In Bloom Draft 1

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Victoria Tesoriero

(c)March 31, 2015


First Draft

I still remember the first time I
smelt brain...
We hear a loud nasal inhale of breath.
We see the POV of a elderly woman cooking scrambled eggs
over a stove top in slow motion. She is adding salt and
turning the eggs.
My grandfather would split open the
skulls of the rabbits he killed on
our property. I guess my infant
self did not find it at all
peculiar when those same brains
found their way into my
grandmothers famous scrambled
And I remember the last time I
smelt brain...
We hear a loud nasal exhale of breath.
We see HECTOR, male in his late twenties in purple scrubs.
He walks through a long room completely lit by low hanging
fluorescent tube lights. We hear his footsteps echo loudly
around the room.
We see Hector pass three stainless steel dissection tables
and a long reclining, leather chair. Next to this is a large
transparent screen suspended from the ceiling. As he passes
this he taps the thin frame of the screen, which causes it
to light up and display the message "Good Morning".
Hector continues to walk towards the large conveyor tray
refrigerator on the back wall.




Arriving at the large refrigerator he rests his head on one

of the tray doors. We now see Hectors face. His
nose twitches and his nostrils begin to flare. Hector
generates a large nasal inhale. He then produces a smile of
Suddenly we hear a large slam of a door. The sound of small
hills walking against tiles is heard. Hector sniffs and rubs
his nose.
We see SARAH, female, mid thirties dressed in blue scrubs
and a white overcoat, entering the room. From her pocket she
pulls out a small matt black tablet. On the screen it
flashes "Incoming Case".
Sarah holds the screen down with her left thumb and then
proceeds to pull the tablet with her right hand. The device
stretches out to become a larger screen and a document
displayed. Sarah rotates the device so it is vertical.
I hope youre feeling fresh today
Hector. A small explosion occurred
late last night on a Tram, the...
George St to Kingsford line, the
Coppers think its another protest
bomb, You know in light of Abbott
being fuckin reelected...again
Hector nods his head. We hear a light bell sound and small
vibration. Hector pulls out the same stretchable
tablet Sarah had. The message "New Delivery" is flashing on
his screen.
That should be them now Hector,
wheel em in and prepare them for
We see Sarah positioned at the head of a dissection table,
her hands are inside the open skull of a deceased male, blue
in colour, his naked body is laid out on the steel surface.
Sarah holds out her left hand towards Hector, who is
observing from the side. The latex gloves on Sarahs hand is
coated with blood and cerebral matter. Hector lowers his
mask from his face, transfixed he produces a deep nasal
inhale before passing a pair of surgical scissors to Sarah.
We hear a sharp snip and Sarah carefully removes the
brain and places it on a steel tray that Hector is holding.



Hector carries the tray to a long steel table and puts it

down. On this table we can see two other human brains.
We then see three bodies, with opened skulls, laid out on
the three dissection tables in the morgue.
Hector observes the three brains, he inhales profoundly,
before gliding the tip of his tongue ever so slightly along
his bottom lip, we can hear saliva moving with it, we can
then see a tight swallow occur in his neck.
Hector moves across the room to sit in the long reclining,
leather chair that is next to the dissection tables. Hector
places a black banded visual visor with a reflective lens.
As he does this the reflective lens illuminates in blue
light and a light bell sound is heard. Hector lies back in
the chair.
Sarah moves towards the three soaking brains that seem to
organically glisten against the stainless steel surface of
the table.
We see her slice apart and extract the middle section/lobe
of the first brain, we see the tearing and mashing of brain
matter and movement of dark blood running through the ridges
and grooves of the brains pink surface to reside as small
dome puddles on the steel counter. She then continues to do
this two the other two.
Computer! Set recording application
for temporal lobe analysis by
Cerebral Interpreter ID number
13492, A Hector Niarb, Case 698
Monday October the 19th 2020.
We see the large hanging transparent screen light up and
display a loading bar. Then rows upon rows of algorithmic
formulas and numbers appear in a swiping formation, entering
from both sides of the frame.
These numbers then consume the entire screen before
dissolving away to form a digital 3D X-ray of Hectors head
and shoulders. We see as Hector turns his head to stretch
his neck, so does this digital display of him in real time.
Sarah walks over to Hector, she is carrying a steel tray on
it are the three temporal lobes, one from each of the
Hector sits up in the chair. Sarah places the first lobe in
his hands and steps back.




