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For Immediate Release: March 31, 2015

Contact: Gary Ginsburg | | 518-455-2415

Senate Republican Majority Votes Down Effort To Raise Minimum

Democratic Conference Members Offered Legislation to Raise the Minimum Wage and Help
Low Wage Workers Lift Themselves Out of Poverty
(Albany, NY) The Senate Democratic Conference brought legislation to the Senate floor that
would have amended the 2015-2016 State Budget to raise the states minimum wage. Despite a
majority of New York residents supporting a higher minimum wage, the Senate Republican
Majority voted this initiative down.
No hard working New Yorker should be forced to struggle to support themselves and their
families if they work one or more full-time jobs, Senate Democratic Conference Leader
Andrea Stewart-Cousins said. Unfortunately, the state minimum wage remains too low to
effectively help lift 1.1 million struggling New Yorkers out of poverty. I am deeply disappointed
that the Senate Republicans voted against efforts to help minimum wage earners receive fair
compensation for their hard work.
The 2015-2016 State Budget failed to address New York States inadequate minimum wage. The
Senate Democratic Conference has been at the forefront of calling for a real increase in the
states minimum wage. Since the 2013-2014 State Budget, when the current half-measure,
staggered minimum wage increases were first enacted, the Senate Democratic Conference has
been at the forefront of calling for a real minimum wage increase to help lift over 1.1 million
New Yorkers out of poverty. The initiative advanced by the Senate Democratic Conference
would immediately increase the minimum wage to $10.50 an hour, index it to the rate of
inflation and empower local governments to increase the minimum wage within their
Bill sponsor, Senator Adriano Espaillat, said, This budget does not go far enough to help the
hard working people and families that despite working full time jobs are stuck in poverty. It is
time for the Senate Republics to stand behind the re-institution of a livable wage that will truly
lift working class New Yorkers out of poverty. This state cannot be a land of opportunity unless
we make a concerted effort to break the cycle of poverty.
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New York State Senate | | 518-455-2415

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