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CSCI 6920: Theory and Practice of Information Systems Spring 2015

Assignment 4
Posted on 3/20/15
Due on 3/26/15 (end of day)
Answer the following questions based on Case Study III-3 ERP Purchase Decision at Benton
Manufacturing company, Inc.
You should base your answers on the interview (in-class component) that was conducted on 11/8/2011 in
class with the four role players of the firm. You should also state your answers with respect to each role
player: Jerry Cook, Lee Gibson, Pat Miller, and Tracy Scott.
1. Why install an ERP?
2. Why not install an ERP?
3. Do you try to cost-benefit justify such a system, and, if so, how?
4. Are there corporate culture issues involved?
5. What degree of top management support is required?
6. What should Meyer and Cook recommend to President McHenry?
Explain in detail how Facebooks News Feed algorithm works. Discuss the evolution of the
algorithm as well. (Cite your sources).
Upload your file named Lastname-Assignment4.pdf on blackboard.


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