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Omnibus Dules on Leave ule XVI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of EO 292 sy2010 Foreworo “The pat few yar have seen api, sometimes acca developmen 1 road range af soca. poteal ara carom suns wich minor bth our ‘olan pol Sonsdousness “These wale dovloprants ae beet antes inthe laws othe and andine asmatratveieavanee aac ay the round aesforan ever owng umber of canoes n bah he publ and privat sector. Thus, eet yeas Fave seen ho passage such lave athe Pater veave Actol 198 andi ‘anSexual Harassment Lav Sina, be Coz Serlce Comision sued “recive granting spaclleave priseges oa govermantenployeos Earle, poles suth at oo eave andrnnotizaton o eave reds were adopter Thowet-boing anc beat goverment employes. ‘Te Omnis Rules cn Leave doesnot meray consoldatealaws nd serinatetve nsuanose eave (leave amiiaton she governor sc~ {or Whonever pessbie win fe bounds of exsinglaw, [Leave updates aimoering les and raguasons onleaveadriniststono ‘ake thom tceteevant and eereneve cure reabes and cancers. The ‘Onmbus ules. Lagya asoharmonzosthe vous es hen neededin the ‘Pert ot quty animes. For exam, mared contract omalee0}- ‘Sescan now eney mately eave beets, covering seq station ‘Saiveto ner agar couterpas arte anomaous iusto atv tel spouses who, I ey happen tobe goverment conactaa employees, stared ‘RovivagPatomty Leave beets nce 1896, ‘This Omnibus wb perfect compementtothe SSCs thst of haman- leq recur. ‘The CSC topes hat wh hao Omnis Rulon Leave, te unreacted leaves and gray areas faabe to leave acinsration wile lari and tonhance fe efleney ofthe government pesornal admiration sysiem [Ghimatey the ral rout wl bea highly productive, energetic ad potessional publ sores. Tablet Contents z q ee parce irdeto tra pa SE cnr en ee nae rs a Sateecmsate tn Seen Sea Spent ene etait mE ve nenermerateamnonninre Soicanenscemtars canteen megirerciaas emcees seamen Seticremgents See any er ieaiereme ed eee on eames Sear erence eee een ed Sateen Saat eset e sieamas sedan hcnaecaonctn = inert temeatare ‘ataguinenchsscartemlose pay Saestzgecreresss Canultonctamraone rary onal Set enact ‘iveotpuicanes enplyoes enoersessonce derateneaio any gino Treats snaeeserepaymnnaet nn unenseskcave ‘Taptrtomesonngtnr esis ug emir caion! renestineceae Efe curminned eee ‘plcstenraatonise ‘pletion sieve Fain fr e-eaie ave waa ~ Etec cpeargsdrican casapertanccsorerioee Enedlsemonnsonnictnecase eccecremitoncinnnonntaace Sie er Steere venti gcn 4s Se oe siiesciecemmcieccmtee Seiatortiarna aemeonas otiteleratan eae (MCNo. 12, 2007) Sanawey oBee mle nares mot ee ‘Pandemic (MCN. 28,2008) semen coos Page ® 8 BEBOP ENANBEE 28 BEN & ® 6 ruler {rom he Omak Rules trlemering Bok’ ot xeoutve Order No. 232 (Tho Revsed Adina Coae cf 1087) “The obowing ems used Pu XU chloe construed as lows Laave ofabsenceis gover dtined ss ach rated fils and pleyecs otf oper: work hor witha pay asmay be provides ‘yl and asthe les esctbe nue XV Meret. Commutation ofleave srctraers conversion of used eve cred {stot caespotang moray valve Comsat of eave credo to neremental acquisition of unusos leave ces by ana or employee, needa refersto ne spouse, cen parts, unmariesBre- ther and sistrs ana any ative ving undo the sare oo! o per ‘Sontopon te employs orsuppor. (Amended by CSC MCS, 8 1999) ‘Sick eave eer to nave of absance grants ery on account sick rows or deaby othe para anpoye concerns ny member his mediate fri Vacation eave retro leave of absence granted to ofl and em pent x eral enea ba pple score on {he necesiis ote eree. Monetization eer paymentn vance unde rescbed nts ard ‘ijt to epeetee tome an easltans of he money vave of eave radis ofsnompleyee upon is eques wihout ctl gong on eave. ‘Pregnancy refs ath ptiod between conception and detvery orbit {fa hi Fer purposes of matey leave, miecarige Is wihin the periosotpregnancy. 