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*"*% #"4 4 + > +"*,  + 3 '!+20!  ++ * *"9!"!, "4" * >% 4* ! #2 #"  !#"% !*+4 "#"!+24,  >% +"0/ ! " #3>  "!#>  ! %"!/4 *2+!!"4 ++*4.
F#7$ "$7!: +"2#2q ##!2 #+q "#q "!0%  +!!" ++*q +!!" 

 0   "3  "#"!+2!, +"2#2 * *# +2#  #"+* + !3  "w *2+!!" ++*   +
"w *2+!!" ++* !3, +w (%. 6+/ ZFF8). "
*%"4> +"2#%> >+,   %"!/ *2+!!" * #"4 4, + *! 4>4   ""%*  #
+!!", 3, . >+ *#"3% 3/  *2+!!" *
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*>"  >", **%4 *%. $ *%, " *! %  +4 *  0%.
 % *!,  #"%4 4*!, *4 #3 +"*2 +"2#%> *"*%, 4 >% 4w!*9 *, . * 4w!
> + #"#+ 4!0+  B*+ #,  #+, * + #*" +"!B, 30/ #"2  *"3+ "!#, 4 #"4
*%4! 4. "%, +  %/  *  *4 '"4!2 +"2#2, . *#"3% 3/,  * * *+!3%  >"*+*! #"". $#"9 +4 ! 4!0+4 >4*+*!4 *!, 
#"4", * 4" 0 #"% #>  9* + * #"*
#!4 +"%,  *#"3% 3/ #"*%, # #"" *%", "%  4!/! #*2! >"*+*! *,  #%  *
"#"!+24  "#"!+%4 "%4 (!#". Guest 2004).

! !30/  #"+! 1Q[Fxy ?65 5.

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"4 !"4 + * %4 4+4 9% + !B4 *#20/!, +"2#2 9!>% +"0/ +%, >4*+>, 4>3+>
 >"!"0+> *"*% +  #0 + +"0! '" 4w! *+*! +%4 >"*+*!4 *94. $ *%+4 *!3!,
"3 4 *#"3% 3/ 4!  * +"0! #"4 4!*! #"*, . #"4 3!  +4 ", 4 #"4 4   >
"9 *4" "24  *%"44,  #"4 4  
"! >% !#"9 %*  #"%w3  *"9!" 
 +"*+ (Russell and Thompson 2000, Trussell and Kowal 2004).
 0  % "4!*4 #"*" #+"% "+ 4w!
>"4>, 4>3+>  >"!"0+> 4. ;"4 +"2#% 4 *! %,  9 "/ %, > *#"3% 3/, "% ! "! #% %* %+. " "3> "> +"2#%> #!, 9!>%! *"*% + *! +%, . !9"%! *  4#9, . + * !* ! "4
->"!"0+4 #!4,  + *!B + >"4 "!42", *
#0! * + 4>3+ 9"" #" !3! "w> >"4 (%.
#". Naz 2004, Herndon and Zieman 2005).
>3+ *"*% !+!3!! !#"%  0 * % 44 9"", ##! '"4  +4, %> #"*%  %.
*!w", . 449".
41 *! 9  3! ! #* % 2 #*9, * *>%4  * "   '+% 0 
%"!* + % *"4 *3 *+ 4!,   
"">" #> 9*, 0 3  #"*%!, %"%,
0" !#"9% +"2#% *"*% ! *%!. ;4*+ +"2#% *"*%, ##! *#"42> +"4  B,  #"4",
+"* * %4 3*  * +4  4 9"", ! 2! #%/ '+** > #"%>. "-!"*+ *"*% * *4"!
4>3+4 *"*%4, +w,  *  4 9"" "+!! #
4 0 *+!! 42*+! "%2!,   +"! +"*+.
;"!"0+ 4 !+!3!! %*+4!  4!0+"2,  !9! 2!  +!!  B (%. Drake et al. 1999, Cates and Raymond 2004,
F. Stewart 2004, G. Stewart 2004).
+ !" ! "9>%"" 4 4!*! #"2, . %"!/ #0 *#"4 # 3 >"*+*!> #"". $
> !+!3!! *%! #*2!, . !"B%  # 3,
coitus interrupris %3 #*  % #*" #" +!2, ""4"  4 +" #"*!# #4 3! +4
#"#*% # #"  + *  9"4  4*!" 2+!*, +  "#"" 4 "!* #*". %

-* * #"%, 3,  ! X4!0+X  ! XB*+X %".

