 2013 wth annual updates planned fo the {lure Unlke many other event databases, the GTD includes systematic data on domestic as well as international terrorist indents that have occurred during this ime period and now includes more than 125,000 cases. Learn more Search the Database GTD DATA VISUALIZATIONS. ‘The updated GTD WebGL Globe isan interactve geographic visualization, currently in beta, that plots the location an frequency of yearly terorist, altacks worldvide fom 1970-2013. It was developed by START using the WebGL Globe open platform created by the Google Data Arts Team ‘Automated geocoding rom the OpenCage Geocoder supplements the geocoding avaiable in tne public datasel eipivnw statumdedulga! 312015 (Global Terrorism Database Updates for 2013, the GT 2013 World Map displays the concentation and intensity (combining fatalities and injuries) of terrorist atacks that occurred worlwide, ‘The GID 2012 World Map is available here, Global Terrorism, 2013 2 ‘Global Terrorism in 2013 uses Odyssey js (from CartoDB) to display an animation of the progression of terrors attacks around the word in 2013, highighting detas of notable attacks inthe GTD. Periscope, a data visualization fim tat promotes information transparency and publi awareness, has produced an innovative, interactive tool hat allows users to explore he impact and dynamics of GTO perpetrator groups. A World of Terror examines the 25 perpetrators that were most active between 1970 and 2013, vsualzng ther attack pattern across multiple dimensions Including Ife span, recency, casualtes, and geographic spread. glee ‘The GTD Data Rivers 2.0 application isan interactive visualization tal that allows users to explore patterns of terrorism inthe Global Terris Database (GTD). The GTD Data Rivers aggregates information ftom the database and dsplays relive temporal ends as a stack chart. THIS DATE IN TERRORISM Maren 34 2012 ‘Achin district, Afghanistan 03/91/2012: An Afghan National Army (ANA) vehicle struck afangmine in Achin leet, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. Three soldiers were wounded, and the Taliban claimed responsibity for the attack Leain more 2009 ‘Bacho. Thailand 03/31/2009: On Tuesday at 0200, arsonists attacked a True Move repeater station in Narathiwal's Bacho district. Winesses said a group of four or five men fled inthe back ofa pick-up tuck shorty afr the station was sel alight. No group claimed responsibilty, although i was widely believes ‘Musim separatists were responsile Lear more FEATURED How do you use the GTO? ‘Thousands of researchers, analysts, policy-makers, and students use the GTD everyday. In an effr to beter understand the strengths and limtatons of the GTD in practice, START would tke to learn mare about how the GTD infos your work. While we abvays weleome feedback on the database from users, we now invite you to lt us know more about your responsibilties and how the GTD has been helpful to your efforts to better understand the causes and consequences of terrarism, eipivnw statumdedulga! 312015 (Global Terrorism Database Read more fl abl Utizing the Dataverse Network Project, START has created its own repository of datasets and databases on terrorism, confit, and preparedness. This collection inclides research funded by START as well as research for which START has been given permission to release. Users can read ‘over detailed information about each dataset regarding its ime period, geographic coverage, and sampling procedure. ‘Read more Follow START on Twitter For the latest developments in START research, general news about terrorism, and a "This Day in Terorism” feature, follow the new START Twiter Fees, “Titer with us >> ‘GID In Tho Nows GTD Date featured on The Daily Show (May 13, 2012) Jon Stewart siscussed GTD daa inthe context of attacks on U.S. diplomas. Read more GTD Data Now Downloadable The data fles fr START’ Global Terrorism Database (GTD) can now be downloaded direcy trom the GTD's webste. GTD includes thorough data on more than 125,000 terrorist incidents that have occured around the word since 1970. Users can now download these data va the "Contact GTD" portion of the GTD website Users should select the Download full GTD dataset option under Actions in the contact form provided Data are availabe in Excet format Copyright © 2008-2014 National Consortium forthe Study of Teroism and Responses to Terrorism START: A Center of Excelence ofthe U.S, Deparment of Homeland Secuty START Unversty of aryand, Calege Park, MD 20742, USA 303.405.5600 eipivnw statumdedulga!

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