Adventure Island 3 FAQWalkthrough by UDBassMan

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Adventure Island 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by UDBassMan

Last Updated: 2003-04-30 | View/Download Original File Hosted by

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Adventure Island III: The Walkthrough
Version 1.0
Written by Christopher Storer, aka UDBassMan
This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
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Alrighty, once again it's time for me to repay GameFAQs for all the help
they've given me, and here it is in the form of a walkthrough to one of the
greatest NES action games ever! If you've ever played the original Adventure
Island, this one is more of the same, with a few added features; however,
like Bubsy, the advent of new gameplay has decreased the insane speed of the
main character through the levels. Alrighty, let's get down to business!
NOTE: This guide is primarily for the purpose of conveying the method
through each level that will get you the best result; there are
higher-scoring methods, and there are faster methods (i.e. not taking the
bonus levels), so this guide will NOT get you more points than you can shake
a stick at (not that you would shake a stick at points), but you will
definitely roast the game :) Using this method will teach you spectacular
timing methods that will get you through the levels without a scratch, so if
you're interested, read on.
The Controls:
A Button - Jump, select items on the menu
B Button - Hold to run, throw weapons, deselect items on the menu
Select - Nonfunctional
Start - Pauses the game, starts a level from the menu
The Allies:
Red Taylor
- Can walk in lava
- Fires projectiles straight forward
- Attacks by rolling into a ball
- Timing of attacks can allow Poley to destroy virtually anything
Blue Taylor
- Can run extremely fast
- Attacks directly in front (short range)
- Only animal that can be ridden in water
- Excellent swimmer
- Poor handling above water
- Higgins' weapon is usable when riding Classy

- Flying animal
- Drops rocks from above like a bomber
The Tactics:
The first time I teach a timing method, I will detail it, and name it in the
FAQ. If you're reading for one particular area and don't know what I mean by
something, your answer is here:
1) Name:
Situation: On a skateboard (or on foot holding B), all weapons
Accelerate to full speed throughout this maneuver by holding
forward unless otherwise specified. When you see a fruit appear
in the air, jump and grab it, and throw a weapon just as your
hangtime ends and you begin to fall back down from your jump;
your weapon will strike something in the air, possibly something
which could not have been seen when you threw the weapon.
Because of this, the action only makes sense when it finishes;
in other words, just trust me :) This technique revolves around
the fruit, and therefore you may or may not jump over a ground
object, such as a rock, during the sequence.
2) Name:
Leaping Hangtime
Situation: All
Similar to a Hang-Time. When jumping from one ledge to
another, fire off a weapon just as your hangtime ends and you
begin to fall back down from your jump; your weapon will strike
something in the air, possibly something which could not have
been seen when you threw the weapon. Because of this, the
action only makes sense upon completion. This technique revolves
around the platforms being jumped, and therefore there may or may
not be fruit at the apex of your jump.
3) Name:
Situation: On a skateboard (or on foot holding B), all weapons
Accelerate to full speed throughout this maneuver by holding
forward. When you see a fruit appear in the air, jump and grab
it, and throw a weapon just as you land from the jump; your
weapon will strike something directly in front of you. This
technique revolves around the fruit, and therefore you may or
may not jump over a ground object, such as a rock, during the
Alternate: This maneuver can be done after jumping from one platform to
another; when done in this manner, it will be specified.
4) Name:
Situation: Non-autonomous (no skateboards; animals, however, can perform
Walk to a specified spot, then jump backwards, and an egg will
appear, putting you in an easy position to break it open.
5) Name:
Flying Attack
Situation: All, all weapons (especially Poley)
Run and jump and attack as follows:
1- run by holding B and moving forward
2- press A while holding B to do a running jump
3- quickly release B while still holding A
4- press B again, still holding forward and A
This is difficult to master, but very useful, especially with
Poleys, becausethey can perform something similar to DK's

Barrel Roll in Donkey Kong Country. This attack gives you the
versatility to vault over many kinds of objects while doing
massive damage to nearby enemies and attaining special
platforms or objects.
6) Name:
Situation: Skateboard, all weapons (especially hammers)
Quickly tap-jump up and throw a weapon immediately after (A,B
quickly). This is often done just after landing from a
previous jump, so that you barely touch the ground.
7) Name:
Situation: All, boomerang
This occurs when a boomerang has already been released into the
air. As the boomerang returns, quickly press the B button
again, which will throw the boomerang again; if done correctly,
it should appear as if the boomerang did not stop at all, but
instead "passed-through" you, hence the name.
The Story:
So you (Grand Funk Master Higgins) are chillin' with your girl on a solitary
island when aliens abduct her! Funky. Without much precurse, you jump into
action to save her; good luck!
Area 1-1: Coastal Clash
You start without any items to choose from, so you'll have to forage this
stage barehanded for a little while. Head forward; see the meter above you?
That's your time meter, and grabbing the fruits that appear will increase it
slightly. Your lives are in the upper-left and the number of fruits you have
gathered appears in the upper-right. Okay, head forward and bust open the
egg on the ground to reveal a hammer! There's your first weapon; use it
wisely. If you die, you will lose your weapon; keep that in mind. Blast
four snails, then carefully approach the rock on the ground, throwing a few
hammers toward the rock in the process; see where the hammers run into an
invisible wall? Stand just inside that area, then jump back to your left; if
done correctly, an egg will appear; from now on, this technique will be
called Reveal, and will always reveal an egg, often with great rewards! Hit
the egg twice with your hammer and reveal a key inside; touch that and you'll
be transported to a special area. If you didn't pull it off, just skip the
text on the special area.
Surf's Up!
It's time to hit the waves! Walk toward the right (do not run), and jump
onto the board/wave. You will activate surf mode, and in order to continue
surfing, you must balance yourself on the wave. Depending on your style, you
may need to land and quickly pull back on the controller to keep from falling
forward off the wave; if you do fall, you'll just be transported back to the
level. Once you're on the wave, balancing toward the front of the wave will
cause it to move forward, and the barrage will begin. The wave will move up
and down twice; you'll nab four fruits. The fifth fruit that appears high
during the next move should be approached carefully: as the wave drops, from
the back of the wave, move forward and jump, catching the fruit and landing
on the next rising wave (every future wave transfer should be accomplished by
moving, and not jumping). This one will rise and fall twice, and you will
catch four more fruits. As it falls, edge onto the third wave; this one will
rise and fall only once before the fourth wave rises (only one fruit here).
Catch the four fruits that appear here, then join the fifth wave. On the

fifth wave, get ready to launch yourself forward; do it just after you touch
the pineapple, and you'll land on the surface. Nab the bait and the goal.
You'll return to the level.
Area 1-1(Cont'd.)
Hit this next egg with your hammers and hop on the skateboard it pops out.
This part moves fast, but with your timing in place, you'll be just fine.
Hold forward for speed, then hop a rock, grabbing the two fruits. When you
see a fruit appear in the air, jump and grab it, and throw a hammer just as
your hangtime ends and you begin to fall back down from your jump; you will
take out a bird that you couldn't quite see. This technique is called a
Hang-Time, and will be performed often throughout the game. You'll
immediately encounter another Hang-Time. After that, jump the fire, grabbing
another fruit. Hang-Time here to destroy the spider. Jump up to the
pineapple ahead, and right when you touch the ground, throw a hammer to take
out the lizard; this technique is called a Low-Blow. After that, get
extremely close to the upcoming rock, then vault over just before you
collide; you will hit a fruit that appears just after the jump. Continue on
to the goal.
Note: Look in your inventory before you enter the next level; you have a
jewel, which is a gift for completing the Surf's Up with a perfect score;
this allows you to take a hit without dying! This will definitely come in
handy. You can press the B button at the items screen to relinquish your
currently equipped weapons to inventory, but keep your hammer for now.
Area 1-2: Bottomless Pit
This area isn't so much fighting everything that moves, so you can relax a
bit. Take out the flying skull heads and grab the fruit along the entrance;
throw a couple hammers at the egg and you'll discover a new weapon, the
Boomerang. As you see the bat approach, just fling a Boomerang at it, and
the Boomerang will lash out, then spin up slightly and return, taking out the
bat as well as the skull, if you were far enough up screen. Before you jump
up onto the next ledge, take out the second skull to get used to the nature
of this weapon. Got it? Jump onto the ledge, take out the third skull, then
jump down to the lower level, ducking when you reach the ground, and launch
another boomerang; you'll notice that it can attack low-centered enemies this
way. Continue further (grabbing the fruits, of course), then when you see
the boulder come at you, just throw another Boomerang, and it will curve up
and destroy the boulder. Good times! Crack the egg above and grab the spade
card, which will release Red Taylor, a riding companion. Note that it has
replaced your weapon, and now your B button fires from its mouth. Move
forward, destroying skull, rock, skull, but take care as you descend to the
lower platform. Reveal just left of the lava on the platform (refresher:
walk to the right end of the platform next to the lava, then jump back and an
egg will appear); break open the egg for a milk, worth 1000 pts! Head across
the lava; if you fall in, you won't actually be hurt because you have Red
Taylor's protection. As you jump the second gap, fire just when your
hangtime wears off and you begin to fall, just like you would during a
Hang-Time. This is called a Leaping Hangtime. Jump the third gap, then do a
Leaping Hangtime on the fourth gap. Jump the fifth gap, then carefully jump
and fire, aiming your shot to hit the low-centered bug. Hop over this little
pseudo-hill, taking out the skull, and head to the goal.
Area 1-3: Oak Forest
Relinquish your weapon and companion before you enter. Grab the fruit, and
get a hammer from the egg. If you approach the fire closely, you can hit the

