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Scene 3: The Aftermath

GABRIELA is seen in her room pacing back and forth, muttering
to herself, clearly stressed. Meanwhile, her parents are in
the kitchen bickering about when they should have told her and
how they can fix this.
Mom: I knew it! I knew this would happen! Why couldnt we just
tell her sooner, ha? Why couldnt she have known when she was
a child? It would have been better that way!
DAD: I already told you, we made Samuel a promise!
tayo sa kanya!
We wanted a child, and this was part of the
deal, mommy. He didnt want her to know until he thought she
was ready. We had to keep our word.
MOM: Our word?! I cant believe this
Youre always saying we
have to do the right thing. Tama ba to, ha? Look where its
gotten us! We should have never told her! Gabriela is
daughter, ano naman kung ampon siya, bakit ba ito mahalaga
Her father left her behind, why does it matter?
Mom begins to cry. Dad reaches out for her and holds her
DAD: Well be fine, mommy. Just a good nights rest and a
little time--thats all Gab needs right now. Shell come
MOM: I hope youre right.
Dad: Weve raised her for 18 years, she better come around!
Junior comes home. He enters scene.
MOM: (motions Junior over): Anak! Where have you been? You
just disappeared after we broke the news! Your ate has been in
her room all night and she wont speak to us!

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