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Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering
 Introduction – Units and Dimensions
 Laws of Mechanics
 Vector- Vectorial Representation of force and moment
 Vector Operation
 Addition
 Subtraction
 Dot product
 Cross product
 Coplanar force – resolution and Composition of forces
 Equilibrium of particle.
 Force in space
 Equilibrium of particle in space
 Equivalent system of forces
 Principle of transmissibility.
 Single Equivalent force.
UNIT - 2
 Free body diagram.
 Types of supports and reaction.
 Moment and couple.
 Moment of force about a point.
 Moment of force about an axis.
 Vectorial representation of force.
 Vectorial representation of moment.
 Scalar component of moment.
 Varignon’s Theorem.
 Equilibrium of rigid body in two dimension
 Equilibrium of rigid body in three dimension.
UNIT - 3
 Determination of areas and volume
 First Moment of area and centroid of section – Rectangle,
circle,triangle,T-section,I section, hallow section and angle
 Product Moment of inertia of rectangle, circle, triangle,T-
section,Hollow section,I section and angle section.
 Parallel axis theorem, perpendicular axis thoerem.
 Polar moment of inertia
 Principal moment of inertia and principal axis of inertia.
 Mass moment of inertia.
 Relation of mass moment of inertia to area moment of inertia.
UNIT - 4
 Displacement.
 Velocity.
 Acceleration.
 Their relationship of above.
 Relative motion.
 Curvilinear motion.
 Newton’s Law.
 Work-energy equation of particle.
 Impulse and moment.
 Impact of elastic bodies.
UNIT - 5
 Frictional Force.
 Law of coulomb friction.
 Simple contact friction.
 Rolling resistance.
 Belt friction.
 Translation of rigid bodies.
 Rotation of rigid bodies.
 Velocity and acceleration.
 General plane motion.

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