spider on the other side. Do so, then back away and run and jump over the
fire. Time your hit on this next spider, then head forward. Jump up for
this fruit; DO NOT try to catch it and jump over the fire at the same time.
Now jump over the fire and get this egg for invincibility. Spider, spider,
lizard, spider, fire, and you should be out of power by about now. Take
these fruits here, jump the rock, then run and jump onto the catapult,
vaulting over the rock and fire, and catching the two fruits above. Crack
open the next egg and you'll release a Poley. Poleys can spiral on the
ground and during a jump, taking out generally anything they touch. Run and
jump and attack (hold B, press A while holding B, quickly release B while
still holding A, then press B again, still holding A). This is difficult to
master, but very useful, especially with Poleys, because they can perform
something similar to DK's Barrel Roll in Donkey Kong Country. I will refer
to this technique as the Flying Attack in the future. Anyhow, do a Flying
Attack into the spider, and if timed correctly, you should hit the rock on
the ground as well and continue rolling; this heavily increases your speed.
Shortly after passing the flower (which is actually in the background), as
you reach the trees, turn around sharply and attack, which should make Poley
do something like a tire spinning out backwards. About this time, an enemy
will come running from the left and you will be ready for it :) Grab the
fruit, then another fruit as you jump over the fire, and the goal lies ahead.
Area 1-4: In the Abyss
Target Score:
Relinquish both weapon and companion; you'll obtain a new friend here. Enter
the stage and grab the Diamond card to get Classy, a sea-bound companion.
When you hold A, you will swim upward; with a little practice, you'll be able
to float through the water much like an even-tapping method in Super Mario
Brothers. Float over the block, then hammer out the three enemies as you
advance forward and down in one smooth motion. Swim up and strike the squid
just before you reach it; the hammer will head to your upper-right and take
it out. Grab the fruit nearby, then float back down. Hold down and right,
and about a half-second after grabbing the fruit, fire a hammer; it will arc
and land on a squid you couldn't see before. Touch the ground, then quickly
hold your swim up for a half-second and release, floating up to catch the
first fruit, and floating down for the second, this is all continuous.
Immediately slam your swim, rising to the very top of the screen, then drop,
going ahead of the first bubble but behind the other two, and catching the
two fruits. Just after passing the third bubble, press down and fire a
hammer, taking out the plant on the ground. Hold right again and swim
upward. When you encounter the turtle, fire one hammer quickly, then press
and hold down, and when you appear to stop moving for a split second, fire
off two more quickly. The first will strike the turtle, and the next two
will dispatch the first seahorse. As soon as the seahorse dies, hold swim
again and do almost the same thing again, this time firing two at the second
seahorse (above), and one at the plant on the ground. Float back up and fire
two hammers to hit the ground plant and the large squid. If you fired
correctly, one of the hammers will bounce off and hit another ground plant.
Swim up, and hold A and B simultaneously, gliding across the top of the
screen. When you see the three-fish formation, quickly fire off three
hammers, which will fall appropriately; gotta love hammers! Then simply
float down and into the goal.
Area 1-5: Coastal Clash
Keep your hammer, but relinquish Classy. Get a running start, then when you
see the first enemy (while still running), hammer, jump, hammer hammer hammer
hammer. In the process, you will have gotten on the skateboard. Jump to the

next platform, completely skipping the cloud, Leaping Hangtime, Leaping

Hangtime, IMMEDIATELY jump to the cloud, then super-jump over the rock, then
quickly tap-jump up and throw a hammer immediately after (A,B quickly). This
is called a Tomahawk. Pull back on your skateboard just as you touch the
egg, and grab the heart card; your new buddy is a Blue Taylor. Run and jump
to the next platform, passing over the cloud, then jump up to get the two
fruits, but avoid the egg! Take out the rock as you advance. This next move
is tricky. As you approach the angry cloud, jump so that you pass under it,
heading over a cloud platform at the same time. As soon as you land, release
your D-pad and jump straight up, attacking the octopus. Ascend the next
three platforms without worrying about the octopuses, then jump the first
platform, over the cloud and onto the first half of the platform, and shoot
the egg to get a boomerang. Run and jump to the next platform, heading under
a swordfish, do two Low-Blows over the fires, then attack the snail and head
to the goal.
Area 1-6: The Desolation
Relinquish your Blue Taylor, and keep your boomerang. Head forward, attack
the ground enemy, then run under the flyer, press up, and throw a boomerang;
the boomerang will fly straight up, hit the flyer, then curve backwards; this
is a very useful technique. Run to the top of the hill, and duck and attack
just as you reach the cactus, taking out another flyer. Run down the hill,
under another flyer, upward-attack it, then immediately duck, and attack
again just as the boomerang returns to you; it should appear as if the
boomerang didn't stop at all. This is called a Pass-Through, which refers
only to pressing the attack during the return. You will take out the
scorpion. Run into the quicksand, then Leaping Hangtime onto dry land. Keep
running when you hit the ground, and Pass-Through on the way up the hill. At
the bottom of the hill, duck and attack, then jump up for the fruit. Run
into the quicksand, then as you fall on the opposite side, press down to
slide a little ways, then while you're still ducking, attack the rock for a
1-up. Cross the quicksand, and attack just as you touch the egg; if done
correctly, the boomerang should pass through the egg and strike the enemy.
Grab the star card to obtain a Poley. Do two Flying Attacks, the first over
the quicksand and landing at the ledge, the second very light and over the
hill, which should take out the two black birds. Walk slightly onto the next
quicksand (Poley can walk on it), then Flying Attack forward, taking out the
first jumper, then Tomahawk to get the next one. Jump over the fire, head
onto the quicksand, then Flying Attack at the next two enemies, delaying your
attack until the moment of connection with the flyer; this will allow the
drop to connect with the scorpion. Head into the goal.
Boss Fight: Blue Beetle
Head over the first hill, then carefully descend the other side and pull back
to allow the boss to fade in.
***Strategy 1:*** Wait until he fires, dodge the shots, then run in and
attack, then jump in mid-attack; with Poley, this should work nicely. In the
event that you lose Poley, you'll have to dodge the shots, run right up to
him, duck and fire your boomerang at him, then pull back to wait for the next
attack. Poley, however, can attack and land on the opposite ledge, then
attack and hop to the other side. He will fire two shots, then one, and
alternate back and forth from there.
***Strategy 2:*** Jump over his set of two shots, jumping far over the shots,
and descending directly on top of the boss. Just as you're about to land,
attack, then immediately upon landing (in mid-attack, because Poley can
actually do this), jump up and to the other side. You shouldn't release your
run at all when doing the jump, drop, roll, jump. With either strategy,
after a short number of hits, you should take him out.

Area 2-1: Bottomless Pit

Get the boomerang for this. Walk throughout this area for now. When you get
to about a second's walking distance from the first enemy, attack and don't
stop walking. The enemy will jump, and consequently get hit on its way up.
Do a Pass-Through (which actually looks more like a ricochet), then jump to
the upper level and attack, continuing the walking pace; this will take out
the bat. Duck and attack as you approach the end of the upper level; the
jumper will connect. Attack forward as the bat swoops at you, and do the
same for the second one. Do a ducking Low-Blow on the egg, releasing a
skateboard. Do a Leaping Hangtime over the first gap, jump the second one,
then do a Pass-Through before making the third jump (if you're particularly
smooth, you can rear back and jump just as the boomerang would return, and it
will continue on, allowing you do pull off the same attack as a pass-through,
but you can take out the rock as well. Jump past the elevator, then jump
over the skull, pulling back on the landing. Jump another gap, then actually
run into the next skull, killing the skateboard. Attack the next skull in a
way such that it hits the next egg, and grab the reward: a Red Taylor. Jump
to the first platform, Tomahawk to the second, then jump again to solid
ground. Take the goal.
Area 2-2: Coastal Clash
Take a Hammer. Do a Hang-Time on the first fruit, then move forward under
the falling coconut, get the skateboard from the egg, and jump over the
snail. Pull all the way back as you ascend the hill, and jump carefully over
the boulder. Do a Hang-Time at the top of the hill, striking the jumper on
the way down the hill (this one's a looong arc). At the bottom of the hill,
pull back and Hang-Time again. Stay moving slowly, jump for the fruit, then
do a Leaping Hang-Time over the rock, but still at a relatively slow speed.
Hang-Time, but land on the lee side, then vault over it afterwards. Jump for
the fruit, and land on the fire, destroying the skateboard. Talk towards the
catapult and Reveal just left of the cloud in the background for a key to a
bonus area.
Warp Time!
Run to your right, grabbing the crystal, then land on the next platform to
obtain a Classy. Jump up to get the fruit, then walk left off the platform
and get the Poley. Head left, grabbing the fruit along the way, then get
under the left platform, jump to get the Red Taylor, jump up again twice to
get the last fruit. This must be done quickly before the items disappear;
head right to exit the level.
Area 2-A: Oak Forest
Take Poley and a spare boomerang, just in case. Get a running start, roll
into the lizard, and jump just as the roll is about to end, grabbing a fruit.
Run under the spider, then turn back around and do a Flying Attack, taking
out the spider and the boulder. Hop up two platforms, then do another Flying
Attack off the ledge, delaying the attack slightly to hit the spider. Do
another flying attack off this ledge, but only hit the rightmost egg; now you
have invincibility. This one lasts a while; It should wear off when you
reach a rock and spider. Flying Attack the boulder, scale the hill. Move
forward and Flying Attack over the next egg, taking out the jumper, then bolt
to the goal before the angry cloud gets you.
Area 2-B: In The Abyss

Select Classy and the hammer here. Avoid the spikes near the entrance, then
float off the platform without swimming and throw a hammer, icing the squid.
Swim up after launching the hammer to get the fruit and skate across the top
of the screen for about a half-second. Throw a hammer while still gliding at
the top to take out a squid that approaches from off-screen. Immediately
throw another hammer to take out another approaching squid, then hold down,
throw a hammer just as you touch the ground to take out the ground plant,
then swim right back up and over the gap, both throwing a hammer and
releasing your swim as you touch the top of the screen (but don't stop moving
to the right). The mines ahead are less negotiable; you'll have to navigate
around them. Head right and over the first (immobile) mine, then over the
second (horizontal) with its accompanying gap, then under the third
(vertical) as it reaches the peak of its rise by holding down-right and
releasing you re A button (to slow yourself and plunge faster), then slamming
A and right to skate just under him as he drops; you should glide just over
the gap. Head forward for about a second, throw a hammer, then swim up to
grab the bait. Skate across the top (A + right) for a half-second, then
throw a hammer, which will hit the ground plant off-screen, then just as you
pass over his projectile, toss another hammer at the next ground plant and
quickly pull up to avoid his fire. Keep swimming until you reach the top,
then fire off two more hammers and continue skating across the top. A second
after you see the pit, throw off two hammers to catch the two approaching
turtles and keep gliding on the top. Now watch the blue hill in the
background; when you see the third bump, let go of the A button and hold
down, and quickly fire off four shots to kill the two seahorses, then
continue on the ground. Just as you reach the second group of pink rocks in
the background, fire a hammer and start swimming up. When you see the
swimming snail, fire a hammer and slam down to catch the pineapple, then
continue across the ground to the goal.
Area 2-6: Lost Woods
Grab Poley, and if you have two boomerangs, grab one; otherwise, get a hammer
instead. Jump to the first platform, Tomahawk to get the bird, jump to the
next one, attacking just as you drop, and continue in a Flying Attack to the
next one; you should take out the frog during one of these two moves. (you
have to be really fast to get the frog; it may jump over you). Jump to get
this fruit, but move slowly so as to only land on the next platform. Then
carefully walk to the right of this platform, wait for the bird to appear,
walk back to the left, wait for the bird to fly by, and Tomahawk him,
obtaining a Red Taylor. Jump to the right of the fire, then pick up speed
and jump the next gap. Jump another gap, take out the two spiders, then
Low-Blow the chameleon, turning left to do the attack. Turn right, do a
Leaping Hangtime over the next gap to get the spider, then jump for the
orange and drop straight down into the lava (Red Taylors can walk through
lava). Lightly hop under the fire and onto the platform, then run and jump
onto the next two platforms, grabbing the fruit along the way. You will
traverse two more platforms unopposed; at that point, do a Leaping Hangtime
at full speed; you should cross a platform and a portion of lava, landing on
an elevated platform. Do a Flying Attack combined with Low-Blow landing to
dispatch these two spiders in mid-run, then hop to the next platform,
avoiding the chameleon, hop off the platform to the right, taking out the
spider, then turn around and ice the chameleon. Do a Low-Blow over the gap
to hit the rock for a 1-up, hop up to the next platform, then do a Leaping
Hangtime to get the bird. Walk to the end of the platform and get the second
bird, then drop down and walk to the right until you reach the lava. Do a
Hang-Time at the fruit to take out the frog, then jump two more platforms
(you should be on the upper level), wait for the first frog to leap at you,
and shoot him. Next, hop up towards the above platform (you can't actually
reach it), and fire at the approaching frog. Hop to the next platform, grab

