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"To" Usado con verbos. Nivel: INTERMEDIO-ALTO.

Explicacin en espaol para

todos los lectores. EL uso de la preposicin To con verbos.

La preposicin TO tiene dos usos, como preposicin (1) y con verbos (2). En esta
ocasin profundizaremos en el uso con los verbos.
1. PREPOSICIN: Go TO the table.
2. INFINITIVO de un verbo: I want to eat.
Como infinitivo lo usamos para separar dos verbos.
She needs to study.
I need help to finish this homework.
I would like to have a big house.
This is designed to help you study.
A veces tenemos un agente adicional, un objeto que recibir una accin.
I want YOU to call the doctor.
(You es el objeto del enunciado al recibir la accin, la orden. me, you, him, her, it, us, them son
Objet Pronouns-)

I need you to study more.

He urged me to finish the report.
Con ciertos verbos Make, help, let, hear, see- vamos a omitir este TO.
He made me repeat the exercise.
-NoHer parents wont let her stay out late. -NoI heard him play in the concert yesterday.
Please help me learn more.

He made me to repeat the exercise.

Her parents wont let her to stay out late.
-No- I heard him to play in the concert
Please help me to learn more.

Otros errores tpicos.

Recuerden que con Modals (can, could, may, might, will, would, should, must,
shall) no usamos TO.
I must work a lot.
He can play tennis.
They must help us.

-No- I must to work a lot.

-No- He can to play tennis.
-No- They must to help us.

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