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Drama 2

[Both Seated]
Cherry: Look I told you already, you are disgusting. Leave me alone!
Ace: Yanno, I always love it when you say that. It makes me feel entitled; obligated to speak to
you for an even longer period of time!
Cherry: Ace we are in the middle of church and you are 9 pews behind me! Everyone can hear
you so shut up!
Ace: Why dont you shut up! From the way it looks right here youre the one going out of your
way to speak to me.
Cherry: Stop!
Ace: You stop!
Cherry: I will when you do!
Ace: I already did!
Cherry: FINE!
Ace: FINE!
Priest: Amen!
(Simultaneously all church goers repeat the priests word)
Priest: Thank you all for coming, and uhhhhh a special extended appreciation for our comic
relief. [Stares at Cherry then Ace]. As you all know we are having our annual roast beef dinner
this Wednesday night. [Muttering] Hopefully its actually cooked this year.
Ace: [Outburst of laughter]
Cherry: Thats not funny!
Priest: In the name of the Father
Ace: Well obviously it is if Im laughing!
Priest: the Son
Cherry: You laugh at everything you rude obnoxious idiot!

Drama 2

Ace: You wanna see something rude and obnoxious? [Flips off Cherry]
[Priest falls down as if in shock. Other church goers gather around him to his aid.]
Cherry: Listen, I am not your friend, I am not your acquaintance, I am not your pal, I do not like
you, you dont like me.
Ace: So why do we keep doing this.
[Everyone but Ace and Cherry exit stage right]
Cherry: Great question. [Exit stage right]
Ace: Yeah it is. [Exit stage left]
[Enters Ace and another man from stage left and then Cherry and a woman from stage right]
Man: So you and your girlfriend gave Father quite a scare last week.
Ace: Okay first of all shes not my girlfriend. God forbid! Her? My girlfriend? [Slightly smiles
and snaps back to seriousness] No! And second, I didnt do anything to make Father upset! She
was the one going out of her way to make me look like an idiot in church sweets.
Cherry: Jewels if I ever had to date that thing I would through myself over the water! He is
unpleasant, irritating, and resentful! [Passionately] I couldnt bare looking at him every day for
the rest of my life. [Snaps back to reality (Oh there goes gravity)]. Never!
Jewels: Well thats a little harsh hon. Besides youre wearing my new jeans so I might kill you
before you hit the water okay?
Sweets: Ace you gave her the bird
Jewels: He flipped you off!
Ace: I know what I did! [Laughing] Ok? Man that was funny.

Drama 2
Sweets: Did you see the look on his face?
Cherry: Oh poor Father! He must have been so embarrassed!
Ace: He was like HOLY MOTHER OF MARY! And everyone was like Ohhh my!
Sweets: Bro I swore he was going to bring the wrath of god through the roof on you guys.
[Laughter stops and brief pause]. I think she really likes you.
Jewels: You totally like him.
Ace: Yea okay sweets, and you have a legitimate shot of graduating too.
Sweets: Ayeeee!
Cherry: Yea and your nose is real!
Jewels: Heyyyyy!
Ace/Cherry: You know Im only messing around with you!
Sweets/Jewels: Well Im serious. I think (he/she) likes you. And you wanna know something
else? I think YOU
Ace/Cherry: No.
Sweets/Jewels: LIKE
Ace/Cherry: NO?!
Sweets/Jewels: (HIM/HER)!
Ace/Cherry: NOOOOOO!
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me

Drama 2
I'm gonna take a little time, a little time to look around me
I've got nowhere left to hide, it looks like love has finally found me

In my life there's been heartache and pain

I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, to change this lonely life

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me

I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me

Ace: I dont know man she hates me. I mean ever sense we were little we were enemies.
Sweets: Well what happened?
Ace: It all started on a stormy night in my living room. I asked my mom for some chocolate
milk and she begin to stir in the syrup. I said Ut-ut-ut, Shaken not stirred and then
Sweets: Dude just cut to the chase!
Ace: Alright! I poured water on her.
Jewels: He poured water on you?
Cherry: And not just any water!
Sweets: It was from the dog bowl?!

Drama 2
Ace/Cherry: Yup.
Sweets: Why?
Ace: Well she broke my Beth Troxell action figure.
Jewels: You broke his Beth Troxell action figure?!
Ace/Cherry: Yup.
Sweets/Jewels: I have to use the bathroom.
[Sweets and Jewels head a few feet away and meet center stage. Sweets pulls out his phone, as
does Jewels, and dials a number. Jewels picks up first.]
Jewels: I was just about to call you!
Sweets: I figured it out!
Jewels: Me too!
Sweets: I cant believe she would do such a thing!
Jewels: I know what a cold-hearted per did you say she?
Sweets: Yea! She broke his Beth Troxell action figure! Do you know how famous Beth Troxell
Sweets: WHOA WHOA WHOA! You know how I feel about my full name.
Jewels: Oh Ill expose you. And you know I will
Sweets: You wouldnt dare!
Jewels: Hey Cherry Honey, do you know we have an Ernest Walters in our school?
Sweets: Okay! Okay! Okay! Listen that doesnt matter. What matters is that they hate each other
for no reason and they are perfect for each other!
Jewels: I knowwwww! Theyre both rude