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#* * *  !3% 4*"!> 9"2 ! % * #B4 #"4 4#"!"  \ * % *+", 
9 * #"2 '" #" ! +4 / * #*"  +"* +4 (Russell and Thompson 2000, Kowal ZFFQ, b). ?4"4  ,   #"943 "4 "#""" ! % #* +", * 9"4    4#2"  *! * +"2#% 4 "#""",   *! +" + * 4w!*9 *+!3!!, 4"
* "/    *4 "w % +" + "9>%"" #"943, #0 *% 92 *#"3% 3/ !+!3!! +! %"*!
9>%" *", * %* #" #0 
*" *9 + > #"4!!.
 +"2#%> 4  ""2"  "*%"4",
!+!3! ! #"2#!, *%  * 9" >+ *#"3% 3/. + 9 ""2" 4 !+!3%  #*2!  +!*-""!#*  ""4" 4,  #" ,  #"4", #"% *+* (.
 0 * % #4) 0,  #" "3 >"9, . 9
+"2#% *"*%  "%"*, "24 4>3+ *"*%,
*3 4 + *! % 44 9"",  + *! 9 # !
% *%+ "2 #">0+ +!!" (%. Trussell and
Kowal ZFFQ). % %"* # *"*%  *#"3% 3/, #" +
"% "*+ %"*, #"%, *!B %"24 ##!
'+** %. "2> *"*%, + #"'""! "4
"#"*+"#%" !4* "*%"4" *"*%. T "4 * * 
*% *%"4 +"2#% 4 + *! *!# +3+  #"+ *!2 + * 9% #"4 #"2 (Ravindran et al. 1997).
 +"2#%> *"*%, + %"  4  + 3
 #*% +" > *"*%, "+!  3 !#"9 %*  +"*+  *"*% 3 !#"9  "w 34 #"%  ! 4 *4*! * *"9!", 30/ +"*+4 #"#"!+4
\ "%24. -+ ! "+"*3+!" +"! *# %/ *"*% 3> + ""2"  "9>%"", +  4
9""  " +"2#% #!, "#"%w3+-*"9!%" +" 9!>% +9, 4#9  "-!"*+
*"*%,  *"2!. !4!/ " +"2#% #!,
%/ %> > ! % 9* B + "#"%w3+-*"9!%" +". % *"B% !*4" *! + 4!/*
*%" +9 4!0+ +"2#%  B,  '" %+2. * "*  *%" 4!0+ >"4
+"2#%,  "!  %4 *9 *"B%3+ +%* 
4 #! (%. Russell and Thompson 2000).
5% #4! "w #"*%! +"2#2! + "32!",
 + "*%"",  +"* *! #"4 #*40+4 *!%4 

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4 ++  *"*% !!, %! #"4 >%4 #"+4 

*" +"0/,  #"4 4, + +"0 3  + * +"*. +  3 %B "!4  *>% '!+2*
%> >  334 %!, + ! 4 *44*! +, ++,
+   > +"* ! #"+*, "9 4 ! %!, +w,   +"2#2 *%"4 *2+!!" +*"!+,  *2+!!" +2#2,   '3+ 32, . 0 0  %* 3 #"  0 9'3+ *.  3  +"2#2 >%
!*+ #*"%,    #*"%, ++  , 4!/ #"  %!4 %!,  %! >"*+*! #",  
%! >% #*" *2+!!" +"!B.

"2#% *"*% !! ! 4,  ! *4*!   *! #*"% 3%4 4 *, *!2,   %"%, !!
  , .  3*. "%, "3 +!!"  "3 3 *>%! 3*  !*+ '3+ ,  3 *  /, 
#"4", "3 +!!" >"9"%  4!/% + %%
*#"3% 3/,  + "! "*,  / + +!!" ! ##!* " #"9!  +"0/4 %> *"*%  "*+>,
*2>  9 +> "!> "   / * #2 * #"4 *%4! 4 ##! *+"3+ ! *%4 4 +!!"4,
! +"4 *!3!.