the fruit, then ease down next to the chameleon and take him out. Hop up and
take the goal.
Boss Fight: Rabid Flower
Head right and grab the hammer.
***Strategy 1:*** If you have Red Taylor, go for this technique. Jump to the
leftmostplatform and wait for the middle flower to open, then while it's
open, keep jumping, firing at the apex of your jumps. When the flower
closes, move to the middle platform and stand slightly left of center (move
further from the flower at first to test the flower's range). When the
flower opens, do the same technique again, jumping and firing; the flower
should shoot its third petal attack just to the right of you. When it
closes, move slightly to the right side of the middle platform and turn left,
attacking the left flower when it opens. After this, the middle flower will
open, repeating the pattern. Continue and you'll kill the boss in no time!
***Strategy 2:*** If you're stuck on foot, you have the hammers to fight with
instead. With this strategy, you're not even close to the flowers' range, so
you're perfectly safe. Jump to the leftmost platform and wait for the middle
flower to open, then while it's open, keep jumping, firing at the apex of
your jumps. When the flower closes, move to the second platform from the
left (one of the two highest platforms). When the right flower opens, jump
up and fire repeatedly (you'll have to fire exactly at the apex of your jump
here, or the hammers will fall short of the target). When this flower
closes, jump to the second platform from the right (the other of the two
highest platforms). When the left flower opens, repeat the previous
technique, facing left. When the left flower closes, quickly run to the left
side of the screen, hop on the leftmost platform, and face right, then wait
for the middle flower to open again, repeating the pattern. No sweat, right?
Area 3-1: Oak Forest
Take the boomerang along this time. The boomerang acts very strangely in
this area; instead of arcing and returning, it arcs, spins in a circle
several times, then returns. We are going to use this property to our
advantage throughout this stage. Head forward, take out the snail, and
continue right. As you attack the first spider, watch how the boomerang
hovers; you can walk up to the boomerang to retrieve it manually as well. Do
that, attack the next spider, and move on. Do a ducking Low-Blow here, and
your should nab the grapes and take the frog in one smooth motion. You'll
see a dip ahead; as you get ready to walk out of the dip, quickly turn and
fire, taking out a sneak that approached you from behind. Retrieve your
boomerang, then duck and attack the rock, head down the hill, and duck and
attack the fire, which won't actually destroy the fire, but you will take out
a bird that appeared from the right. Run to the right, and about a second
after you pass the flower in the background, turn left and fire again to hit
yet a second sneak. Retrieve your weapon, then take out the four spiders
here, taking a second to get used to where you'll need to jump to retrieve
the boomerang. Do a ducking Low-Blow with the bananas, then run to the
right, jump to catch your boomerang, then duck and attack so that the
boomerang floats at the bottom of the hill. Jump past it, then stop at the
top of the hill and watch the sneak snag himself on your boomerang. If you
missed it, jump up the top of the hill to let the sneak run underneath you.
Either way, you'll want to jump up and attack the bird for its egg; you
reward? A Blue Taylor. Sprint to the bottom of the hill, take out the frog,
and run to the goal.
Area 3-2: Ice Cave
Keep your arsenal here (Blue Taylor, boomerang). Pick up speed, take out the

walrus, quickly hit the penguin at the top of the hill, then jump over both
gaps at once, landing on the egg and attaining temporary invincibility. One
walrus, several gaps, two penguins, and two gaps later, you're back to normal
(Sprinting, that's why we kept Blue Taylor). As you scale this hill (still
running), you'll have to jump and attack to meet the leaping walrus. As you
reach the bottom of the next hill, keep holding right, but release your run,
then jump and attack the next leaping walrus, jumping only one gap. Next,
jump the other gap, take out the final walrus and head for the goal.
Area 3-3: Perilous Plunge
Take along Poley and a hammer. Run towards the first enemy, then roll into
them, then jump just as the roll is about to wear off. When you land, you
should have kicked up an egg to the left, and you should have just enough
room on the screen to jump back and grab it: a 1000 point bonus! Hop the
next three gaps, then Flying Attack into the next enemy. Hop another gap,
then Flying Attack onto the tiered platform. Hop up one platform, then
Tomahawk into the approaching enemy to reach the top platform. Next, jump
the gap to the right, attacking the enemy just before you land. Jump three
more gaps (making sure to attack or avoid the rock just to the left of the
waterfall, it's almost invisible!), then Flying Attack into the next two
enemies. Hop up to the upper level, then fall and attack the rock. Gather
some velocity and launch yourself at the egg so that it will land on the net
platform, then grab the star card (another Poley) it drops. Jump a gap, and
Leaping Hang-Time to the next platform. Hop to the last of the tiny
platforms ahead, then roll off the ledge onto the next platform, taking out
another enemy. Hop the last gap and head into the goal.
Area 3-4: In The Abyss
Take Classy and a hammer. Pass the usual opening spike formation, then
attack the approaching squid, float down, and attack the vertical one. Head
to the top and begin gliding across the top. As you cross the first pink
block in the background, throw a hammer to hit the approaching turtle, then
float down and grab the pineapple. Stay on the ground until you take out the
ground plant ahead, then swim up and get the fruit. When you approach the
first pink block of the two in the background, throw a hammer at the swimming
snail, then drop down and attack the second one. Swim up, attack the
seahorse (two hammers), then float down and attack the second one. Begin
swimming toward the top (and moving forward) as soon as you reach the
beginning of the next pink block group. Just as you touch the top, throw a
hammer and keep moving, and the hammer will descend and hit the ground plant
as you grab the fruit. As you reach the pit, release your swim and hold down
and right, which will line you up with the approaching turtle. As you take
him out, swim back up, and hurl three hammers at the swimming snail; the
first will hit it, and the third will hit the next one. Head down and float
to the goal.
Area 3-5: The Desolation
Poley is an excellent choice for this terrain, but let's hoof if with the
boomerang instead. Incidentally, the boomerang's back to normal now.
<Wonders if his cartridge needs cleaning> Head forward, duck and fire at the
first boulder, then continue into the quicksand, using a Pass-Through to
destroy the second boulder. Run up the hill and attack about halfway up to
take out both the approaching bird and the boulder. Low-Blow OVER the egg to
take out flyer; you don't want a hammer right now. Walk halfway down the
hill and stop, throwing a boomerang at the same time to dispatch the
approaching bird that just happens to jump at that moment. Grab the fruit,
walk to the quicksand, duck and attack the scorpion, jumping to the other

side of the quicksand just after throwing the boomerang, Pass-Through to hit
the boulder while still moving ahead, but stop just short of touching your
boomerang and duck, allowing the jumper to be hit first. Do a Low-Blow
across the quicksand and onto the egg, kicking the egg to your left and
destroying the boulder. Do a Low-Blow, grabbing the grapes and firing when
you land in the quicksand, taking out the scorpion. Step to the right of the
cactus in the background, then Tomahawk, hitting the jumper. As you crest
the hill attack forward to get the flyer, then grab Poley from the egg. Jump
the first quicksand, Flying Attack over the second and third, then run down
the hill and into the goal.
Area 3-6: Bottomless Pit
Take Red Taylor and a hammer. Falling in this area is detrimental, even with
Red Taylor, because you can quickly run out of time. Do NOT run in this
stage unless otherwise specified, because running leads to slipping, and
slipping leads to falling ("I sense much fear in this one"). Run and jump
the first ledge, then slow down and do a Leaping Hang-Time on the next; turn
left. Hop the first gap, Leaping Hang-Time the next, hop the third, Tomahawk
the fourth to take care of the boulder, then hop the last three; turn right.
Hop the first gap, taking the fruit, then hop two more, shoot the skull, and
hop the next gap; turn left. Hop left, grabbing the fruit, then run and jump
to the next; you will appear to have missed the jump, but there is a ledge
below that, which is the one we're aiming for. When you land, slam right
quickly to keep from falling off. Turn right; jump straight up onto the next
platform, hop to the right to catch the next one, then once more to a third
platform; turn left. Hop the first gap, Tomahawk past the second one, then
hop the next three platforms; turn right. Jump up and attack the bat before
advancing, then hop three platforms to the right. Here you'll have to time
your jump so that the peak levels with the lowest point of the vertical bat's
flight; fire at that point and take him out, then hop past where he was onto
the platform; turn left. Hop the gap, turn right, hop the gap, grabbing the
fruit, and turn left. Here, walk to the tip of the platform and jump the
gap, then turn right and do the same thing with the next platform; turn left.
Jump the gap here, then jump straight up to the upper platform, and jump
left one more platform. Step to the end of this platform and jump left to
the next one, then hop up on the two small ones and face right. Jump up and
strike the low-centered enemy on the next platform, then jump right to where
it was. To your left is an egg containing a Red Taylor, just in case you've
lost him. Head right, grab the fruit, and jump the gap. Jump up and right
to the next platform; turn left. Jump to the next platform, grabbing the
fruit, then turn right, jump up, and attack the low-centered enemy on the
above platform; we'll be back here. Head LEFT to the next platform, wait for
the bat to pass you, then jump up and shoot it, and you will land on the
above platform; turn right. Jump to the platform where the low-centered
enemy was, then jump another gap for the goal.
Boss Fight: Flaming Lizard
Red Taylor is quite handy here, as you can slip up just a bit and not die.
Head to the right and stop on the highest of the three platforms to cue the
boss. Note that during the fight, his head is what you're actually aiming
***Strategy 1:***
If you have Red Taylor, here's how you would take this guy on. First, stand
on the RIGHT upper platform and wait for him to fade in. When he's solid,
you can jump and shoot him, but be mindful: he will shoot a single projectile
at you, so you must remember to watch for that and jump it. When he begins
to blink again, quickly walk off the ledge into the lava, then face right and
lightly hop to the lower right platform and stand on the far right side. The

boss will begin to flame and burst out in a circle of fireballs, and as you
can see, this is one of only two safe places on the screen, but this one is a
whole lot easier to get to. As soon as the flames disappear, jump over to
the lower middle platform and wait for the boss to fade in at the left. Jump
and fire at him when he fades in, remembering to dodge his single shot. When
he fades out this time, simply head to the right on either platform. When
the fireballs disappear, jump to the lower middle platform again and face
right, where he will appear. Repeat the steps again, moving to the left side
to dodge. Eventually he will turn blue, not necessarily at this exact
moment, then when he fires, he will fire TWO projectiles at you, so you'll
have to dodge more cleverly. When you're finished dodging his fireballs,
head to the upper right platform and repeat the steps as he fades into the
***Strategy 2:***
If you're fighting on foot with the hammer, use this strategy. Head to the
upper right platform and wait for him to fade in. When he appears fully, you
can begin jumping, launching hammers at him at the peak of your jump, but keep
in mind that he will throw a single projectile at you. When he starts
blinking, walk off the ledge, holding left, and you will land safely on the
lower middle platform. Quickly turn to the right and hop to the lower right
platform, then attach yourself to the right wall while he throws a circle of
fire around the screen. When that's over, hop to the upper middle platform
and wait for him to settle in on the left; this position and the one after it
are prime hammer-throwing situations, so just stand there and unleash a
massive barrage of hammers, being sure to dodge his projectile. In the event
that he turns blue, he will throw TWO projectiles from then on, so be careful.
When he begins blinking, head to the right side of the screen to dodge his
circle of fire, then head back to the upper middle platform to watch him fade
in on the right. This is symmetrical to the last step; just throw hammers to
the right, dodge, then avoid his fire by running to the left. When his fire
circle ends, head to the upper right platform and start the technique over
again as he fades into the middle.
A Side Note:
If you've managed to keep a perfect game up until this point (if you're not
old-school, don't worry about it; people like me were programmed to do this
sort of thing), then you will have the following items:
Red Taylor
Blue Taylor

x02'll find out what a Don-Don is eventually.

