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SAA Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Date: Friday March 27th, 2015 3:00pm

Location: State Farm Hall of Science (COB) 353





Started: 3:25pm
a. Nominations are open and being collected.
b. Announce in classes, talk to professors, we are the main
source of nominations.
c. Close
i. President, VP and President Elect: March 28th
ii. All nominations: April 2rd
d. Candidate statements will be on the ballets and will be 50100 words
e. Questions:
i. What qualifications do you have that you can use for
this positions?
ii. What would you change within the organization?
iii. Talk on your pass leadership experiences.
Constitution ratification
a. COMPLETED! Congrats!
b. Skibo has approved and started working to give the
president their new roles
Presidents Updates
a. Book sale
i. Date: April 13-17th
ii. All day event and possibly multiple days. Tarra will
talk to Liv about her books and setup a book drop off
iii. Every Wednesday until April 15th Tarra and Elizabeth
will be collecting books.
iv. Everything finalized on Wednesday
b. Announcements
i. 4/14th McLean County museum go at 5:30pm instead
of a board meeting.
Vice President Updates
a. Spring Trip
i. Cahokia! We have the date set for April 24th or 25th.
Possibly both if we find camping grounds that are
b. Announcements
Executive Officer Updates
a. Rites of Passages
i. Wednesday May 6th 7:30pm
ii. Liv is making the arrangements



b. Budget is being handled my Liv as well

c. Award committee
i. Officially named Travis Excellence in Leadership
ii. Members selected and going to be contacted soon
iii. Chair: Brian
iv. Vice Chair: JT
d. Announcements
Program Review Committee
a. Members
b. Setup a plan of action to help guide them
c. Still needs to be contacted
Updates from Liv= none
Updates from Skibo= none
Open forum/Announcements=
a. John: New rules of order need to be added
b. Tarra will make bylaw changes
Last Notes for the President= Have a good week! See you
Adjournment= 4:15pm

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