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Composition 1

Writing Lab Log


Requirement: You must provide evidence of & reflection about writing lab visits for
4 of your 5 essays.

Cirle One
Example Essay



Date of visit: __________ / ___________ / ____________ One new understanding that I took away
from the visit was:

Writing lab staff signature: _____________________________________________

Classification Essay



Date of visit: __________ / ___________ / ____________ One new understanding that I took away
from the visit was:

Writing lab staff signature: _____________________________________________

Definition OR Analogy Essay



Date of visit: __________ / ___________ / ____________ One new understanding that I took away
from the visit was:

Writing lab staff signature: _____________________________________________

Argumentative/Persuasive Essay
Date of visit: __________ / ___________ / ____________ One new understanding that I took away
from the visit was:

Writing lab staff signature: _____________________________________________

Satirical Essay

Date of visit: __________ / ___________ / ____________ One new understanding that I took away
from the visit was:

Writing lab staff signature: _____________________________________________

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