"2#2 + '!+20  + 90+  + *2+!!" #%,  "# 4B   #" + 3% #* #0 "%  "#"!+% "%, #"*%  4  #"+*. %,
+w, 4B  * #"!3%  "34 %4:  '"42!*+>
+4# + "%!  #"!+!! % +"2#% >,
#"+ %"2  #" *"  #+ + % #"% +"#""! ! *% #"+,  *"9!" + "+4" ! !*!
 +4 %!,  4 ! 0"4 *% + +"* *"*%
#"% 3/. $4% 2 "#0+ *"B%3+ " 
% #"942 9 9 !3%, #*%  "!4% "3>
*!2>  %*!2> "*%" %> %, +" +
+"2#% *"  #"+* '!+20! ! "34 *2+!!"4 ++*4.   3 4 9  * 9 * #"*#+%   4%4  #*!#24 + !3!  '!+2* +"2#2 + *2+!+!" 32  +"*3+4 %4.
4! %  +4 * #" '!+2* +"2#2 
+*"! ! >"4, "%.  "34 %4 #%!!
* "3 "*  %"*, + !, !#0,  B  #"'4  #"9 ! 0"4 *%  +"* *!"  '+%
+"2#% *"*% + / 4 4!/  +"0! *% '". "9 4 ! %! , "%,  %! #"'9*

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#"*%, 3*, *%! *!,  +  "3%!/ '+", !

"%!  4"+! %> +"2#%> >  *"
'"42!*+> +4#. +  0+ % "*  %"* "3> %,  3* *!  +'+ "* ! +%"! "w %,  0 *! #"4" +4#% "* # #! ##!2 +"  +" "w ! 4 *!2  "2 + * 9% 4w!"4 "%*%4 "%42.
#!2 +", * B  * "3 #""0 *%0%  4,  #"4", #" *%  +4*+> ", 4
+" ! 4!*+4 9"4  "! #% #"0 %+ 
%4 ! % % ##!2 +", . *">  / *%0%
# !*+" !"  #"" "*!"*  *#*% +4*+
9*. - +"+"4, 4 3 4*4   *  ! %w *, " *  *">! *%+> "3+  WW
&"WW3    9 >% 0 #"> 4  # * 4  #  4 3"* %* % > %* ",
9  0 9 *!*+ 2, "24, >  ! *%+ . $ *%+4 *!3!, "0"  40  *3 #  *%*+! ##!2! 4+! 4! %, #", * "**3+4  #3+ +"%%4 *">%4  *9* *%*+ +4*+  #3+
#"+, !#0,  * #"944 +  "*!"*, + 9 +*# *%*+ ##!2, %, 4  % (%. Hodgson and
Cotts Watkins 1997, Robinson 1997, Connelly 2003).
-"+ +"+  ##!2 +", %  + 3*
"*4  % 4  *2 "%4, * + *+ %*%+%>  2*3+> !3+> " ! *%+4
#! 0+4, "24  34 (Hartmann 1995, Abernethy 2002, Neumayer 2006). $ #*!!34 *4*!, *%! %+%> *%% #"*% %. + *%0% *+ +4* * +"
*4*  #3+ %* %+ 4* !*, +  ! !
"*  #"2#4 *%0%" (1798)4 %"  *! ! *!w 
#*  +"/ *  # +  * 9% 4 #"94+4 ! "w *",   
   9 "w #+ 4 9 *#"%,  "w *! *!3% *!#"*%> #"*#+% # #!  
"9 ", 4 > 4, %. #". World Health Organization 2000, Pati and Cullins 2000, Stewart and Carignan 2004.

    34! %"4,  #B       , #

4!  !!  3 % +*.
?4%    !*  "+ #"%9 9% 4 (! "! An Essay on the Principle of Population as It Affects the Future Improvement
of Society, with Remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers London: J. Johnson),   * #% # %4 44 18Fx.