Area 4-1: Coastal Clash
You'll enter on foot, but take along a boomerang. Jump to the cloud and over
to the other side, then attack the jumper as it falls back to the ground.
Jump to the vertical moving cloud, attack the jumping octopus, then, as the
cloud hits the top of its path, jump to the right and nab the fruit. Do a
Low-Blow onto the horizontal moving platform, taking out another jumping
octopus, then jump quickly across the next two stationary clouds and onto
solid ground. From here, jump to the next platform, duck and attack the

approaching enemy, then jump to the upper platform and get the fruit. Jump
onto the cloud, then to the next platform, and without disturbing the egg,
hop to the next cloud, then do a ducking Low-Blow to reach solid ground. Run
forward, under the falling coconut, then duck and attack the snail and jump
for the fruit (still running). Run under the coconut, then jump over the
fire, do a Leaping Hangtime to the cloud, then jump to solid ground when the
cloud moves toward the right, grabbing the fruit. Run under the angry cloud,
hop lightly to the cloud, over the next gap, then run and do another Leaping
Hang-Time to the moving cloud, taking out the octopus. When the cloud moves
right, run off it, to the ground, the jump quickly to the next moving cloud.
Jump back onto solid ground, then bolt to the goal before the angry cloud
gets you.
Area 4-2: Oak Forest
Take Poley and a hammer. Walk to the right, jump over the fire, then roll
into the falling enemy and keep walking. Another enemy will jump up; attack
him just as he falls like you did with the first jumper, and continue. Roll
into the rock and lizard and jump for the pineapple; you should do all this
in one motion. Jump over the rock and egg to get the next fruit and continue
on up the hill, under the angry cloud (RUN). Roll into the lizard at the top
of the hill, then on the other side of the hill, roll into the spider at it
falls. Jump to the next platform, catch the apple, jump to the higher
platform, then head past the flower, still running. As you reach the end of
the dip, turn back around sharply and roll like a peeling out tire as a sneak
approaches from behind. Turn back to the right, roll into the boulder, then
launch yourself off the hill, grabbing the fruit in midair, and attack the
enemy on the ground as you land. As three birds fly toward you, stop and
Tomahawk the first one, then Tomahawk again, taking out the other two and
obtaining a Blue Taylor. Sprint to the right, jump for the fruit, and as you
land, quickly turn around and fire; the frog will jump up, exposing the sneak,
who will get hit by your shot. Pass a flower, still running; as you reach the
second flower, turn back around and hit another sneak. Jump up and grab the
grapes, then run to the right, run under the frog as it jumps, then turn
around quickly and fire at yet another sneak. Jump over the fire and into the
Area 4-3: The Desolation
A boomerang is your companion here. Walk slightly right, duck and attack,
taking out both the rock and the approaching jumper. Jump up as you walk to
the right and attack the boulder. Advance into the quicksand and do a
Low-Blow OVER the egg, hitting the approaching bird. Get onto solid ground,
then run and do a Low-Blow into the sand, then jump up without waiting for
the boomerang to return; you'll catch it in midair. As you land, do a
ducking Low-Blow on the jumper. Duck and attack the egg, taking out the
approaching bird in the process, then hop on the skateboard. Jump over the
solid area and right back into the next quicksand. As the first boulder
approaches, shoot it, then hop slightly to get back to the top of the
quicksand. Attack the second boulder now, then as a jumper approaches, jump
and attack the egg, snagging the jumper as well, and grab Poley. Do a Flying
Attack over the solid area to get the scorpion, run forward, do another
Flying Attack over the solid area to get another scorpion, which is on the
other side, and continue running. Roll into the bird, then turn around
sharply and attack backwards to get the descending jumper. Do a Flying
Attack onto solid ground followed by another Flying Attack into the jumper,
then head for the goal.
Area 4-4: Pyramid Crypt

Choose Red Taylor for this endeavor. Start this level at a walk, and don't
run until I say so. Move forward, and when the bat swoops toward you, simply
shoot him and move on. Head forward, down a platform, then fire a shot just
before you descend again, killing the zigzagging bat. Continue down at the
same pace and you will dodge the arrows. When you see the spike pit, do a
Leaping Hangtime, still walking, and land on the other side; IMMEDIATELY jump
to the other side, then up again quickly past the beak, and you'll miss
another arrow. Break open the egg for a boomerang, then jump to the next
platform; as an arrow flies at you, jump over it and onto the ledge, then jump
next to the catapult. When the boulder gets close enough, bounce up on the
catapult, shooting it on the way up and grabbing the fruit, then Low-Blow the
second boulder when you land. Here you can walk freely under the first claw,
but you must run under the second when it raises to avoid getting clobbered;
this is difficult with Red Taylor. As you run under, slam backwards to keep
from hitting the fourth claw, which is also active, then run under it when the
timing is right. See the raised ceiling ahead? Run and jump into the wall,
and you'll find a secret passageway! Walk to the right, grabbing the bait and
Red Taylor card off the altar, then jump up and right a couple times to get
out of the secret area, doing a Low-Blow on the boulder on the way down. Jump
to the next level, shoot the ground-bound enemy, then just and shoot the flyer.
Vault over the jumper, then walk down the stairs and keep walking to avoid the
shots; the goal awaits.
Area 4-5: In The Abyss
Get Classy and a boomerang. Swim past the introductory spikes, then swim
through the bubbles and attack the turtle. Just below the spikes ahead is a
bait; grab it for more time and a tasty bonus. Swim up, attack the seahorse,
grab the fruit, then descend, taking out the swimming snails. Get on the
ground, then slide across the snag another boomerang, then head to the goal.
Area 4-6: Shipwreck Salvage
Take Classy and a hammer. Jump over the first block and into the water.
Hold right, but don't swim yet until you see the vertical mine; carefully
swim over it. Lower yourself and attack the approaching squid, then swim
under the next vertical mine, grabbing the fruit. Head over the ground
plant, then lower yourself to the ground and grab some fruit; stay here until
the two fish swim over you. Swim up, grabbing the fruit, then swim to the
right of the horizontal mine while it is traveling left. Swim up, grab the
fruit, drop to the right of the turtle, then attack the swimming snail.
Lower yourself to the left side of the lower platform and attack the ground
plant, then carefully ease to the right, grabbing the fruit, then press down
and attack the next ground plant. Swim under the vertical mine, throwing two
hammers when the squid comes into range; the second will attack the ground
plant below. Next, swim just over the large block ahead, but not too high so
as not to collide with the horizontal mine; the goal awaits.
Boss Fight: Aqua Beast
Head right until you pass the debris, then when the screen locks, head back
to the left and wait for Mr. Scales here to fade in. Keep in mind that
whether you're on Classy or swimming solo, you swimming isn't precision
machinery, and so you'll need to really telegraph your moves during this boss
fight to keep from getting plowed in during a rush.
***Strategy 1:*** Since the mechanics of movement don't really make a great
deal of difference between Classy and you other than increased mobility, the
strategy here is the same; however, this fight certainly isn't easy, so
having Classy around will be a huge help as far as having a second hit.
While the boss fades in, do NOT sit at the bottom of the screen; notice that
upward-swimming beasts will blink quickly, then appear and swim to the top of

the screen. Those enemies will give you a run for your money, so be sure to
see where they are at all times. The boss is actually the lesser of the two
evils; he only travels horizontally, and if he exits on the right side, he
will emerge on the right side. This fight is only a matter of time to win,
but here's the exact method I used:
1) The boss appears on the bottom right
2) Swim to the upper-left and hover there
3) When the boss becomes solid, start firing hammers at him (be sure to dodge
the rising enemies)
4) He will eventually charge left
5) Move to the upper right side and face left
6) He will emerge from the lower left
7) Start firing at him again
8) He will charge right
9) Move to the upper left and start firing towards the right (at nothing)
10) He will emerge from the upper right; when this happens, start descending
and keep firing as long as they're hitting him (take care that while
you're falling, you don't hit the
ascending enemies, and that you DON'T touch the bottom; you must float
in between the ground and his assault path)
11) He will charge left
12) Move to the upper right, face left, and start firing
13) He will emerge from the upper left; drop and fire
14) He will pass over you to the right
15) Move to the upper left
16) He will emerge from the lower right, starting the cycle over again
***Strategy 2:*** Similar to Strategy 2, but modified for the swimming inept.
Since the mechanics of movement don't really make a great deal of difference
between Classy and you other than increased mobility, the strategy here is
the same for both; however, this fight certainly isn't easy, so having Classy
around will be a huge help as far as having a second hit. While the boss
fades in, do NOT sit at the bottom of the screen; notice that upward-swimming
beasts will blink quickly, then appear and swim to the top of the screen.
Those enemies will give you a run for your money, so be sure to see where
they are at all times. The boss is actually the lesser of the two evils; he
only travels horizontally, and if he exits on the right side, he will emerge
on the right side. This fight is only a matter of time to win, but here's
the exact method I used:
1) The boss appears on the bottom right
2) Swim to the upper-left and hover there
3) When the boss becomes solid, start firing hammers at him (be sure to dodge
the rising enemies)
4) He will eventually charge left
5) Move to the upper right side and face left
6) He will emerge from the lower left
7) Start firing at him again
8) He will charge right
9) Move to the lower left area of the screen, and avoid all rising enemies
10) He will emerge from the upper right; when this happens, make sure that no
enemies are set to rise where you are, then lower yourself and wait
11) He will charge left
12) Move to the lower right
13) He will emerge from the upper left; lower yourself and wait
14) He will pass over you to the right
15) Move to the upper left
16) He will emerge from the lower right, starting the cycle over again
Eventually, he will wear out and die, but it takes a while; luckily, this
stage isn't as hard to navigate in the event that you fail.

