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‘The Chartered Insitute of Personnel and Developments the leading publisher ‘of books and reports for personnel and traning professionals, students, and for al hose concerned wih the effective management and development of people ‘at work For deals ofall ites, please contact the Publishing Department tel 020 8612 6204 ‘mall pubish@cipd “The catalogue of all CIPD ties can be viewed onthe CIPD west: wancipd co uklbookstore Continuing Professional Development 2nd edition David Megginson and Vivien Whitaker sow SY i Chartered Institute cf Personnel and Development Published bythe Chartered instiut of Personnel and Development, 151 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London SW19 140. Fst edton pubished 2003 Reprinted 2004, 2005 ‘Second edition pubished 2007 ‘©The Chartered Instute of Personnel and Development, 2003, 2007 Al rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a ‘elnevalsystom, or tensmited, n any frm or by any means, electronic, ‘mechanical, photocopying, recording, oF otherwise, without te prior writen ‘ermssion ofthe publisher ‘The publication may not be sold, lent, hired out or otherwise dealt with in the course ‘of trade or supple in any form of binding or cover othr than that in which tis jublshed without the prior wntlen permission ofthe pubisher. No responsibilty fr loss occasioned to ay person acting or refraining from action ‘asa result of any mara inthis publcaion can be accepted by the editor, ‘authors or publisher Design by Fakenham Photoseting, Fakentam, Norfolk “Typeset by Kerypress Lid, Luton, Bedfordshire Printed in Great Briain by The Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Witshire Btsh Library Cataloging in Publication Data ‘A catalogue ofthis publication avalable from the riish Library ISBN 1 84398 166 1 ISBN-13 978 1 84908 168 4 The views expressed in this publication ar the authors’ own and may not necessarily rele those of the CIPD. The CIPD has made every effort lo trace and acknowledge copyright holders. It any source has been overooked, CIPD Enterprises would be pleased to redress tis fr ‘futur editons GEOR 5, ion 99784 Ce folraye] Sheer (Charon of Persone and Derma on 151 The Sead Wieser, London SWS 10 "aoa sr2 G20 Erm pd@eplenvk ebae minced cout Inert by Ray Charter Reged Carty No 179757 Contents Acknowledgements List of gues Preface PART 1 EXPLORING CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT + Clarifying Continuing Professional evelopment Introduction ‘The need for CPD. Core concepts of CPD Stakeholders involved in CPD Key principles of CPO Giving priory to CPD “Transforming imitations to CPD ‘The relevance of CPD ‘Conclusion 2 Understanding Contruing Professional Development Introduction “The seven paradoxes wiin CPD “The paradoxes explored Conclusion ~ developing a high level of curiosity PART 2 ENGAGING IN CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3 Identifying development needs Introduction Developing an ‘extraordinarily reaksticselFimage’ ‘Sources of a sonse of sof Framework for developing an ERS! ‘Specie work-based issues Development issues emerging from reflection Feedback fom others Slt assessment motes Organisational meties Professional standards Conclusion ~ the agenda for change 4 Proriising needs and selecting appropriate activites Introduction ‘Summarise your development agenda Balancod goals Goals and plans Goaksetng theory i xi 19 51 Canin Pra ewok ct Portes ~ the final check 8 Empowering career creatvty 1 Formals for your CPD plan Introduction Putting it al togotor— staring up the stops Using our senses to enhance our learning CPD for visualy-crientd learners 5 Undertaking development activites ® Turing infor autry-oete eames Inixcten, Getting @ hold on kinaesthetically-oriented learning Being a skilled learner Further refining our skills in analysis and planning Methods of development Conclusion The range of methods ‘pend 1 143 Geting te most ot ofthe experiences we have (FAQs) ‘pend 2 145 Coneksion Resoures and biography vr 8 Recontng and evaluating development 87 index 183 Induction Roasons for recarding The CPD record Logging reteton and reviewing \Why does journabwriting work? ‘A pontofo of action and learning Evaluation of CPD The CIPD's stance on recording Conclusion PART 3 CONSOLIDATING YOUR CPD ACHIEVEMENTS. 