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Sweets: annoying
Jewels: obnoxious
Sweets: hypocritical
Jewels: reckless!
Sweets: Alright listen, meet me at the lanes in an hour alright? Bring Cherry and Ill bring Ace!
We are going to fix this.
Jewels: Alright bye.
Sweets: Bye. [Hangs up]. Hey Ace were going to the lanes!
Ace: The lanes? Alright man! We cans shoot some pool too.
Cherry: Alright let me get ready. I need to get my make-up on. [End Scene]

[Men enter stage left, women stage right]
Ace: Sweets what she doing here!
Jewels: Well isnt obvious?
Ace: What are you talking about?
Jewels: [Gasps]. You havent heard?
Cherry: Heard what?
Sweets: Oh boy here we go.
Jewels: Well, as it turns out, you two share a very strong thing in common. Youre in love. With
whom you ask?! Each other.
Ace: [Nervously] In love? With her? No. No way!
Cherry: Yea no way! Not in a million years!

Drama 2
Sweets: Oh stop BSing us! We know, you know it, and the American people know it.
Random man at table: True story bro!
Ace: Is it that obvious?
Random man at table: Yea man it is totally, extremely, obvious. Like its almost as obvious as
Jewels nose job.
Jewels: Hey!
Sweets: [Chuckling under his breath]
Jewels: Whats that Ernest?
Sweets: What did you say?
Jewels: Oh I think you heard me! Ernest! Eugene! Walters!
[Sweets and Jewels argument continues on the side silently (Improve body language and no
sound lip movement)].
Cherry: So uh you really feel that way?
Ace: Well you know, uh, weve known each other for a long time
Random guy: Yea yuh did Ill drink to that! [Raises glass]
Ace: anyway. Im not in love or nothing, but I kinda wish we could turn the tables on our
Cherry: Ok.
Ace: Wait so is that a yes?
Cherry: A yes to what?
Ace: Uhhh would you like be my girlfriend.
Cherry: No.
Ace: Oh yea no biggie I

Drama 2
Cherry: I would love to be your girlfriend!
Random guy: I so saw that clich white girl line coming!
Ace: Dude shut up!
Random: My bad bro, my bad! [Exits]
Ace: Cmon lets bounce.
Cherry: But how about [sees the arguing], yea lets go!
There's a calm surrender to the rush of day
When the heat of a rolling wind can be turned away
An enchanted moment, and it sees me through
It's enough for this restless warrior just to be with you

And can you feel the love tonight?

It is where we are
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far

And can you feel the love tonight?
How it's laid to rest
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best

Drama 2
There's a time for everyone if they only learn
That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn
There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours

And can you feel the love tonight?
It is where we are
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far

And can you feel the love tonight?

How it's laid to rest
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best

It's enough to make kings and vagabonds

Believe the very best

[Both exit stage right]

Jewels: You are so rude!
Sweets: You started it baby!

Drama 2
Jewels: I am never talking to you again!
Sweets: I dont care!
Jewels: Fine!
[Exit opposite sides]
[Wedding scene]
Priest: Do we have any objections?
Random guy: No but I would like to make a toast!
Sweets: [Whispering to Ace]. Who even invited that dude?
Ace: Beats me!
Random guy: From the moment I met you too I knew you would get married. The chemistry! It
was perfect! The stars lined up perfectly! Jake, you are my best friend and I dont know what I
would do without you. Amanda you
Jewels: Who is Jake and Amanda?
Random Guy: Uh the bride and groom?!
Jewels: Are you blind thats Ace and Cherry!
Random: Yes I am blind! This totally doesnt feel like Sri Lanka either! Peace out bros! [Exits]
Priest: Shall we proceed? By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, [muttering] please
God dont make me regret this, MAN AND WIFE!! [Ace and Cherry Exit]
Priest: Are you two next?
Both: [Improve dis approval]
Priest: Well then I shall be going. [Exits]
Sweets: So.

Drama 2
Jewels: Soooo.
Sweets: Havent talked in a couple days.
Jewels: 454 but whos counting?
Random guy: [Yelling off stage] I saw that clich line coming too!
Sweets: That long? Jeez!
Jewels: Yea. How have you been? Are you seeing anyone?
Sweets: No. No! No no no! Uhhh are you?
Jewels: No.
Sweets: Look Im sorry and I was a jerk and I want to be with you and I was so stupid and rude
and dumb and I really really really missed you and I didnt want to call because I was scared
Jewels: [Puts finger on his lips] COME HERE ERNEST I MISSED YOU TOO!
[Both embrace in a hug and exit off stage]

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you


If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you


Find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

Drama 2
You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it

I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Ooooooh, oooohhh yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry

I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it

Drama 2

I can count on you like 4, 3, 2

You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah


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