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Reflection V

Renata Luzny
University of Utah

PRT 4828 079

Danielle Timmerman

Student Name:

Renata Luzny

Weeks #:10 -13

Dates: 2/2/2015 2/20/2015

Internship Hours: Two Week Total: 112.5

Cumulative Total to Date: 521.5
Site Black Diamond Lodge, Deer Valley
Supervisor: Gloria Palacios

Agency: Deer Valley Resort

Brief description of the past two weeks duties: Multiple holiday

weekends, including Presidents weekend and St. Valentines Day, were only
times that the Black Diamond Lodge as well as for whole resort were busy. It
was a nice relief after all of the holiday madness, but it was just the quiet
before the storm as spring break was fast approaching.
How are you experiencing a relevant and challenging use of your
skills? I am still learning how to be better at customer service, however I
now fully realize how important is to maintain a smile and a positive attitude
especially when dealing with extra demanding customers. I feel that Ive
improved a lot during the past few months in the customer service area.
What did you learn from the experience? Ive learned that any situation
could be handled more easily when approached with a positive attitude.
However, I also understand that we need to provide even better customer
service to more demanding guests. Unfortunately, the same applies in
internal employee relationships.
What worked well? What would you change next time? I am sure
there is always room to improve, however I feel that I handled demanding
guests very well. I make this assumption by the gifts and positive online
recognition that I received from people that I never would have expected it
from. On the other hand, I need to learn to be more understandable towards
my coworkers. I tend to not tolerate laziness, unreliability, and tardiness.

Please describe the supervision you are receiving. I have a lot to

learn from my management. The Black Diamond mangers and the managers
of Deer Valley have a difficult responsibility: to deal with seasonal
employees! I can see why it is important to be tolerant, understanding and
willing to help at any time.

At this stage of my internship, I could honestly state that I have

learned a lot! Of course, there is always ways to improve, change, and learn
new things; however Ive obtained all of my projected goals at this point. My
plan at this moment is to exceed my goals as much as possible.
As my first goal was to receive at least two written notes for my
customer service, Ive already exceeded it twice. Not only have I received
four written notifications from guests, I have also received positive
comments and presents from people that I never would have expected. My
manager also informed me that a few of the unit owners at Black Diamond
were very pleased with my customer service associated with my eternal
smile. I feel greatly appreciative and satisfied.
I promised to myself that during my internship I will be able to visit at
least two different departments within the Deer Valley Resort. I attended a
one on one class for concierge, which actually was one extra task for our
front desks already multitasking purpose. As a concierge could be a great
part of the front desk services, primarily in smaller properties, I found this
class extremely helpful. The next department that I visited was central

reservations. I was taught what a reservation agent does, I listened in on

several phone calls and the way they were handled. At the central
reservation department I also received admiration for dealing with guests
face to face. I also questioned the housekeeping manager at Black Diamond
about how he handles and systemizes room assignments and scheduling his
staff, which I consider as an extra visit to another department. For the next
week Im scheduled to visit skier services, and Im eager to hear all about it.
I received my 45 day evaluation. My goal was to keep my score the
highest possible. I understood from my manger that a score of 6 is very
rarely given to anyone. Therefore I was very satisfied with mostly 5s and few
4s. The only concern I got was to pay less attention to what my coworkers
do or especially not do. I was in disagreement. I feel that I dont need to be
friends with anyone, however when someone is lazy and it will get to the
point that I end up doing other peoples job, I dont agree with that. I
understood the supervisors point of view; her difficult situation in which she
has to deal with seasonal employees requiring more managerial tactics,
however I still felt that this was unfair. Oh well, life is not always fair and this
was nothing to compare to the rest of my successful achievements.
Overall Im pleased with my goals achieved so far. I will continue to
learn more at the Black Diamond property as well as at other departments
within Deer Valley Resort. Also, I will do my best to learn from my mistakes
and improve my end of the season evaluation. For now lets enjoy few
quieter days before the last peak of the season begins!

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