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Digital Museum Research and Design Challenge

You have just accepted a position as a digital Renaissance museum curator. As your
museum is being designed, how will you use your digital display to tell the story of the
past? How will your completed exhibit look? How will the completed exhibit be used as
a teaching tool? How is you plan to engage visitors to your site?
STEP 1: Conduct research and record on gathering grid.
STEP 2: Write an MLA style research paper with a clear thesis, in-text citations and
works cited page.
STEP 3: Collaborate to design your digital museum exhibit using the product guides.

Prove/Working Thesis: The styles and materials for Renaissance clothing were
dependent on resources and propose.
Product: A coffee table book. Study the fashion & jewelry of the Renaissance. Make
full-color, visual illustrations. State the fabrics and jewel types and explain why those
materials were used. Design an original piece of jewelry and custom dress to be
presented to a queen. Explain your choice in design and materials. Questions to probe
List some questions to probe:

What questions do you REALLY need to answer to prove the statement true? Select
those questions and use the graphic organizer for taking notes

Prove: Shakespeare had the greatest influence on Western writing.

Product: A storyboard. Study Shakespeare's influence on the world. Read a synopsis or
a play written by him. Be prepared to story-tell the play in your own words. Create a
storyboard to follow the plot. Then defend or argue the following statements:
"Shakespeare is considered to be a phenomenal writer today." "Shakespeare was
viewed as a phenomenal writer in his time."

Questions to probe research:

Prove: Music in the Renaissance had a specific purpose and it greatly affected society.

Product: Make a digital collage of renaissance instruments with corresponding audio

tracks. Listen to a piece of music written during the Renaissance. Use an on-line storywriting program to write and illustrate a story to accompany the music. Present the story
and explain the purpose of music during the renaissance and the effect it had on

Questions to probe research:

Prove: Leonardo Da Vinci's sketchbook greatly influenced Renaissance society as well

as modern society.
Product: A digital scrapbook of a collection of sketches that are found in Da Vinci's
sketchbook. Write a detailed explanation of the sketch on Renaissance and modern

Questions to probe research:

Prove: Renaissance art had a strong impact on art throughout the western world and is
still seen as an important influence today.

Product: A guide map to an art museum focusing on Renaissance art. Research

ramous Renaissance artists. Select a favorite artist (other than Da Vinci and
Michelangelo) and create a guide map of at special exhibit honoring that artist. The
guide map should provide information related to the artist's life, style of art, and the
impression others have had of that artist (during the Renaissance and today). Explain
the impact the artist has had on the art world.

Questions to probe research:

Prove: The printing press has influence learning and communication.

Product: Create a timeline that demonstrates the development of moveable type
throughout history. Include such inventors as Gutenberg and Benjamin Franklin. Your
timeline should show the development of the technology as well as the influence that
technology has had on learning and communication for that time period.

Questions to probe research:

Prove: The status of women changed during the Renaissance and Reformation.

Product: Talk show with interviews of a cross-section of women throughout the

Renaissance and Reformation. Discuss their lives and interests. Show if the status of
women improved and who the leading women were during that time period.

Questions to probe research:

Prove: Several factors contributed to specific populations converting to the Protestants

Product: A map and historical journal that shows the geographic development of
patterns of religious affiliation in Europe in the 17th Century. Explain the factors that
might have contributed to the conversion of specific groups of people to the Protestant
Questions to probe research:

Prove: Modern architecture has chosen some of the Renaissance styles in their
Product: An architecture photo book that shows examples of Renaissance inspired
architecture in modern society. Include examples from the Renaissance that have been
structured in the same style so that your readers can see the development. Include a
tribute page on which you explain why modern architects have chosen to follow
Renaissance style.
Questions to probe research:

Expression (4) ng (6)


Research Paper Rubric

I understand what the text says and infers.

I use reasoning to develop my claim.
I include a strong introduction, conclusion.
It is easy to follow the logical, progression of my ideas.

TOTAL Language

I write with an effective style, using transitional words and words that
indicate tone.
I use good grammar with only a few errors.
I used In text citations correctly.

Project Rubric DRAFT

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