Area 5-1: Bottomless Pit

Take Red Taylor and a hammer. Head to the pit, WAIT for the fireball to jump
and drop back down again, then jump the pit. Do this again for the second
pit, Low-Blowing when you land to take out the approaching bat. Kick the egg
into the pit to reveal a flower, then jump in and collect it. Jump back out,
get a running start, then leap over the elevator to the next platform,
shooting the jumper just before you land, then quickly shoot the approaching
bat. Run and jump to the first platform, Tomahawk to the second to kill the
bat (this is more of a hop than a jump), land on the elevator, and quickly
jump to solid ground, shooting the rock as you descend. Hop to the next
platform, then Tomahawk to the upper level, destroying the boulder. You'll
go a little ways here without enemies; run down the two drops, jump over the
gap, then slowly jump the next gap; if you did this correctly, only one bat
will come at you. Take out the first, then move forward and hit the second.
Run forward and drop into the lava, then jump and shoot the low-centered
enemy on the platform. Wait for the bat to pass over, then hop back up.
Walk to the edge of the platform and shoot the approaching bat, walk into the
lava pit. When the next bat charges, jump up and attack it, then jump onto
the platform, head over the fire, and into the goal.
Area 5-2: Perilous Plunge
Take Poley and a hammer. The beginning of this level will be VERY fast.
Start in a run, roll into the first enemy, then do a Flying Attack into the
UPPER egg; you'll gain invincibility. From here (you're still in a raging
sprint), head right and keep running; here's a guide: Jump up to the
suspended platform, fall down, jump down, jump to the large platforms, head
up and stay on the upper platforms when the paths split. Grab the bait when
you see it and continue right, then when the paths join together, roll into
the egg on the left side of the platform, and grab the flower it spits out.
With the last second you have, smash into the enemy to the right and
continue. Hop to the upper platform, grab the fruit, then drop down, hit the
snail on the platform, then ease left and get the apple. Now jump to the
next platform to your right and stop. Jump straight up, then attack so that
you'll strike the egg that appeared just below you. If you did this
correctly, you'll break open a key and go surfing.
Surf's Up!
It's time to hit the waves again! Walk toward the right (do not run), and
jump onto the board/wave. You will activate surf mode, and in order to stay
surfing, you must balance yourself on the wave. Depending on your style, you
may need to land and quickly pull back on the controller to keep from falling
forward off the wave; if you do fall, you'll just be transported back to the
level. Once you're on the wave, balancing toward the front of the wave will
cause it to move forward, and the barrage will begin. The wave will move up
and down twice; you'll nab four fruits. The fifth fruit that appears high
during the next move should be approached carefully: as the wave drops, from
the back of the wave, move forward and jump, catching the fruit and landing
on the next rising wave (every future wave transfer should be accomplished by
moving, and not jumping). This one will rise and fall twice, and you will
catch four more fruits. As it falls, edge onto the third wave; this one will
rise and fall only once before the fourth wave rises (only one fruit here).
Catch the four fruits that appear here, then join the fifth wave. On the
fifth wave, get ready to launch yourself forward; do it just after you touch
the pineapple, and you'll land on the surface. Nab the bait and the goal.
You'll return to the level.

Area 5-2(Cont'd.)
You will reappear on the upper level. Run and jump over the nearby platform
and onto the tiered platform, rolling just as you land to take out the enemy.
Keep running, and do a Flying Attack onto the next platform, a Flying Attack
onto the platform below (you'll need to slow down to nail the enemy below),
Flying Attack to the next platform, then head for the goal.
Area 5-3: Coastal Clash
Notice how this level feels just like the first one? Isn't it great? That's
called old-school :) You're playing with just a hammer this time. Run under
the coconut, then carefully jump over the approaching boulder. Head across
the top of this hill, hitting the jumper when it comes down, then grab the
fruit. Next, fire off a couple hammers at the top of the hill, then walk
down and watch them clobber a snake. Run and do a Leaping Hang-Time over the
fire, then head up the hill, grabbing the two fruits and jumping another
approaching boulder. Get a running start and jump at the pineapple that
appears to the right, but as soon as you catch it, stop moving and deadfall
to the ground, Low-Blowing the lizard that leaps at you. Do a Hang-Time over
the fire and catch the apple, then run under the coconut, head up the hill,
and jump another boulder. Jump up to catch the fruit, but do not jump the
fire yet. Now that you have the fruit, do a Leaping Hangtime over the fire,
taking out the jumper that popped up. Jump on the way down the hill so that
you land just on the other side of the rock; if you jump any farther, you'll
hit the falling coconut. Speaking of the coconut, RUN! Now head up the
hill, jumping another boulder. Jump at the fruit, doing a Low-Blow on the
frog. Now sprint to the right up the hill, jump the boulder in mid-run, then
turn around quickly and belt the snot out of the approaching sneak (they take
two hits with a hammer as opposed to the one hit with a boomerang, and thus
stun quickly before trying to run you over again). Head down the other side
of the hill, hit the frog twice to take him out, then jump straight up and
kill the flyer; crack open the egg and get Poley. The goal awaits.
Area 5-4: Oak Forest
Keep Poley and the Hammer. Pick up your speed, roll into the rock and snake,
then do a Hang-Time, running into the jumper that appears. While still
running, roll up the hill, hitting the rock and lizard in the same motion;
you will also dodge an angry cloud shot. Run to the ledge, Tomahawk up to
take out the spider and get the fruit, then jump to the higher ledge, run off
the ledge, roll into the rock and lizard (and under the jumper), and Flying
Attack the spider (keep running). Roll into the boulder, then when you see a
catapult, Flying Attack onto it and propel yourself over the fire and onto
the platform beyond and roll down to the next one, taking out a spider. Jump
to get the fruit, then walk off the ledge and head up the land-stairs 1,2,3;
by now the angry cloud is pursuing you. Run and jump over the fire, roll
into the jumper as it falls, Flying Attack the boulder, then attack the
jumper when it falls on you. Start running now or you'll be toast; you'll
take the stairs 1,2,3, then Flying Attack at full speed just as you leave the
trees, hitting a jumper that just emerged. Now you can take the goal.
Area 5-5: Bottomless Pit
Take Red Taylor and a hammer. Hop up the first two ledges, then shoot as you
continue, hitting the low-centered enemy at it falls from the sky. Let your
run button go, then during your glide off the ledge, shoot the next two
enemies that you line up with. Next, Flying Attack the boulder and land on
the ledge. Head down the two drops, then Low-Blow to the unstable platform,
hitting the rock. Hop onto solid ground now, then jump to the unstable

platform and Low-Blow to the next ledge, hitting this rock. Here, wait until
the first fireball goes down, then walk to the right side of the platform,
jump up, and kick up the egg so that it goes straight up and lands where you
are, giving you a well-needed bait. Here, wait until the second fireball
goes down, then do a Leaping Hangtime to the next platform, and jump
immediately again to the next platform. Run and do a Low-Blow, jumping over
the vertical platform, catching the fruit, and taking out the low-centered
enemy in the process. Put on your brakes here, wait for the next fireball to
go down, then jump the gap (you should see skulls in the background). Run
and jump to the next ledge, passing the unstable platform, and let the bat
fly under you; kick the egg into the lava and do NOT retrieve it; that card
gives you a Blue Taylor which will get you into serious trouble if you touch
the lava. Jump onto the unstable platform, then jump to the ledge, going
over one bat and under the other. Run and jump to the next platform,
skipping the unstable platform, then take the vertical platform, and the
unstable one, and up onto the upper platform and grab the fruit. walk into
the lava and head under the next two platforms, avoiding the ghosts entirely,
then hop onto the first unstable platform, to the next one, then hop off and
grab the fruit; hop up onto the ledge and take the goal.
Area 5-6: Fossil Lair
Head in with just your boomerang. Do a ducking Low-Blow at the fruit, taking
out the low-centered enemy ahead, then walk right and launch a boomerang at
the approaching bat. Do a Low-Blow over the fire, then do another Low-Blow,
catching the pineapple. Run toward the ledge, leap across it, then Tomahawk
the incoming bat (the ledges here will crumble behind you, so keep moving).
Run and jump the next gap, heading over the bat; don't look back. Now let's
pause a second to discuss the mechanics of ghosts. Unaffected, they will
simply float back and forth slightly, but whenever you press down on the B
button (i.e., throw a weapon), they will advance toward you and they will
move in a straight line; you must use this to your advantage. First, walk
until you can see the ghost, then press B once to get its attention. Next,
back up a bit, then press and hold B, which will get the ghost to drive at
you and enable you to run. While the ghost is running toward you, you MUST
run and jump over it; if you miss this time frame, good luck! Okay, now run
through that (B, back up, press and hold B, run and jump over it), which will
place you at the end of the bone platform; keep running, jump to the next
platform (the small one), Low-Blow onto the next small platform, taking out
the jumper. As the boomerang is still moving, jump over to the larger
platform and do a Pass-Through on the bat, then another Pass-Through on the
second jumper. BREATHE. Run to the right, tapping B when you see the ghost,
and jump the ghost as it's traveling straight; as you land, do a ducking
Low-Blow on the two approaching boulders. As you approach the ledge, attack,
then jump to the first platform. Attack again once the second bat lines up
with you. Now jump to the next platform, get a running start, and Low-Blow
to the next platform, taking out the low-centered enemy. Travel here a ways
and be prepared to attack forward when a bat swoops at you. Jump over the
fire, catching the fruit, move along this platform, duck and attack the
low-centered enemy, then do a Pass-Through (this will hit nothing). Keep
moving; as the boomerang is about to return to you, jump it and the bat, and
they both should connect. Jump to the first small platform and attack
forward, letting the boomerang swoop up and catch a bat, then jump the next
two platforms (hold down your run button), run under the ghost, then attack
the fire and jump over it; the boomerang should catch a bat that can't really
be taken any other way. Head right into the goal.
Boss Fight: The Skeleton Beast
Hmm... judging from what we saw on the overworld, this guy's nothing to shake

a bone--err, stick at. Head to the right, jump the first gap, then wait for
him to fade in.
***The Strategy: *** Since we arrived here on foot, there's only one
strategy. As soon as he fades in, throw a boomerang at him, then back off;
you only have a single time window to hit him. Fireballs will form, spin
around his head in a circle, then lash out at you one by one; they are
directed, and change direction independently, but not after they are fired;
in other words, he fires five projectiles toward wherever you at the moment
he fires them. Once you're done dodging, jump back to the center platform
and fire one more boomerang, then back off to the leftmost platform to dodge
his head attack. He will reform on the upper level of the right side and
begin the same technique, so you will need to throw a boomerang, find a good
dodging place, dodge, jump in, attack, run and hide, just like before.
Here's my personal dodging method: When he's on the bottom, I jump to the
upper-right of the two small platforms, then wait carefully until one of the
projectiles are about to hit me, then I jump up high and to the left; this
allows him just enough time to fire a third projectile at the wrong location.
I land on the lower-left of the two platforms, then dodge the next two by
simply jumping them. When his head moves out at you, HE IS VULNERABLE! When
he is on the top, I stand on the lower-left of the two floating platforms, to
dodge the first two/three, I walk left off the ledge to distract the third,
then I jump back to the same platform to dodge the last two. He will turn
red as he weakens. This fight is excruciatingly long, but perseverance is
the answer.
Area 6-1: Bone Crossing
It's just you and a hammer this time around. Run to the right, jump to the
next ledge, then do a Leaping Hangtime over the fire, taking out the bird.
Jump the next fire, landing on the right side of the same ledge, then do
another Leaping Hangtime to the first floating platform. Hop to the second
ledge, then to the third one, then Tomahawk the approaching bird. Jump to
the small platform, then to the large one, then run and jump and immediately
Tomahawk over the fire. Do the same exact thing again (jump to the small
platform, then to the large one, then run and jump and immediately Tomahawk
over the fire), but this time jump the fire and land on the next platform;
ignore the egg. Jump to the small platform, then to the large one, then
small, then large (the second time), then small, then large (really quickly;
this is the third time), then hop to the small platform and Tomahawk to
another small platform. Next, jump to the large platform, grab the fruit,
then jump to the goal.
Area 6-2: Ice Cave
This area is extremely difficult; call me crazy, but take Classy and a
hammer; this will not only give you a second hit, but you'll also have your
hammers to throw as well as the ability to jump slightly higher. Head
forward, taking out the walrus from a distance, then head up the hill. As
you are about to descend the hill, launch a barrage of hammers to take out
the penguin below, then Tomahawk slightly about halfway down the hill to take
out the walrus. These next steps must be taken quickly and smoothly to avoid
several things. First, jump across the first gap, then jump high and launch
some more hammers at the walrus ahead, bridging the second gap. Jump another
gap, then jump and unleash more hammers at the walrus ahead, then jump the
gap to land where he was, then you'll jump one, two, three, then on the
fourth, jump high and blast the walrus ahead. Now (still moving quickly),
jump two more gaps and take the floating platforms: the third, sixth, and
ninth blocks will break when you step on them, so you must move quickly.
Icicles await after the sixth and ninth, so you'll have to jump up slightly
more than with the third so that you won't fall through the platform, but

