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Bondurant-Farrar Community Schools

Artifact Title: ___Letter assessments_________________
Portfolio Author: ___Maggie Trecker_______
Iowa Teaching Standard __ Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning.

Aligns classroom assessment with instruction.

Communicates assessment criteria and standards to all students and parents.
Understands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction.
Guides students in goal setting and assessing their own learning.
Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students and parents.
Works with other staff and building and district leadership in analysis of student progress.

I chose this artifact to show:

_____ growth in this standard
__X__ strength and competency in this standard
Evidence to support attainment of this standard:
Description of artifact and how the artifact meets the standard:
As an educator it is important to demonstrate the ability to enhance academic performance and
support for implementation of the school districts student achievement goals by guiding students in
goal setting and assessing their own learning.
This is achieved administering dotted letter assessments with the students. I ask the students if they
know the letters on the paper and if they know the letter then I dot the letter with a bingo marker. If
they dont know the letter then I leave it blank. This makes it very visual for the students to see and
understand that they either know almost all of their letter or that there are more letters that they need
to learn. Then we talk about how next time I do this assessment I want them to know more letters
and have more dots on their paper.
Reflection on artifact (what went right, what went wrong, how to make better):
Having the students visually see how many letters they know is very helpful because it motivates
them to pay attention when we are talking about letters. It also gets them to ask more questions at
school and home about letters. Sometimes the students get discouraged when they dont know as
many letters, but when that happens I try and get them to focus on how they can change that and
learn some new letters. When they do learn some new letters the next time I makes sure to point it
out and give them a lot of praise and encouragement.

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