Hector holds the cerebral matter up to his nose and inhales

deeply, gliding his nose above the lobe from side to side.
We see Sarah observing Hector and hear Hector exhale
We then see Hector suddenly vigorously tearing off a piece
of the lobe with his front teeth, chewing aggressively he
does this until the entire lobe has been consumed.
Still chewing Hector suddenly launches back into the chair,
screaming, we see his hands grip tightly and the veins in
his forearms protrude under the skin. We see his taut body
trash around, dripping in sweat.
Then we see the visual visor produce a blue tinted light
that projects across the entire room. Hectors body
immediately stops its aggressive trashing about, his limbs
extend off, over the chair. We hear Hector softly speaking
in tongues.
Sarah turns towards the large screen, displaying is the 3D
X-ray of Hector showing the electrical activity occuring in
his brain. Next to this is a streaming video of people
sitting inside a tram.
Sarah touches the top and bottom of this window and extends
it out diagonally to full screen. We can see the pixels of
the video are made up of coloured zeros and ones.
We see from behind the transparent computer screen, Sarah
observe the video as it plays out; we see people siting and
talking on a tram before a large explosion of fire shoots
towards the victim from the other end of the tram. Hector
lets out a terrifying loud scream in a female tone.
We then see from the POV of the victim in the video, them
being flung into the air, before the video goes black.
Hector passes out in the chair, his body relaxes, the
projection admitting from the glasses goes black.
Sarah stares wide eyed at the screen. Suddenly she jumps as
a ringtone is heard. She pull outs the small black tablet
from her pocket, taps the screen, stretches it out and holds
it up to her ear.
Yeah?... Im looking at it right
now... no hes out cold, no he
never remembers them... I was
careful... well If I am Ill delete



Sarah exits the room.

Dont you trust me?...
We see from Hectors POV, him opening his eyes, taking off
the visual visor and looking around the room. We can now see
Hectors eyes are rolled back. He closes his eyes, shakes
his head from side to side and hits his head a few times,
opens his eyes as they roll back. He exhales.
He pulls himself off the chair and walks over to the
computer. He looks around the room, then shrugs his
He double taps the screen and the video on the tram plays
out. We see the people on the tram from the victims POV and
the explosion occur from the opposite end of the tram. We
see Hectors eyes squint as he slides his finger from right
to left of screen which causes it to rewind.
He then holds the screen down, the video is now playing out
in slow motion. In the video we see a female in the other
end of the tram place a bag down behind seat, before getting
off. The explosion then occurs from that spot. Hector
rewinds the video to pause on the female.
Hector pauses the video by double tapping the screen with
his other hand. He then places both of his index fingers on
the female in the video and separates his hands diagonally,
causing a mass zoom on the image. The computer buffers the
blurry zoomed image before becoming clearer.
We see Hectors eyes widen.
Oh my God!
We can see Sarah is now standing behind Hector.
What are doing!
Hector jumps forward we hear him gasp. He swips his fingers
across the screen, causing the video to close.
You are no where near qualified to
be operating that, move away from




Hector nods his head and steps back

Sarah walks past him to the screen,
and closes his eyes, he then begins
He hits his chest repetitively with

away from the screen. As

Hector inhales her scent
coughing uncontrollably.
his palm.

Now go note down some observations
from the victims bodies would ya?
Anything you can see that might
tell us something. While I try to
decipher this...
Sarah gestures at the screen.
Hector nods, still clearing his throat from the coughing
fit, he takes out his tablet, extends it to fit between his
Hector makes his way to the bodies on the dissection tables.
He bends over the first body who was missing his left arm
from the elbow down. His elbow was covered in black, crusted
burns that continued up his arm past his shoulder.
Hector peaks over his right shoulder at Sarah.
Hector than aggressively sniffs the victims elbow.
Hector begins to cough uncontrollably and again repetitively
hits his chest with his palm.
We see in great detail Hectors jaw clench, his nostrils
begin to flare, his pupils dilate.
He sharply turns his head over his shoulder back at Sarah.
He hear him produce a deep nasal inhale.
We see Hector standing behind Sarah. He is breathing in
heavily and producing a deep animalistic grunt with every
exhale. We see a droplet of perspiration caress Hectors
right temple and jaw line before falling onto the tip of the
bonesaw in Hectors right hand, giving the saw a slight
sparkle before the droplet hits to the white tile floor.
Sarah slowly turns her head over her shoulder, before
turning her body quickly to face him.
I can smell it on you, you know, I
saw you on the screen, it was you.
I can smell the explosive powder on



HECTOR (contd)
you, like I can smell its residue
on them...
Hector gestures his head towards the bodies on the
dissection tables.
But no one is going to believe me
unless...I show them.
Hectors nostrils flare, his upper lip tightens and his
mouth widens, salivating he stares at Sarah.
We see Sarah, eyes wide, we can hear her frantically
breathing. Her neck becomes tight with a harsh swallow of
We see from behind the transparent screen.
No! NO!... Please!... DONT!
Hector strikes Sarahs head with a bone saw.
Now we only see Hectors upper body. Hector repetitively and
aggressively hammers down with the bone saw. We see blood
and brain matter spray up and splatter on his face.
He stops, panting Hectors eyes are wide as he observes
Sarahs remains.
We hear the sound of the bone saw hitting the tile floor.
We see Hector bend down and begin to tear pieces of brain
matter from Sarahs skull.
He pauses, looking at the cerebral matter in his hand.
Hector then begins to slowly gnaw at the brain. Then Hector
starts violently tearing off pieces and eating them.
Hector stretches out his arm over to the chair and grabs the
visual visor in which he then places over his eyes.
We see Hector pull apart another piece of brain with his
hands. Squeezing it, some of the matter break apart and drop
between his fingers to the floor. He then lifts the piece of
brain up to his nose.
He inhales deeply.



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