won't hit the icicle. When you finally land on solid (as far as that
description goes) ground, slow quickly and throw hammers to fend off the
walrus, then one gap, then jump and fire at a walrus, then jump three more
gaps and you'll find another set of icicles. The third, sixth, and ninth
will shatter, with the wait on the third platform rather long compared to the
others. When you do finally land, the fourth pseudo-icicle is active, so
dodge that and attack the approaching walrus. Hop quickly under the icicle,
jumping the gap, jump the next gap, then run under the icicle for the goal.
Area 6-3: Blizzard Peak
Take Poley and a hammer. Run and Flying Attack under the cute little bunny,
then Flying Attack the second bunny, cresting the land stairs. Crack the egg
for a 1000 pts. bonus, then hop onto the block and roll off the ledge,
hitting the penguin along the way. Pull back before you're hit by the bunny,
then attack on your way down. Walk to the ledge and Flying Attack over the
large gap, then run and jump quickly again before you fall off the next
ledge. Move along and clear the next gap, then wait at the top for the
snowball to fall; jump over it. Roll and fall off the right ledge, attacking
the penguin; drop two ledges, then run and jump, catching the fruit and
landing on the first tier of the second land stairway. Immediately Tomahawk
the approaching bunny, then jump and attack the falling ice-boulder. Crest
this stairway, run down the hill, roll into the egg, knocking it over the gap
and onto the next platform, then grab the card to switch the a Blue Taylor.
Now jump in place on the right side of the platform and attack as you're
about to reach the ground, kicking up a secret egg and retrieving the 1000
pt. bonus. By this time, the bunny should be lined up for a shot; do that,
jump the gap, Hang-Time over this next gap, grabbing the fruit, then
Tomahawk/Low-Blow all at once, dispatching the remaining enemies. BREATHE.
Jump the gap, jump and grab the fruit, Tomahawk the bunny, then crack open
the egg for another 1000 pt. bonus. For each of the bunnies on the tiers
below, walk to the next platform down, then immediately fire a shot, hitting
the bunny that just happens to hop up at that moment. Do a Leaping Hang-Time
over the next gap, Leaping Hang-Time the second gap, taking out the second
spider, then Tomahawk the third spider. Jump the next gap, Tomahawk the
spider here, then Low-Blow the last gap, taking out the rock. Advance to the
Area 6-4: Oak Forest
Take along Red Taylor and a hammer. Head forward, Hang-Time the fruit, then
swipe the block out and quickly Tomahawk the approaching boulder. Run and
jump at the top of the hill so that you'll jump over the fire; you'll pass
under a jumper. Use the catapult to get the fruit, but do NOT try to leap
the fire; instead, fall back down, then jump up, putting your tippi-toes on
the ledge, and jump over the fire. Run and head under the jumper in a raging
freakin' sprint; you'll barely make it. Next, hop onto the catapult and grab
the fruit, but do NOT touch the egg. Jump over the egg, run and jump over
the frog and under the flyer, hit the next frog, then slow quickly and
systematically take out the next three; keep an eye on your timer. Run and
jump to catch the fruit, then, while still running, jump over the fire, turn
around sharply and attack the sneak, then just as sharply turn back around
and Tomahawk the approaching boulder. Run down the hill (don't jump),
attacking the frog at the very base of the hill, then run up the next hill
and do a Low-Blow over the fire and first boulder, and hitting the second
boulder. Grab the fruit, then continue. Run up the hill, do a
Tomahawk/Low-Blow combo on the two boulders, then continue to the goal.
Area 6-5: Blizzard Peak

Equip Poley and a hammer. Jump onto the first tier, grabbing the fruit, then
Flying Attack onto the next tier, attacking the boulder. Flying Attack again
to get the last boulder and crest the hill. Run and jump the get the hammer
and fruit, then roll, roll, roll quickly in succession to take out several
enemies and blocks; one bunny will pass over. Flying Attack over the first
gap, jump the second gap, then, when you reach the top of the hill, roll into
the rock and penguin, then roll down and under the bunny. Tomahawk each of
the hills with an enemy on them, and jump at an angle toward the left, then
arc right to avoid the snowballs. When you reach the top, hop the first gap
and run, down the dropoffs until you actually see a vertical gap, then fall
on the first dropoff on this ledge and jump the horizontal gap, catching the
fruit, then jump the second gap, rolling to avoid both bunnies, and jump the
next gap. Tomahawk upon landing to get the penguin. Head down the hill,
then Flying Attack over the crest of the next hill, taking out all three
assailants. Jump the next two gaps and take the goal.
Area 6-6: Ice Cave
Take along Classy and a boomerang. Head forward and toss a boomerang at the
walrus; your range is just low enough to take him out, which is perfect,
since they jump a lot. The icicle just before the gap will fall, so dodge
that or destroy it with your boomerang, then head over the gap, dodge the
icicle at the end of this platform, then do a Leaping Hangtime over the gap.
Slow down slightly as you jump the next gap so that you can do a
Pass-Through, hitting the icicle ahead. Jump the next two gaps, then take
the volatile platforms. The third will break and fall, and an icicle will
fall down shortly after the third one as well, so you can do a Leaping
Hangtime on the second platform to dispatch the icicle early, then do another
Leaping Hangtime to solid ground, taking out the walrus. Jump the next gap,
then CAREFULLY do a Leaping Hangtime, jumping the following gap so that you
don't knock the egg into oblivion. Land vertically on the egg to knock it
straight up, revealing that elusive companion, Don-Don! This guy can fly
when you hold your jump button, so the entire feel of his level is different
now. Keep in mind that flying is similar to swimming, so you'll have to
telegraph your moves slightly. Fly forward and under the next icicle, then
bomb the next two enemies; fun, isn't it? Fly forward until you reach the
walrus, and bomb him early, making sure you don't let him jump into you.
Continue until you reach the volatile platforms, pausing when you collect the
fruit to let the icicle fall, then swoop down to get the two other fruits.
Note: if you fall for too long, your velocity will greatly increase, so be
sure to flap occasionally as you descend. Also, Don-Don can walk, but falls
really fast, just like you do, when he's not flapping his wings, so if you
happen to grace the platform as you drop, make sure to quickly hit your fly
button to get back into the air. Bombard the walrus, then head to the next
volatile platform area. Grab the fruit here and be sure to dodge the icicle,
then duck under the next line of icicles, swooping up quickly to bomb the
last walrus; head to the goal.
Boss Fight: Blue Crab
Don-Don isn't terribly useful here, and this boss is quite difficult; after
all, this is a challenging game.
***The Strategy: *** You may want to hold on to Don-Don just to have the
extra hit while you learn this guy's strategy; however, you cannot fight with
him, so when you're ready to actually follow the fight strategy, hover near
him and take a hit. Okay, this guy's method is relatively simple; the tough
part is surviving outside his range. His arm will circle around, passing in
at least one revolution, then it will lash out at wherever you are; his arm
extends throughout the screen, so there is no place to hide. The trick is to

foresee when his arm will reach you and quickly run or jump out of the way
before is lunges out. Now here's the really difficult part: after he lunges
his arm out, it will stay in place, and two icicles will drop out of the sky,
landing wherever you are, so after you dodge his arm, you have to dodge the
two icicles. When he turns red, there will be three icicles, so that
translates as follows: MOVE QUICKLY. Also, you can't let him attack you
while you're in the lower area of the screen, because you need that space to
run away from the icicles. The trick to taking this guy out is to arrange
yourself so that when his arm extends, it will do so near the left or right
edge of the screen; then you will be able to dash to the other side, dodging
the icicles, then turn around quickly, jump and fire to get a hit in. This
technique is slow, but the most reliable. Also, if you're feeling lucky, you
can arrange your Don-Don so that you are flying just left of the crab's
belly. When it appears, you can unleash a barrage of attacks before its arm
gets to you; as soon as you take a hit, bolt to the right and jump to divert
the arm; if you do this correctly, you'll lose your Don-Don, but be one hit
short of getting the boss into red within the first strike... nifty! Good
luck with this guy, you're nearing ever closer to the final showdown...
Area 7-1: In the Abyss
Take Classy and a hammer. Hop into the water, then throw a hammer through
the rock wall ahead into the ground plant. Pass over the rock and throw two
hammers quickly to take out the fish, Swim to the top of the screen, then
launch a few hammers when you pass the pink block in the background to take
out the squid and ground plant. Launch a hammer as you pass over the next
block near the spikes, taking out another ground plant, then duck under the
first set of spikes. When a fish comes at you from the right, fire two
hammers, one for it and one for the waiting ground plant on the other side of
the next block. Continue under the spikes, making sure to duck down and grab
the bait for some well-needed time on your clock. Head over the gap, ducking
under the vertical mine, then quickly pull up and dispatch the ground plant.
Continue to the right, swimming on the top of the screen, and throw a barrage
of hammers as you go, getting rid of all the threats below, then when you
approach the next set of spikes, take out the ground plan below, then
continue under the spikes. Approach the next gap, continuing your swim and
slipping under the vertical mine and over the first gap. As you pass over
the second gap, swim under the squid, then wait and head under the vertical
mine. Fire a hammer as soon as you pass the mine, hitting the next ground
plant, then swim under the squid and advance to the goal.
Area 7-2: Oak Forest
This world is pretty much ruled by Poley, so get used to him; take along a
boomerang as well, just in case. Crest the first hill, then roll into the
frog on the way down; do NOT jump the fire! Instead, stop, then jump for the
fruit, then proceed over the fire. Roll into the two boulders coming at you,
grabbing the fruit on the way up the hill, then as you approach the spiders,
roll quickly into the first, then hop a bit, taking out the second, and
attack as you land on the jumper for a quick three-hit combo. Roll again
into the lizard, then do a Hang-Time at the fruit, crashing into the first
boulder below. When you land, quickly jump up and attack as you land on the
next boulder; a jumper should appear. Jump back up, then attack on the way
down again to take him out. Repeat this two more times, once for the last
boulder and once for a second jumper, then advance slowly, rolling as the two
emerging jumpers are about to land on you. Roll into the egg ahead, taking
out a jumper and a spider, and grab the Poley card that comes out. Run and
jump into the fruit, attacking as you do so to destroy the spider, then
Tomahawk into the next spider and over the fire. Run up the next hill, and
just as you are about to run into the boulder, turn around and attack, taking