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9!  *"40% !++ *  #"!4! 4"  "3 #"* *%0%, #0 *%0% "* 4"*+4 #""*4, %,  B% *"*% "43+4, # !++ +B! #"" /
 "%, 4"4 * 9" 4"4 "!0% #"!  +"~
3   *!  %">! % *2 "2 +"2#2
4!2 '"42!*+ +4# * ! %+4 !4,   #2 0 %/4 #"'4, ! "%! %> +"2#%.  +4# * *"w!! * 4w!"4 %4  %4 "24, 30/, 0  4!/% %+ %3
! ! *"B% %> +"2#%> >. 5/
% 4B  * #0 + ! + ! "w4 "B%4 4! >% %  #+ > %, ! *4*! #*"> #*2 #
"%  #"4! +"2#%  *" ! #! "#"!+%
"% (!#". Bongaarts and Bruce 1995, Gage 1TT8). -4 #+
+ * *  '"  "#"!+2! 4!  9!! " #"*3+, !"  *3+, * 4!  >"9"!!    >"9"!! 9"3 "* *%0%  4, 
 * !#0  9% #""4 #""04 + *"0+4 324,  324  3  #+!  4.
$ #"+*, 0% * 3*   #+ % + 4, # #!
'"  "#"!+2, #"*3+     *%0%,  *3+  "!.   ! 9%0  04
?499%!,  #"4", 9 *!3 * 94  2"4 ##!24,  !
"! +"4 %* %+, * %"*+4  #**+4 *%0%4 (%. Kaler 2000, 2003, Kanaaneh 2000)5. ,  "9  3! ,
0 *! #"w "!# ! "!0%4 ! +4 *! +% *23+ 
*2"*+ * #*, 3+% 2% "w> 
#"42! #" #"2, 3*, *!4!/  * *#  +"!
2 4".   ", ! +4 *!3%4 +  #"4"
+49*+> 92 ! ! +4 "w*+ " !
4#!/, *4*>  #"0 %+ +% *!4 *! 9 **%4 9 *% (!#". Russell and Thompson 2000).
% + "+ #"  %  +4 #"0! "B% %, *!2 !B  * *#"%w %> #%  #+ # #! '"  "#"!+2 ! #"+*,  * **44 "%*%  *2 0 +" + % #"% !, 30/,  0 #"*%, #"%, % #"+3 "2 "*+>
*" # %4 #4 ! *%+4 "!0%!. $ 44 *%"44
"!0%4, *"%*  #" #"2 ! * "w4 ! + %""#*%4   *  + * * #"-,   + - ! %4
*!3%4q +4 , + % '!*! Q.

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* 42*+ ", * ! "%4 **!  +4#%*, #"%, 4w! %  #"% +"*+ #"+*,  4 4w! "%*% !#0  *2> *!B9  #""4. %+% *!2 4B 
* #% # % "4+2", 34 * 3% #4" 42*+ "*  +*#" ! 9* B% + *!, !  *",
" 9 % 42*+ 4 (Blake 1998, de Bessa 2006).
"94 * "4+24" !3   #* +   "*
4/", . + * 4w! % +" !, ! +4   4  "!4   +"* ! *% *%">.
  ! #! +"2#2, ++", * #" #"2, +% *, 4'*  , #* 4w! #"%w3\*"9!"  +"*+ +"2#%, * *%  #"! #"2. -4 
#"*#+% #"%w3\*"9!", "%, 3     34! * % "3! #" " *" #+ + * 3! '"  "#"!+2 (Blanc and Ann A. Way 1TT8).  #! "4+2",  * 4/ *#%! *, 30/, + *!0*+ "!4% % "*% *", 4B  9  0 4 * "*
"+ #+#!.
 0  %/ "3, +"*3+ "* *! "%*% *!"*  '+** +"2#%, + *! 42*+, #"%w3+-*"9!"*+  "* % +4*+ "*,
!%4, * >%> #*9> *#+, "!4 * (de Bessa 2006).
$ *4 #"+*, " *  *+"#2 4w! 42*+  *2 ++*, 30/, .  "2 ! #"*#+%4  +> *
  #"#*%  *"9!" *"*%  *#"3% 3/
*  *",  >% +"0/, * "!.
+ *! #+ *"B%,  #"4", ! $9+*!, #!,  #**+4 !
",   *44 54 4"3+4 -"B%4, 4/ +! 4*""! +*! #"3 #"  +",  * !
"!*+4, #%"04  +%4 #"4, %"4 #*4%!
"!" +, *4 #*/! +  *!* "+
4w! >  *"!3+6. $ ##!! !#!/* ! +4*+!  +!!"! *%"* *%> +, +"  *%2 #" #"2 3*  #0%!  ++*,  ++ *"B% #+!!,  !"+!  %0 *4 %!, %/  ++% #" #w> "!# #"4 #2 '"  "#"!+2  #"4 "% "%*% 0 !#0 (%. Barrett and Cynthia Buckley
2007, Chapagain 2005, Kanaaneh 2002, Baill et al. 2003).
0 %> #+  9, *4 + +"+ "!> #"'*  *%! "! "#0+ "*+ ".
"9 4  !4!  * "  *%0%! B *2 *!*,
 +4*+ 4/  *9 9"%.

