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60 Second Schwerin

Duck Productions


Karina and the Waves Walking on Sunshine

music playing throughout

MS: Schwerin picks up an anti aging cream bottle.


Pan back down to table, close up on cream bottle.


Pan back up to Schwerin, revealing a youngerlooking Schwerin! The younger Schwerin stands
up and begins walking towards the hallway.


MS: Camera films younger Schwerin walking out

of computer classroom and into hallway. He stops,
bending down to tie his shoe. Camera follows his
bend and continues panning downwards until he is
completely out of view.


Camera pans upwards, revealing the youngest

Schwerin. He walks towards and past the camera.


This youngest Schwerin opens the door to the

teachers bathroom. Camera follows him inside,
and frames him up in the mirror. Schwerin is
young, and the anti-aging cream has proved
useful. He smiles in approval.

Music: fade out

Fade to black

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