out both the boulder and the sneak. Tomahawk into the fruit at the top of
the hill, attacking the flyer, then Low-Blow as you land, crashing into the
frog ahead, or be safe and stop, then attack. Advance to the goal.
Area 7-3: Fire Gorge
Take Poley and a hammer. If you're intent on keeping alive here, you'll need
to proceed with extreme caution. I know every knook and cranny of these next
stages, and I still don't bolt through it like a madman like I have for most
of this game. The volcanoes will erupt, throwing four rocks out and down,
two to the left, and two to the right; you'll simply have to wait, then time
your run for just after the rocks land, making sure to clear the range before
it erupts again. Now that we have that out of the way, let's begin. The
fourth volcano in the background will fire, so stand no further right than
the peak of the third volcano, wait for the rocks to fall, then bolt to the
right. Now head to the second volcano from where you were standing (just
right of the one that erupted), stop and wait for the rocks, then continue.
Head to the right, skipping one volcano, then stop at the next one and wait
for the rocks, then head forward. Head to the second volcano after that,
roll to take out the partially camouflaged frog, then jump for the fruit in
mid-roll; if you did this correctly, you should jump both boulders. Jerk
back quickly to the left, dodge the rocks, then run forward and jump the
lava. You can take out two more enemies without danger; just past the second
enemy, pause to let the rocks fall, then grab the fruit and continue. Step
close to the next lava gap, wait for the rocks to fall, then jump over that,
grabbing the fruit. Jump the next lava gap, then walk to the right side of
the platform, jump straight up, then attack on the way down, revealing a key.
this stage on, the results will vary, from things as measly as a fruit to as
staggering as a 3-Up, so good luck! When you return, do a Leaping Hangtime
over the fire, heading under the flyer and taking out the boulder, then roll
as the frog ahead jump on you. Advance with caution, taking out the boulder
when it falls, then approach the next enemy (don't attack it yet), wait for
the rocks to fall, then roll into it and vault over the lava, grabbing the
fruit. Attack the frog ahead, then take the goal.
Area 7-4: Lost Woods
If you're feeling frightened at this point, take Red Taylor and skim across
the lava through most of the stage, but you'll need to reemerge for fruit
occasionally or you'll run out of time. I'm going to provide above-ground
instructions for those of you that want to have lots of time (and lots of
points). Take Red Taylor and a boomerang. Low-Blow onto the tier, taking
out a frog, then Low-Blow to the platform to get the next one. Low-Blow once
more onto the following platform to nail the spider, then drop down to the
next platform, shooting the snail upon landing. Carefully jump to the next
platform; your jump should be long enough to grab the fruit, but short enough
so as not to run into the flyer (shoot the flyer on the way down). Wait for
the spider to drop level with you and shoot it, then head over the his
platform, jump up to his platform, then Low-Blow across the gap, cracking
open the egg, and snag the flower. Jump over the fire, crossing to the next
platform, then hop up one platform, Low-Blow for the fruit on your way to the
next platform, taking out the snail at the bottom, then Tomahawk the flyer
when it comes into range. Time your jump to the next platform so that you'll
slip under the first spider, Low-Blowing the second spider, then shoot the
frog. Hop to the following platform, line up with the spider, and shoot it,
then drop to the platform right next to the lava. Jump up at the right of
the platform, revealing an egg, and drop on it to crack open the reward, some
well-needed bait. Now that you have plenty on your time clock, jump to the
next platform, Hang-Time to the one after that, taking out a flyer, then

quickly jump backwards, turn forward again in midair, and shoot the second
flyer as it passes over the platform you're at; it will drop an egg. Grab
the Red Taylor card from the egg, then run and jump to the next platform,
vaulting over the frog, drop to the lower platform, hop up onto the tier,
then run and jump the fire, landing on the next ledge. Now that you've
picked up speed, run and jump for the fruit, vault over the fire, and turn
around in mid-jump, landing just right of the chameleon and Low-Blowing him.
Back up a bit for a running start, leap this fire, Hang-Time for the fruit,
taking out a flyer, then hop up to the next platform, jump carefully to the
right of the chameleon, turning left in mid-jump again, and attack as you
land. Back up, run and jump over the fire to the next platform, hop to
another platform, then Low-Blow to the following platform, taking out the
fire-breathing lizard. Low-Blow onto the next platform, taking out the
boulder, then quickly fire again to get rid of the lizard. Run and jump to
the upper platform from here, avoiding the spider and the first lizard, then
fire when you land; you'll take out the first lizard as it jumps at you.
Fire a second time to get rid of the last lizard, then hop up to where it was
an advance to the goal.
Area 7-5: Shaft of Darkness
Take along Classy and a hammer. Walk forward a bit, then jump up and unleash
some hammers to take out the first bat. Drop off the ledge, then fire a
couple more hammers to get rid of the last bat and hop over the fire and dive
into the water. Quickly drop to avoid the spikes, then float just below
them, ignoring the ground plant. Take out the two swimming snails and grab
the fruit, then skim over the platform, firing at the next swimming snail.
As you drop, head through the air bubble (these don't actually do anything
when you're on an animal, I just used it as a guidepoint), throw a few
hammers about a half-second after passing the gap to get rid of two more
swimming snails, head over the second gap, then swim up past the ground plant
and secure the fruit. Head up from here and slightly to the right, and jump
out of the water and right into the skull, killing Classy but vaulting you
onto the platform. From here, hop to the right, grabbing the fruit, Low-Blow
off this platform to get rid of the jumper, jump over to the fires, then leap
both of them and carefully time your jumps up and over the two boulders that
come crashing down the land stairs. When you get to the top of the stairs,
attack the jumper here, then hop down one level and attack the next jumper as
it hops up. Drop down a level (left of the fire), attack the next jumper,
then hop over the first fire, run and jump over the next fire, also clearing
the boulder, and head for the goal.
Area 7-6: Thunder Clash
The spaceship ran off AGAIN?!? Geez, how long is this game? Don't worry,
you're closing in on the final boss. Take Poley and a boomerang for this,
Poley for the level, and the boomerang for the boss. Jump the first platform
carefully, making sure you don't hit the fire, then hop over the fire, wait
for the angry cloud to fire, then dodge its shot, hopping onto the next
platform. From here, jump to the lower platform past the fire, grab the
fruit on the way to the following platform, then hop down to the tiny
platforms. These platforms aren't actually timed by how long you stand on
them, they're timed period, so you'll need to move fast. Hop to the upper
level, over the fire, onto the timed platform, then hop down to the lower
platform, landing to the right of the fire. Tomahawk the flyer, landing past
it to the upper platform, then quickly Tomahawk the next two flyers, hop to
the lower platform, quickly onto the upper platform, then Leaping Hangtime to
the lower one, grabbing the fruit. Hop across to the left of the fire on the
next platform, then carefully jump down to the next one, hop up for the
fruit, then to the next platform, Tomahawk the flyer, landing on the last

small platform, then land on the ...solid?... ground. Hop to the next
platform, Tomahawk the flyer, grabbing the fruit and landing on the lower
platform, then hop up to the last small platform and over to the big cloud.
Hop up to the upper platform, then run and jump past the fire below and land
to the right of it. Without skipping a beat, jump up to the upper platform,
avoiding the angry cloud, then to the small platform (avoid the fruit unless
you're very skilled), then across the next two platforms, over to the double
platform (under the angry cloud), up to the second platform, down to the
third, and the fourth, grabbing the fruit and avoiding the fire, then hop
over the fire and to the goal.
Boss Fight: Super Butterfly
This isn't nearly as difficult as the last boss fight, so don't get too
overstressed. This fight takes place on the clouds, so be careful not to
slip and fall off. The butterfly will fade in at the upper right.
*** Strategy 1: *** Use this if you have Poley. When you're rolling, the
boss can't hurt you, so just keep jumping and attacking when it gets near
you. First, she will throw three shots at you, so dodge them by jumping or
relocating, whichever appeals to you. After the three shots, she will cross
the screen, first heading left a bit, then dipping down and emerging at the
upper left. Don't worry about attacking while she's shooting, but during the
transition, Tomahawk the crap out of her. The same pattern occurs from the
left, so continue the barrage from the other side. Here's my personal
technique: stand on the second platform from the left when she's on the
right side shooting, then when she begins to advance forward, jump forward
and attack her, landing on the third platform, then turn around, hop to the
second platform again, then jump and attack, landing on the first platform;
she should be getting ready to fire again. Quickly jump to the fourth
platform to dodge her first shot, then jump over the second shot and between
the third shot, landing on the third platform; when she gets in range,
Tomahawk, jump to the fourth platform, then jump and attack on the way down
so that when you land, she'll be too high up to hurt you. Quickly jump back
to the second platform and prepare to repeat the pattern. She will turn red
eventually and begin firing and moving faster. Patience is the key here.
*** Strategy 2: *** Use this if you're on foot. Stand on the second platform
from the left, and immediately begin jumping and attacking. She will fire
three shots at you, so jump them, firing between jumps if you can manage it.
She will then begin to charge you, but she will duck just short of the
platform so that only her head could actually damage you. Keep firing
forward until she gets very close to the platform, then jump, turning around
in mid-jump, and begin firing to the left. When she reaches the upper-left
of the screen, run off to the third platform and start jumping and firing.
Dodge the three projectiles again, and jump over her as she advances toward
you, landing on the second platform, turn around and begin firing to the
right, repeating the pattern. She will turn red eventually and begin firing
and moving faster. Patience is the key here.
Area 8-1: Fire Gorge
Here it is, the final world, which is really just an extension of the last
world. Just hoof it this time, and take a hammer. Head right two volcanoes,
pause to avoid the rocks, then continue. Head right two more volcanoes and
carefully dodge the rocks from both sides, take out the frog ahead, then
continue over the lava pit; you'll barely make it across before the rocks
eject again, but you can't keep running. Stop quickly, dodge both sets of
falling rocks, then continue right, making sure to grab the fruit along the
way. When you see the stationary rock ahead, stop short of it and dodge the
rocks, one of which will land just left of the stationary rock, then hop over
and continue. Hop over the next enemy, over the approaching boulder, then

