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NAR ONA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING PUTRAJAYA CAMPUS. FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER 1, 2013 / 2014 PROGRAMME, : Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) SUBJECT CODE, CEPB 323 SUBJECT, + Project Management and Construction DATE : September 2013 TIME £3 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE! 1. This paper contains FOUR (4) questions in FOUR (4) pages. 2. Answer ALL questions. Write ALL answers in the answer booklet provided. 4. Write answer to each question on a new page. ‘THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF SIX (6) PRINTED PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE. Page 1 of 6 CEPB 323, Semester 1, 2013/2014 QUESTION 1 [25 marks] Refer to Table 1 below. Tablet roject activities, immed Duration Activity (mont) a) Create a CPM Precedence Diagram for the project input in Table 1. [10 marks} b) Analyze your CPM Precedence Diagram (your answer for Question | a). i, List the activities that if were delayed would result in a delay in the projec. (2 marks} ii, List the activities along the project's critical path(s). (2 marks] ©) Create the critical path(s) in the CPM Precedence Diagram using either bold, highlighted or double arrows. [2 marks} 4) Determine the following project data i, The earliest duration that the project can be completed. H mark} ii, The total float for activity E (show your calculations), [1 mark] Page 2 of 6 ° CEPR 323, Semester I, 20132014 iii, The earliest time that activity F2 can start without delaying the project. [1 mark] iv, The earliest time that activity H can be completed without delaying the project. [1 mai v. The free float for activity G with respect to activity J (show your calculations) (1 mark] vi. The latest time that activity H must start to avoid any delays in the completion of the project. [1 mark] vii, The latest time that activity E has to be completed to avoid any delays in the completion of the project U1 mark} Elaborate about the advantage of activity E having total float with regards to completing the project within time. [2 marks} QUESTION 2 [25 marks} a) ») s and roles of a Chief Executive Officer of an ks] i Specify the management functions, organization with regards to his position in the management hierarchy (levels). [8 Read and understand the short case below and answer the following question. Case No. 1 Elvis is @ project manager at a company and the project that he is managing has been delayed. Therefore he had instructed his subordinates to work overtime. Many of his subordinates had been working every day from early morning to late at night. Eventually they met Elvis to request for a holiday to spend some time with their family. Elvis knows that if they go for @ holiday, the project will be further delayed and his company may not n get the opportunity to manage another project from the same client a Page 3 of 6 CEPR 323, Semester 1, 2013/2014 Recommend with justification to Elvis the most appropriate leadership behaviour based on the most appropriate leadership theory or approach in order that the project is not further delayed. [7 marks} ©) Read and understand the short case below and answer the following question, Case No. 2 Tom is angry with Jerry, his Manager because he has been instructed to work at the construction site, Tom has been happy working as a design engineer and dislikes arguing with contractors if they are not following the project specifications. In addition Tom prefers his air-conditioned design office although at a lower salary compared to having to work outdoors at a higher salary. Jerry decided to offer Tom a salary raise. However Tom. declined the offer although he is confident of doing the job and knows that Jerry will give him a higher salary if he accepts the offer ion and recommendation based on the faluate the case above to provide an explana Expectancy Theory of motivation as to why Tom had declined the salary raise offer from Jerry to work at the construction site. Your answer must be with reference to the facts presented in the Case No. 2 above and no assumption is accepted [10 marks} QUESTION 3 [25 marks] Refer to Table 2 below that lists the activities, immediate predecessors and durations for a project a) Create a Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Diagram for the project based on the expected time, t, of each activities. {10 marks} b) Analyze the PERT Diagram for your answer for Question 3 a) to determine the probability of completing the project by the end of the 26" month, [10 marks} ©) Mentify the project duration if itis based on a 90% probability to complete the project. {5 marks} Page 4 of 6 CEPR 323, Semester 1, 2013/2014 ons for Question No. 3 \ediate predecessors and durat _Duration (months) Most Likely ‘Time fm) __ Immediate Predecessor QUESTION 4 [25 marks] 8) Explain about one major difference, one major possible advantage and one major gn/bid/build contract compared to a design/build contract. [9 marks} possible disadvantage of a des b) Expl safety issue on the project progress and actions that can be taken by the contractor to about one major issue in construction safety, consequences of the construction manage the construction safety issue. [9 marks} ©) Explain about one main characteristic, one major advantage and one major disadvantage of the Matrix organization structure for a construction company. [7 marks} Page 5 of 6 CHPR 323, Semester 1, 2013/2014 TABLE AND FORMULA ‘Table 3: PERT Probability Table Value of Probability of deviationz completion =30 0.00 25 0.01 ara -2.0 0.03 “15 0.07 eave 14 0.08 ee -13 0.09 orm = Nia +29 + Oa twee FO) -12 ont a4 oa z= (Is-Te) om -19 016 -0.9 0.18 -08 021 -07 024 ~06 027 -0.8 031 04 0.35 08 0.38 -02 oz -0.1 0.46 -0.0 oso 01 054 02 058 03 0.62 04 0.66 08 0.89 08 073 07 0.76 08 079 08 0.82 4.0 08s 1 0.86 12 088 13 0.90 14 0.92 18 0.93 20 0.98 25 a9 3.0 4.00 - END OF QUESTION PAPER - Page 6 of 6

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