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Evaluation of Supervised Internship in School Psychology ‘School Psychology Program University of Colorado Denver tern, Cusco, Wisin BOLacoat superior, UDC ouguere7 crip Das: IAA 110 Settvaluaton Placement Site: Suummnst Sino District SuperviorsTie: Scinoet Prue rowogret Date of Evaluation: _ Supervisor Exaution ans vie on thio ae intended ute siden ad he yoga mvaaing testes reins Hae 4 ht OB aaa dae rapid ialevauton of he ines, Wee inde ating (nth Pro > oe a ee Traps imersi atin cme the fr an shes ithe upervor a is nlrmaion 9% Sanne ‘er urna Plan, Fore petra etn, plete pl yur comments ia your plan and svete Comer tO 3 reese hu anfnaleration, Pleas date allommens, Use he ftowing ring ale aa ‘Pepectaton By the inl evaluation, aterns should be independent at» beg he stdet on the listed characters ‘pacer level inal ares (Le reeve overall ratings af 3.0r 1 Navies Requires supervision For all aspects of task completion as hsic understanding compen cons and ess 2 Focmeron kil anus Z Payiaily independent: Begining 1 denonsrae independence in| task completion with supervision. need conten ahi glee itnestons Fear nce understanding Fi 88 Ait we bak” sd ess one'Fown even (Conte aseive of pends 3. Moatly Independent? Minimal supervision to review and evaluate tusk completion, 2 mes sufi silo amonatic erfrmns 868 1 REEIN ceay to erage lem, codec ese infront fictions bhai Mule be kts hich vem explore eds spo fr me «+ Aceps on ants an weakness ks conan opi J Taspendent dependent in all aspects of task completion, including tation evaluation and follow tous Moves wa rom tly ig problems iowa reine pate Reoogses import pecs svat Scranton wwe rier tan omponse pats Peres mening fats aterm of lone picts swell dele eofesonl Mey Direction: For each item, write in your ating of the itera that est repress your evshtion ofthe stants skill and ad comment 2 sprog. If functioning varies igi. place the appropiate fange of ratings inthe coh» Please, date comments tht you make Rowe: Regus | 2 Partly Independents | —3=Moalp Te. sans 47 Tope "Re Opporeoniey sspervsion Beginning demonsrate | Minimal sper “equre._nependent inal aspects of Observes Focal aspects of Independence in ask seweallyou, 8 “mpletion: ination, Not Applicable taskcompleson | completion with supervision | evaluation oft a am foto rough eases | oes ‘CommunicationCollaboration Skis —SSSSSSCSCS~S Pre |i Final vernship | tatemship | tvatution ‘Demonstrates pose Interpersonal sil Comment 4 fa | Bemonsiraes lean a then values and viewpoint ae T Chores 4 fy ‘Shows concer; epee ad salinity forth wed a al sud i = Inching those fom eultaraly and ngs diverse acho 4 i Comments Tavotveeolaboras with dents pant nd schoolpoonndl Ina varie of ays 7 Comments 231 3 ‘ills ranlaton ad aeration evi a appropriate, T Comment we | 2 Ts assertive in probiem-siingwhta aecdcdlwhen appropriate 4 Comments: v3 | 3 | Geary presents and diseminates information to diverse uence incading dens tall and parent uses language that eas) to understand and avoids the ws of professional - ‘acronyms. 2 Comments: Etfectivelywses medaechnology (eg, CDs, PowerPolnt, ce) when vallable to enhance resentation of nformation/data, 4 Z | Commens ‘Communication/Collaboration Skills Pre Mie Ineraship | lterabip ‘Uses technology fo mala records af inpariant meetings and disseminates appropriately. ou sl ‘Complies with legal requirements and ethical guidelines related to the sharing and storing of ‘flat narmation, 3 2 Gomme : ical ata «Comment Coabrain Ss ial Bao Comments: Strengths in the area of Communication/Collaboration: Areas of growth in this are ‘ivetions: For ea hem, ee In Your ating Ue ine at Ina reese yur evasion ofthe tents ila a comments as appropriate functioning varies significant, place the appropriate ange of aings inthe column. Please, date comments tht you mak, 1 Novice Requires | 2=ParialyTndependeati” | 3—MMosly Tadependent: | 4> Independent: | No Opportunity to pervs ‘Beginning to demonstrate | Minimal supervision requ: | Independent in all aspects of Observe! forall pecs of Independence ia ask ‘ete only review & | task completion: inion. Not Applicable taskcompleon | completion with sperison | evaluation tusk completion | evaluation & follow through | ‘Consultation Skills Pre Mia Final Antership | toteraship | Evauation Tavolves fale, teachers sd oer school personnel in cllaoratveconslative ‘elalontlpe, Z 7 Comments 2 ‘Decides upon and applies he consultative model moat appropriate Tor the station. Comment: Q 9 | Tacos clear objectives wih the consulce when providing consllation service 3 Comments | Uses Consultation at multiple levels to create individual, classroom, and systems change. Comments: 2a L ‘alates the lfectivenes of consultation siraiegios Comments 2 oe ‘Overal Fvalation of Conliation Skis inal aiatone ‘Comments: ‘Strengths inthe area of Consultation: Areas of growth in thisarea: Directions: For each tm. wie in your rating ofthe inter that best epesents your esluation ofthe tudes skill and ad comments as appropriate. If functioning vars significant place he appeopie ange of rtingsin the oluma, Pease dae comments that you make {Rene Regie] rey depen] “3st Tippdea | 4 Td Te Opparny spon Sceaascwseroemse, | Moinapesn eure | Idepeearostsgeasof | Ghee! setae of Tipeccecioaa | garalvenyevcra. | ‘iconlio imiaion, | NocApcale Ticorcin | couch wpavme | ewtulee ote ompon | cular & lim tough ‘Data- Pre: Mid- Final tnertip | ership | Evan ‘Uses appropriate and effective screening took (eg functional behavioral assessment, behavioral a Cea nrc berate he eigen wean of oot sender isk. 2 Coens “Accurately uses a variety of progress monitoring toks for Wentifying academic, behavioral, and social- eee Comments: a | Consistently investigates andlor promotes Tier U/ pre-referral interventions that are available to cane : Comme % 2 Tar ra ary appropriate saat ram Oar lang icerren nro sn tre ema ok Conment 2g Data-Based Decision-Making Pre ‘ia Internship. | Internship Final Evahation ‘Geary Wenifes the natura the referral problem and the parpose of the assesment Comments ‘Gonsiers cultural and Tingesedversiy when choosing asesment tool and strategies 5 appropriate Comments “Accurately adiinters and cores psy cholgial pychoedacational tests Comments Terps test data by integrating i with information from other sources int meaningfal and accurate atements aboot the stems (Comments ‘Wiles assesment repors tal are acarate and ey for non-achool psycologist understand. Comments "Assists in the development of intervention plans and IEP goals based upon assessment findings (Comments: Overall Evaluation of Data-itased Decision Making Fina Evaluation: ‘Comments: Strengths in the area of Data-Based Decision-Making: Areas of growth in this are Directions: For each tm, write in your rating of the iter tat best spresens Jour evaluation of he student's skill nd at comments as sport. IF functioning varies significa, place the appopcate range of rating in he cola, Peis. te comment ta ou make T= Novice Reqies [2 —Parially Independent: | —3~ Mostly Independent F Tndependent No Opportuniy to ‘wpervsion ‘einsing to demonstate | Minimal supervision que: | independent inal aspects of Observe! focal aspects of Independence in sk eserlly ony review & | tsk eompltonintation, Nox Appliable task completion ‘completion with supervision | evaluation task completion | evaluation & flow though ning, Implementation, and Evaluation of Academic nd Pre a Final Behavior Interventions Ieenship | totermhip | Evaluation Demonstrates and applies Knowledge of the individual and systemic variables that will guide one ‘Demonstrates an understand ide ones iterven ‘apical vs. atypical development copltve,emoilonal and sca to approach. Commens Applies knowledge of earning, curriculum, and instruction to develop recommendations for interventions and adaptations a appropriate. Comments ‘Demonstrates an undersinding of and promotes effective learning environments Comment 2 ‘Demonstrates an understanding of family systems and their effect on development and academic performance. Comments a ‘vera Evaluation of Skis ini Seon = Comme loa Evan ‘Planning, Implementation, and Eve ‘Behavior Interventions Pre Mia Anternahip | Internship Evaluation Tacorporstes Assessment Resulls info Academic and Mental Health Program Planning ‘Tas tartment data from a variety of vourses (behavioral, sda affective, adaptive domains) or ‘appropriate intervention planing. Comments a 5 “Asis in the development of appropriate modifiaions and wcommodations based on the stenaths ‘and needs of stent. Comment: a 2, ‘ses ongoing asscsment/ progres menoring to modily interventions as appropriate commen a wl Toulord brew! a ” ‘Overall Evaluation of Sits is Section == Comment: ‘Final Evan ‘Plans Interventions that Uilize the Strengths ofthe Stent Tdentfes dear and realitc treatment goalJobjectves when providing intervention services, Comments au | Vises a variety of intervention approaches that are empirically supported and directly address objectives. commen » Neg ‘Overail Evaluation of Sie Wis Section <= ‘Comment: inal Evaluation Comments ‘Implements Effective Mental Health Strateges Across the Treatment Domain (Prevention - Criss Management) Pre ‘i Fat] tnteratip | taernanip | Evaluation | Implements fective academic strates fr students who are exceptional learners | Tnpleeas eive prevention sate based on te ropon of ape aio hat wight ead totearsing and behavior ierenes n Comet | Trapt ove sade ltrvetos ta at adr abo elf rogue arr (ct sty sls s-monborng ogee, ine management), 2 Cont | cols the onan Devecn talons ls ad coclabnntoalon 5 | Comments ot 2 | | ‘Orerall vaanion ofS ne Secon Fira valaion | Provides effective individual counseling for students around a variety of sue, Coment: “Malotains session notes, treatment plans, and legal