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*! 4 +"0/! ! "4, *%+%4 B%!   +"0/ " !9+ ! 3 * >"*+*!> #"% + !3!!
 !#"9 +"2#% \  9"* *% #"2, #%
+ *! ! #! %. 4 ! "%!.  3,  9 * "!4 *%% + ! !4! #%4  ! +%4 *"4, #> 
4 "% *  *2+!!"4 ++*! ! +4 B%.
"59 9"", . #"#"   #"2  4"  9!
9" ++   #"4" B! "2 "!0%  +!!"
*, 3* ##! #"40! #!: !  B%%! + 4!!,  #" %"!/ #+  ! 9 3   +. <
%"* " 4 * , 0 * 9"%   *9 9" 3 
%"!/ 9"%, %"!/ % "!0%> * , 0 
%4 %B, +!!"! #"4%* *4   4 +4 *
*%"!. % " #"   %B "!# ", ! *!0, *  #"94+ 3> * #2> +"*+
+"2#%.   * "  *%4 34 %! * +
>"+*! #",   4 ++  * "#"#*!" >% #*" *2+!!" ++*, ! #!  !%+ " #2 4!0+\B*+ !  2. "!3% +"2#2 ! *4*! * #"4 , #* "2> 4,  + * !+
 +"0/!  +> *"*%  4 *3, ! *%", * #"!3%
 ++ ! *%+%4 B%! '!+20  *2+!!" 4 #"2  4!0+"2  B (!#". Rakhshani et al. 2005).
" 9'3+> 32, +, + %*4* "#*%! +" ! #! '"  "#"!+2 ! %**  
+4 #! *9 #"#, * %"!/ +2#!2 
" !  *",  9*4 9 %", "24,  # 9
3 ! +4 %4 +*+  ! 0! B 4"!  +"!
 *%> 4!B%  +"* +"2#%  0 + 2
+*#2 *!#"!! %% '3+ *  *%4 *!#"!4
(    #"4"  24), +*+% "9  #+!04  +"4 ++% 3 + #"*%, +2#!, +*"!+! ++ %/ >/ + +!!" #" #*, 3/!, "#"!+2, #4
+"* *% 9"* (!#". Thompson 2000, Simmons 1996,
Caldwell and Khuda ZFFF). 5%+ +2 ! #"+*  "3   +!
* %"  *4"   4 *#2'34 #"94 "w "!# ! "9 9  9! !4, #"%,  '"424  +> *  %. +*34 "*+4 "4,     %"!/
++*! "#"2 > '"42.
" #+ !#"% "#"!+24, 93,  9"/! #B!  9"*2 #0 + * "!0% #"*,  %"%, !*%  w + 3 B% *%0% 2 +%4 #
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+4, *   0 ! "# %4 +!!"4.

3, "4 "+!!"" #* 0 0 * *!#"*% ""2*", ""%4 "!4!"  "#"'*4!". $ +%4 !*%4,
 "4 #* #%, 9 +2! #"94, 3 0
!+!3! *  %"% #""B% #"4"4 "24, . 0 0 90% !*#> %"!/ #+ "#"!+% !#"%  +" #!4 *"9!2 +"2#%,  #"4". -"!4 "34, #"43%* "w #""4 ! + *",
+  "! #"*!#, %/ +!!" +  /, %  9
 9 3  + * (%. Ravindran et al. 1997, Thompson 2000).
<  9> #"4" "B%*   +% ""2*"  "*" +!!", . +!!" + #"#"+ ! "+"2#%4 #*4%!", #"*% *!3 #*+> <%", + *!
4"" ! " +4 *4*>  #"0 %+. +
##! *2+4*+  +!!" #"4 3 B% + *! *
4 9" ! "!, #*+ <%" 9 *! #"*!# *%"4 "%*% 0, * *%"44 34 99w%
"#"!+% "%, #"+3 . *! *, 4w!4, #"  4! "*+> *+!"> #"2,  * + '" *4" 4 9"*2 *%"4 !"9 3 B%,  *!
*  %0 "*+ "2 ##! *!*% +" *%
'". }>% 9" 9%  +"0/ *"*%  *#"3% 3/, 3*,   #"%   *!%0 9"4 #"24, +w (Phillips Davids 2000).
0 #*+> <%", "!4 *,  9 "2, %/ 
9 !*% >%4 +!!"4 *4 #"4 '"!, "#"!+2  +"2#2. }>% *" #" #"2 9 
+%,  *! +"2#% +"0/   ##! "3% '"  "#"!+2, %/  *#2" 2, *  #"%
#B> %"4*+> "4+ 4w! 4. @ + *! B  #*!  #"4 4"'*+ **2  !*# ! 4 9  4+*4" B% '", #"%: #44 %"4*+4 "4+4 4w! 2 *4" *! " , 0 4  4!/%  
3%"  0*" 2, ! %**  %!> 9 *!# !
  2, #+ *   ! #! 99w% ##! "% "!2\#"  %"w3,  0 *! ! ##!*
9 4%* "24 #"*%4  "%!  9*, 
%. "% +"%  4 *3.   3 *! * %" "w4
%"*4 *% "2 +!!",   !*% + %"*
"!0% ! + *! * +"#"", 0 4  4!/, 4w! *,  "B *% *+% +!!"  #*+> <%" !
"! (%. Phillips Davids 2000, Vail 2004).