stop at the lava gap, dispatching the frog, and continue over it. Now
quickly jump up and attack the approaching flyer, jump again and attack the
other frog, then leap the second gap, jump and attack the frog from a
distance, leap the third gap, and jump and attack the flyer. Do a Hang-Time,
catching the orange and taking out the frog, then do a Leaping Hangtime over
nothing to get rid of the next flyer. Hop the lava gap, grab the fruit, walk
to the edge of the next lava pit, jump and attack to nail the frog, leap the
lava gap, then jump up and hit the flyer so that the egg it drops will land
on the platform. Take out any remaining enemies in the midst, then get Red
Taylor from the egg. Jump the lava gaps, shooting the enemies ahead when you
land, until you've cleared the last lava pit (of this small section).
Carefully walk to the right, avoiding the rocks, then run and clear the next
lava pit, grabbing the fruit, carefully jump over the first fire and then
Low-Blow over the second, and keep running before the rocks fall on you. Run
and jump over the next fire, landing just to the right, then quickly jump to
the right again before the frog can reach you; advance to the goal.
Area 8-2: Oak Forest
Take Poley and a hammer. Tomahawk the jumper that comes out of the ground,
then run and do a Flying Attack over the fire. Do another Flying Attack into
the spider, then duck down next to the platform the lizard is standing on,
and wait for its fire to pass. Jump up, roll into the lizard, and jump
lightly off the platform, grabbing the fruit. Grab the hammer, then slow
down slightly and attack the jumper as it falls down. Start running at this
point. Flying Attack into the pineapple, taking out a jumper, then Flying
Attack into the spider, over the fire, and into the jumper and spider on the
other side (depending on your speed and accuracy, you may have to split that
into multiple moves). Run to the right, attacking the jumper as it comes
down, jump the fire, jump and grab the fruit, and roll into the boulder.
Roll into the frog as you reach the bottom of the hill, Flying Attack into
the bird ahead, vaulting over the boulder, then roll into the spider ahead,
turning in mid-attack to address the sneak behind you. Attack the sneak,
then turn around, grab the fruit, and attack the two boulders on the right.
Roll into the frog at the bottom of the next hill, then proceed to the exit.
Area 8-3: Shaft of Darkness
Take Classy and a hammer. Hop over the fire, then jump completely over the
jumper and into the water. Duck under the spikes, cross two pits, then grab
the fruit, at the same time unleashing some hammers to dispatch the two fish
that approach. Swim over the platform past the pit, swimming under the first
squid and attacking the second squid and the ground plant. Pass the next two
pits, then skim on the platform, attacking the swimming snail, duck down
under the spikes, attack another swimming snail as you pass the first pit and
a ground plant as you pass the second, then drop to where the ground plant
was, grabbing the two fruits. Advance past the spikes, then swim up and
right, hopping out of the water and onto the green rock platform to the
right, carefully avoiding the low-centered enemy. You can't actually attack
it while you're on Classy, so just stand to the left of the fire and jump up
to attack the approaching bats; as you fall, you should break open a secret
egg and a key, which will transport you to one of those wonderful rooms that
we have come to enjoy. Take all the goodies, which include an invincibility
crystal, and head right through the skip door.
Area 8-A: Bottomless Pit
Take Red Taylor and a hammer. Shoot the first jumper as it lines up with
you, then do a Low-Blow over the lava gap, taking out another jumper. Clear
the next gap, then fire at the vertical bat when it lines up. Low-Blow over

the pit, taking out the rock, then Low-Blow over the next pit, shooting a
jumper. Now WALK toward the ledge, shooting the bat when it gets right up to
your face, then Low-Blow over the gap, taking out a swooping bat. Run into
this egg, knocking it down into the pit (you don't want it), then jump the
next gap, Tomahawk the two boulders, and approach the next lava pit, shooting
the bat when it arrives. Grab the fruit on the way over the next lava gap,
wait for the two fireballs to fall, then Low-Blow the gap after that, landing
on the tip of the platform and taking out the low-centered enemy as it falls.
Jump to the next platform, then to the volatile platform, and over to the
floating one, vaulting over the bat. Turn around and shoot it if you wish,
then Low-Blow over the next lava gap, grabbing the fruit along the way. Jump
to the volatile platform, then to the floating platform, letting the first
bat go, but shooting the second one. Jump to the next platform, shoot the
egg through the fire, then jump over the fire, grab the boomerang, hop to the
tiny platform, and hop up to the larger one. Run and jump over the ghost,
scale the hill, then make a running jump over the jumper and the bat, and run
to the goal.
Area 8-B: Coastal Clash
Grab Poley and a hammer. Roll into the first enemy, grab the fruit, run
under the falling coconut, and jump the first gap, ignoring the vertical
cloud. Slow down as you jump to the temporary platform, then quickly vault
over the fire and onto solid ground. Jump to the next platform (left of the
fire), quickly jump to the platform after that, rolling just before you land
so as to sneak under the angry cloud, then hop up to the next platform. Roll
into the boulder on the way down the hill, jump for the fruit, then attack as
you land on the lizard. Now jump up from a position on the hill close to
where the lizard was, and you'll find a secret egg; crack that open and
you'll be whisked away again. Of all the bonus stages, this is my favorite
Cloud Jumping
Run off the first cloud and onto the catapult, then after that, you'll have
to land on catapults throughout the stage to successfully clear it. The
first catapult should be obvious, the second one is just to the right of the
cloud, the third is visible, the fourth is visible, the fifth is visible as
well, the sixth is directly below the grapes, the next few are directly under
the fruit, but the one after the star card is quite a bit to the right of it,
so be careful; if you made that one, you've got the goal. Nail the perfect
bonus for another invincibility crystal!
Area 8-B(Cont'd.)
Hop onto the temporary platform, then quickly to the platform next to it,
attacking the two enemies as you land. Run and jump for the fruit, passing
over the fire, then roll as you land and keep running, right under the
jumper. Hop to the temporary platform, then up over the fire to the
following platform. Tomahawk the octopus, landing on the next platform, then
reel back to your left to dodge a shot from the angry cloud, jumping up and
over the jumper that landed on your platform (or just attack as you land).
Jump to the next platform, then head over the fire and onto the lower
platform. Roll into the boulder, jump onto the vertical platform, then hop
onto the platform to the right, attacking the enemy as you land. Run and
jump the next gap, rolling when you land to take out another enemy, then roll
into the final enemy, jump as soon as you connect, vaulting over the fire,
and head for the goal.
Area 8-6: Double Eruption

Take Red Taylor and a hammer. Walk to the ledge, wait until the frog hops,
then shoot it. Hop over the lava gap and rest in the second lava gap, wait
for the rocks to fall, then continue. Jump on the catapult and vault over
the fire, Low-Blowing the frog as you land. Pull back quickly to avoid the
falling rocks, then continue to the right. Shoot the boulder that comes at
you, Low-Blow over the next lava gap, taking out another boulder, hop to the
first small platform, wait for the rocks to fall, then quickly jump to the
second platform and hop straight up in midair to unveil a milk to buy you
some more time. Wait for the rocks to fall again, then proceed past the
other two small platforms. Low-Blow over the fire, taking out another
boulder, run and shoot the next enemy as you approach, then pause where it
used to be standing, wait for the rocks to fall, and continue. Low-Blow over
the lava pit, wait for the rocks to fall, then clear the next two lava pits.
Grab the fruit as you jump over the lava pit, then stand to the left of the
fire, wait for the rocks to fall, and continue over the fire and the lava
pit. Don't stand on the small platforms, but instead wade through the pits,
waiting for the rocks to fall before jumping over the platforms. When you
land on solid ground, shoot the frog, Low-Blow over the rock, grabbing some
fruit and taking out the boulder, then wait for the rocks to fall. When they
have cleared, run quickly and shoot the rock, jump over the two fires
(individually), then stop quickly to the right of the next fire to let the
rocks fall again. Low-Blow over the next two lava gaps, and head into the
Boss Fight: Alien Spaceship
Walk to the right and wait for the final boss to settle in. This fight is
fairly easy; sit in the lower left corner of the area until you get the method
*** The Strategy: *** Like the fight with the giant blue crab, your animal
friend will be no help here, so get rid of it as soon as possible. The boss
will appear at the upper right, and will only move left and right, so staying
in the lower area of the screen will keep you from having any collisions;
however, collision is only one of your problems, as the ship shoots two kinds
of projectiles. The first shoots straight down, and the ship fires these
most of the time. The second kind is first only when the ship stops and
turns at the sides of the screen; these projectiles shoot in your direction,
so watch out. The ship only fires one projectile at a time. Here's the way
I fight: always stay at the left side of the screen, and never stand on the
upper left platform. Wait for the ship to approach you, dodge its special
shot, then jump up onto the platform up and right from here, waiting for the
first downward projectile to clear, then hop up to the highest platform (the
one in the middle) and start unleashing your arsenal of hammers. Continue
throwing hammers until the ship (or its special shot) gets close to you after
turning around, then jump back to the lower right corner and dodge the
special shot (the one that's fired while the ship is on the left side of the
screen); the ship will move away from you, and you can chase it, starting the
process over. The ship will turn red eventually, and will move faster, but
the mechanics stay the same.
Boss Fight: The Aliens
This fight has three adversaries, only one of which is ever actually there;
the other two are illusions, but it's impossible to tell which is which. The
only way to reveal the true one is to actually land a hit, but since the
enemies in the game, as well as the bosses, are autonomous, there's a definite
guide to which one is real at any given time.
*** The Strategy: *** You will stand on three different platforms during this
fight; platform one is the upper left platform, platform two is the platform

just left of the middle one, and platform three is the platform just right of
the middle one. Start by standing on platform two; three aliens will begin
to appear on the screen, one on the middle platform, one to the lower left,
and one to the lower right. The start with, the one on the lower right is
the real one, so jump up and begin throwing hammers; as soon as the true
alien has been hit, the others will disappear temporarily, significantly
reducing the risk of damage. Keep jumping and attacking from there, and
dodge the projectile the alien shoots. Eventually, the alien will disappear;
when this happens, quickly jump to platform three, the one to the right of
the middle platform, and turn left. The aliens will fade in again, only this
time, the one on the lower left is the true alien. Start jumping up and
attacking to reveal it, keep attacking while you can, dodge the shot, then go
right back to attacking. Eventually, the alien will disappear again; this
time, go quickly to platform one, the upper left platform, and turn right.
This time around, the true alien is the one in the middle, so wait for them
to fade in, jump and attack, dodge the shot, then when it fades out, run to
platform two again and restart the process. The aliens will turn deep red
eventually, and the aliens will now shoot two projectiles; take the aliens
out, and you'll get to see the ending and credits!
Special Thanks
This is just another case of a project I got into without actually realizing
it, but the payoff is wonderful, just getting all the feedback and knowing
someone's having an easier time out there. As usual, I'd like to thank my
friends at the University of Dayton for being there for me, and GameFAQs, for
letting us freelance game gurus do our thing and make our mark on the world
of gaming. Thanks again!
If you have something you would like to add to the knowledge base, throw me
an email, with "Adventure Island III" in the subject line, and let me know
what you've found; I'll be sure to credit you when I update. Also, if you
find any technical or grammatical errors, please inform me of that too; as
always, I try to be meticulous about my spelling, etc, to make it easier on
the reader. Good luck everyone, and happy gaming!
- The Bass Man
Donkey Kong Country, DK, Bubsy, Master Higgins, Red Taylor, Blue Taylor,
Classy, Don-Don, Poley, Adventure Island, Adventure Island III, Super Mario
Brothers, and Skeletor belong to their respective copyright holders.
Adventure Island 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by UDBassMan
Last Updated: 2003-04-30 | View/Download Original File Hosted by
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