10 Review Answers

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Review Sheet Ch 10 The Crusades to New Muslim Empires
Use complete sentences.
1. Define crusades
a. A series of religious wars launched by European Christians to reclaim Jerusalem
and other holy sites from Islam
2. What were the causes of the crusades?
a. All holy land was holy to each religious group
b. Place where Jesus died
c. Adventure and riches
d. Few opportunities in feudal Europe
e. Hatred of Muslims
3. What happened during the first crusade?
a. Around 1095, a group of Arabs took control of Jerusalem. They closed the city to
Jewish and Christian pilgrims. The pope acted and called for a volunteer army to
take Jerusalem. The Results: After a two-month siege of the city, the city fell.
The Christians had won back Jerusalem. Some men stayed. Some headed home.
Those who returned brought back new foods and new forms of culture.
4. What happened during the second crusade?
It was a short victory. Less than 50 years later, Muslims once again conquered
Jerusalem. Again the Pope called for a crusade to take back the city.
The Second Crusade lasted from 1147-1149. It was not successful.
5. What happened during the third crusade?
The Third Crusade lasted from 1189-1192. It too was not successful.
Muslims kept control, but agreed to let Christian pilgrims into Jerusalem.
6. Who were the Seljuk Turks?
a. A group of Muslims that took over Jerusalem and treated other religious groups
7. Describe the Reconquista.
a. The Reconquista was a group of wars launched by the Christians to take the
Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived in
peace but Non-Muslims had to pay a tax, Christians started to slowly conquer
this land.
8. What was the purpose of the Inquisition?
a. A judicial body established by the RCC to combat forms of religious error.
Muslims remained in the area taken over by the Christians. Queen Isabella and
King Ferdinand wanted to unite these lands as Catholic. The inquisition decided
whether the non-Christians had converted or not. It was very harsh and people
were burned at the stake.
9. What was the Childrens Crusade?

a. Thousands of peasant children from France and Germany marched in a crusade

the reach the holy land. Unfortunately, many did not make it.
10. What are the positive and negative impacts of the Crusades on the Christians?
a. See interactive NB/posters in class 10.4
11. What are the positive and negative impacts of the Crusades on the Muslims?
a. See interactive NB/posters in class 10.5
12. What are the positive and negative impacts of the Crusades on the Jews?
a. See interactive NB/ posters in class 10.6
13. Beside the Crusaders, which other group was a threat to the Muslims?
a. Mongols
14. Who was the leader of the Mongols? Describe him.
a. Ghengis Khan military leader, successful, conquered most of Asia, etc.
15. Describe the Ottoman Empire and the spread of Islam.
a. See interactive NB 10.8
16. Describe the Safavid Empire and the spread of Islam.
a. See interactive NB 10.8
17. Describe the Mughal Empire and the spread of Islam.
a. See interactive NB 10.8
18. Which group do YOU think had the right to Jerusalem and WHY? (Jews, Christians,
a. Answers vary evidence must be given to answer the WHY part

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