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"2#%, * *"*% #"% 3/,  '!+20! *4 + "!" '", +, %/  + *49  4'"
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+*"!+2 . 5>% % 4!/% >%4 #"%w34  *"9!"4,  * #3+4 #"4,  "!! #2 +"2#% ! *4*! 0 %/ !2  4"'*+
"% ! +4 "!0%!  +!!". +, ! *%"44 +!!"4
?#,  #"4",  3  #* *+"#2  4w!
#"*!# #2 !#"% "#"!+%4 #"2*4  +!!", 
*44 4  + *+ 4w! "* "3> *2> %  +4 * % *% , #* + %"* *2+!!" +*!* *%> > % !#"%  *493+ *22 %> +"2#%> > * #""*4, "%4  4"0/! (%. Bongaarts and Bruce 1995, Russell and Thompson 2000, Free and Ogden 2005).
$*#*% +% 3*+ % 4w! +"2#%  #""*
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5%*+ 5%, * |"0%*+ #+,   %%"#*+4 44 ! +4 * '"4" *" "w*+ *, + #+!0% 
!*% %"!/ 9"*2 # +!!"  *% *2+!!"
"4  %"* + ++ > %, "!4 *. + * #3 ! 4 $9+*!,  #"4", * B%%4 +"2#% + *"*% +  *!B *4 "!*! %! '". $ #%% %"!/ "B% #+, !#0, * #"424 +"0/ *"*% #"% 3/ + !0 %> 2%2*+>
%"* ! B% "B%  > "w 3   * 3%! #4% WW2%2*+WW  WW#WW #3   * '"4" %
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*% 3. $ 24 ##! #**+, + *! # ! *%+%4 B%!   4w! *2 %. "2>  %. *%"4> *2+!!"> "4  %"*, # %+% 9" * !%+ + %"* 43 * % 0"2 (%. Kanaaneh 2000, 2002).
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! !  2, * %*/ , ++ / * " *
+ #"   "!0% *"!+!"  >% *%+% B% (!#". Hogan and Biratu 2004).
- *!4"4: +"2#% *! %B  "*#"*" 3 #+!0 +"*  !#"% '"4  #"2*4 >!4 "#"!+2.  *! %0  >  #0 # *9,
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$ 4 *4!, .  *%! * #"4 !#"%! "#"!+24  +"0/! *"*%  *#"3% 3/, 4B  * +B  ! "w4
*"4, *3 "!4 +!!"4 *494, +"2#% #*!
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   .. . 3. .2 (2008)

5E|} ?E{...


]oj an i ki
Contraception: From f ertility control to identity construction
Paper features basic classification of contraceptives according to their use, modus
operandi, and distribution. Role of contraceptives in reproduction policies is discussed, alongside with using them as tools of identity construction in particular social
and cultural contexts.
Key words: contraception, reproduction policies, social and cultural context

]oj an i ki
Prve nir la conception: du controle de la fertilit
la construction de lidentit
Le prsent travail propose une classification de base des moyens contraceptifs en
fonction de leurs utilisateurs, les modes de leur fonctionnement et distribution. Sont
tudis, par ailleurs, la place que les moyens contraceptifs occupent dans la politique
ddie la planification et gestion de la reproduction humaine, ainsi que le rle quils
assument dans la construction des identits, individuelles et de groupe, dans un
contexte socioculturel donn.
Mots-cls: contraception, politique de la population, anthropologie, contexte social
et culturel, identit culturelle

   .. . 3. .2 (2008)

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