documentation for all clients, ‘Comments ‘Paiicipates inthe development and implementation of «sal group intervention Comments { Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation of Academic Social-emotional, and Pre Mia Behavior Interventions Internship | Internship Tas eloped wedge he shoal or dt rds eon plan and eam ad paripae as score, Comme als ‘Overall Evaluation of Sis in thi Secon = - Final Evaluation Comment: Implements Systemic, Ecological Interventions that are Strength-Based and Incorporate School-Family-Community Partnerships ‘Uses ecological and havea approaches to develop and faite postive behavioral supports (ea ] functional behavioral assesment) Commens a “Asus the plang ample of encased ec interventions Tor soda ‘minal development. ou Comme - ‘Demonsraies competence developing and implementing primary prevention strates Commons % on of Sila tis Section = i "Final Evalation ‘Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation of Academic Socal-emotional, and Pre ‘a ‘Behavior Interventions Internship. | Iatermship Evaluates the Etfectiveness ofall Prevention and Intervention Strategies Used alntans accorate record of interventions. ~ 7 Comments: 2 ‘Uses pre-and post data to evalate the effectiveness of prevention and intevention strategies, commen a ‘Shares student growihlproqrs data va grapha/chars as apporpriat, ‘Comments oO | eens ‘Overall Evaluation of Kil In this Sesion” => "Final Evaluation Comments: ‘Commenise ‘Strengths in the area of Interventions: ‘Areas of growth in this area: Direction: For each item write in your ring ofthe intern hat bes represents your evaluation ofthe students sil anda comments as appropriate, If functioning varies significant place the apprcpit age of aig in the caumn, less, date comments tht yu mak, Novice Requies | 2 Paraly Independents | _3~Mostly Independent “Fo ndependent ‘Ne Opportanity © spervison Begining to demonstrate | Minimal supervision eqused; | Independent inal spt of Observe! forall aspects of independence ia ask emery only review & | task completion: initiation, Not Applicable task completion | completion with spervison | evaluation ofask completion | evalation& follow tough ‘Advocates for Families the Use of Legal, Ethical and Pre ‘i Finat ‘Professional Standards of Behavior Internship | ternship | Evaluation ‘Demonstrates Behavior Appropriate to the Position Tins developed viblity and accesility within the school by attending Saf wectngs and ther —— 3 Tay aid snprase nd prod orig ang hol em Comment 3 Fs opty Wi opel ppv reclare E cl nina 4 omens o oo ‘Sows god judgment ani comamn see. Gomes Taga [ ¥ Final Evaluation: Comments: Internship. | Internship Final valuation “Manages Time Realistically and Efficiently Follows through with ads and responsible: ia promp, welhorganed manner. ae | ‘Complccs written por frm and oer paperwork in a panctaa ‘Comment: ar | ol Ts punctual for appointments and meetings. Comment: a4 ‘Overall Evaluation a on Final Evaluation: Eectively Accesses School and Community Resources and Programs to Ensure Appropriate Services to Children and Families bl to children and fame athe community, 2 2 a |r3 ‘Overall vation of Ske Comments Final Evaluation: ‘Advocates for Children and Families Through the Use of Legal, Ethical and Professi dards of Behavi Demonstrates Sensitivity and Skillin Working with Individuals of Diverse Characteristics (e. ethnicity, ‘SES, exceptionalitis) ‘Demonstrates sensvty and sil in working with Individual of diverse characteristics Adapts ‘communication and intervention stratepes as appropriate. Comments & = [Adhere to the Legal and Ethical Standard of the Profession of School Psychology ‘Demonstrates Knowledge of and provides services In accordance witha ederal and tate statutes and regulations, especialy those concerning dv proces, informed consent, privacy rights and ‘ontidentiaity. a ‘Comments= ‘Strengths in the Advocacy and Professional Standards area: Areas of growth in this are Directions: Ror each item, write in your ing of the iter that bet represen your evaluation of the Sten’ sil and sd comments as appropri. IF T-Roviee:Requies | 2 —Partally Independent: | _3~Mosty Independents -F> Tndependent? ‘No Opportunity 0 supervision ‘Berinning w demonstene | Minimal supervision equied: | Independent inal aspcts of Observe! forall aspects of independence in tsk ‘etealy only review & | tase compleion: ination, Not Applicable taskcompleon | competion with sperison | evaluation of sk completion | evaluation & lw ough ‘elive Participation In Supervision Pre | Midoterahlp | Fal Evaluation Internstip Demonstrates an Awareness of One's own Competency Level “Meets with site uperssor fer counseling and consultation sesions as appropriate, Comments 3 2 ‘ins contractive critics to lprove practices | comments & “Aceeps responsibly within ones ability evo. commen ‘Shows evidence of continue sl

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