101 Celebrating success 103 Introduetion Finishing the finge (wming our success ‘Acknowledging and thanking people who helped ‘Addressing the demonic aspect, Leting go of excess baggage Being authentic Celebrating completion Spreading the word Conclusion 8 Networking your future 18 Introduction ‘Analysing your CPD network Creating @ learning netwerk through Action Learring Creating your own sel-development group Learning partners - mentoring Five degrees of separation How to organise and encourage CPO Conclusion vi sents Acknowledgements ‘We owe special thanks to [AL our students on various MSc programmes — especially HRM, HRD, Outdoor Management Development, IT & Nanagement, Mentoring & Coaching and other professionals who have shared their CPD experiences with us (Our colleagues at Sheol Hallam Jnversity, especialy Colin Beard, David Chter- ‘buck, Godtrey Craik, Katherine Gardner Lynne Booth, Bob Garvey, Toby Rhodes and Paul Stokes, who have worked with us in designing CPD processes; we are also grataful fo Andrew Rothwell who we oncountred on the CIPD= CPD website iscusion forum, and who generousy led ust his own and others’ recent esearch in this field Members of the CIPO's Memberstip and Education Commitee and CPD Working Party for their fascination with CPD and their suppor or our work on this book; while ‘so many ofthe members have been helpful we would Ike to acknowiedge a particular debt and thanks to Nodl Baker Jean Floodgate, Steve Rogors and Diane Warr CIPD members at branch, regional an national events who have shared their wisdom and experience Christine Willams and her colleagues at CIPD House, for their challenging and ‘supportive engagement with tis proect Chris Swift and Joan But forte iustations Robert Foss, for asking us to write this book, adising on style and encouraging us to wile about our practice Ruth Lake, our editor for her efficieny, clay and fleibity Cur reviewers for their fll and generous feedback, which helped to shape the book Ed, for being cheerful and cool and for puting up wih us during the delivery List of figures 41The CPD cycle 2 Framework for developing an ERS $3 Map of career metaphors 4 Fishbone for Toms word lass me 5 Detal of areas under ‘Colleague in Tom's ehbone (6 Planned and emergent learning strategies 7 Modes of development £8 The components of emotional ineligence ‘9 Evaluation ramawork for an expadion 10 Srandgsard's model of change 11 Curent state of metaphorical house 12 Desired stat of metaphorical house 13 Entract from a Rich Picture of an HR trainer 18 Model of Damiers woking envionment as @ new member of ‘he traning team ‘17 Model of how Damion would ke the dynamics of he training team to be 18 Pat of a Postt brainstorm for Learning and Development manager 135 198 437 Preface This is a book about recognising, rebasing and raking potenti Its purpose is to explore the impotance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), to explain te relevance of CPO to a range ofdflerent people and to expand on the excitement that engaging in GPD can engender This book recognises that if we are to maximise our enjoyment of work and life we need to be continually responding tothe changing word we Ive in: are you ving to \work or working ove? Wat would you ke to be doing? We nee to ook within at our latent aka and abiltios and expo‘ ways of bulling on our current talents and developing new aspects of ourselves. Part explains the importance of CPD. Pat 2 explores the cffrent mothods tha can be used to analyse development needs and create and implement a CPD plan, Part 3 assists in recognising and building on success and examines creatve ways of ‘engaging in CPD planning, so that itneed never become repetitious. This is a sequel to our book on Cultivating SellDevelopment (Megginson and \Wnitake 1996) and is writen ina sinar style, encouraging the reader to reflect on their professional career and engage inactive as they progress through the text. I is based on our experience of woring with people on thir CPD over the past 20 years, ‘This book s designed to assist a number of groups of readers. These are sted below Fulltime and parttime students CIPD students undertaking the Professional Development Scheme wil find this an essential cor txt for thir studies. tulor manual that supports the txt is avalable for lecturers. ‘The introduction of student progress fles for undergraduate students provides a ‘framework for them to log both ther sel-reflecion and their professional progress. This book provides them with franewarks to develop ther professional planing ‘beyond the duration of their formal course and to assist them to focus and develop their careet Postgraduate students wil also beneft from such guidance. ‘All undergraduate and postgraduate students need to develop skis in tical reason- ing as part of academic study. The theoretical dialogues within tis text are designed to encourage this orucal aby ‘Mombers ofthe Chartered Institue of Personnel and Development (CIPD) ‘The CIPD requies is members to frmalise ther interest and commitment to CPD by ‘eating and implementing a CPD plan every year As a CIPD member you may

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