10 Ne Mater leave eos to lave of absence gered to omale govern ‘nentenicyes gal ented aretoin acaton tovacsion a cx lsve. The pat ean or pune of ani alr eave so exer vorng mate some meesure franca ne ano poise hor apenedotest ana recuperation nconnccbo her preg react nat art nt Pals nme gre toe ce rte arene nae inact imei seen rae 46+ of enabling hin to effectvely lend care and te Sian neal sia ise aetee ae cota Vacation Serie Cred rata ah eve cat ames ty ‘school teachers for services rendered curing activities authori ety trope ears ang ng ana Over ton Tove Seats re Used otter absences au loess ots oe operon! dhcion nvecaton say dno teres or parr sors te Sevonment Tort ove so oney value oe tl ecard ave ea an engoyoasndon testo ares pore Spann davsunaycop Seton pea me no oe cass ge ass meen etna ‘wnt ace saa at Pelecaton ave ears oa spc eae pea ranted tof srployocunenovernesnatenctretendexe, nn OHA ‘These dens were not pao the orginal Rule XV othe Omnibus ules mpiemaning Book V of Exacutv Order No. 202 (The Rowsed Adhinstalive Code of 1967) ut aro partof CSC MCN. 41 3 1808. RULEXV, (ctthe Omitus Rules Inplmering Book Vf Execuve Order Ne. 282), LEAVE OF ABSENCE Section 1. Entement fo leave prviages. — In goer spocnive cco upto tho lve of heads of exzeutvedeparmers, nesce of dept Irons undoroueares es enpiovsesc! ne govermentvneherpemanent ‘Omporry ceatual who eda ok turing ne resorbed ofice hours sal be rtd to 1 dayevacaton snd 15 days sick wave annual wih lay ‘rclunve of Savy Suncaye, Pus: Hoses, who Himtaton wth umber of daysct vacation ard ack lave hat ney may accumulate, (Amense Oy CSC MC Nos, 41 = 788B.and 145 1999) Sec, 2, Lage of absonce of parsine employees. — Erpove0s tenderng services On parttime bass ae enti to vacation ané sk eave ‘ene oroportanat ate number c werk hours enderes. A pari er ‘lyeo who renders our (4) fof work We (5) days a week or tl of 20 Fru a mocks enitad to 7.5 dayevacalon leave and 75 day 3k 9 rus wn ul pay. Amandedey CSCMC No 1,5 1998) Sec. 9. Leave of absence of employees on rotton basis, — Employees on otstonbass eal be ensedtsvacabon and sick leave come Seonding oe periods osorvce enaoredby them. anempioyee Fas been Slowed io worn two or more aif o tater, te peiods factual sevice ovord by bach shir rotation shoul be added ogether to deternine tne umber years, monte snddaye cng which save seamed (Amended by (GseMene. 41,5 1596) Sec, 4, _Lameotcontactalempiyses — Conacual employees ‘are hone id io vacation and sick leave creas a8 wl a seca ave Divleges proved in Secton 21 boect. (Amended! by CSC MC Nos. 41, 2 19a@ and 81989) ‘see. 5. Leave ects of lca lective offal — Local elective cic ae enitedo wave prvlegesetecive May 12, 1288 pursuant Bates Pambansa 27 andccal Goverment Coseo 1981 (RA 7160). Sailawvecred- esha be commutave end cumulave. (Amended by CSC MC Nos. 41,8 "988.145 199) Sec, 6 Tescha's eave. — Teaches shal it be ented tothe sua action anc si eave cred but proportnal vacation pay (PVP) ot 70 gaye of summer vacation pus 14 daye of Cansimas vacaton, A teacher tho as rendeed contnucus seni n'a schoo yaar athout noun a seoers wou py ant morethan ts day ered 8 ay ope onal eesti pay tor eave Benois of teachers such ae sua leave and indefinite sek eave ate covered by Section 28 and 26 of FA 4679 (Magna Cara or Publis School Teachers), Povded orunderCSCMOND 4 1998) See. 7. iheremplovees unde teacher leave basis — Day Care Wortersand al cher apzciveersoyees whose work schedule he sare 8 tat of Teachers, earn leave crs in actordance wih Seclons 6 sad @ ret. (Proviso forunder CSCMC Na 41.5. 1288) Sec, 8. Teachers who are csignateto perm non teaching hrc ons. — Teachers who are designated to perm nen teaching actions and iho render te same hous ol sence a8 her anpayees shal ened a ‘vacatonand skleave. (Provided for nder CSCME No 475.1988) Sec. 9. Vacation senice cred of teachers. — Teacher! vaca ‘ion sence cess ear othe eave ced gamed tr senicesfencared on acivtes—aueng summer or Chrisinas vacation, as auhoredby proper ay. troy Tse vacaionsorvoe cro are vee fet abeanices of atest iv ess oro offset proportional action in vacaion salary dust ab ‘sence or personalreasors orale appaintmentThermancer by whch eennce ‘reas may be earned by teaches subject ote guidelines issued by the Deparment of cation, Cultura and Sports {OECS)* (Provided for Under (CSC MCN. 41, = 1208) Sec. 10. Leave creds of ofits and employees covered by spe

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