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FCE Reading Part 2

General Information
In this task, candidates replace sentences or paragraphs into gaps in the text
What texts are used?
Newspaper and magazine articles and extracts from novels
What text types are used?
Narratives, discursive texts or those giving opinions with well-developed ideas
What skill is being tested?
Recognising text structure

Task 1
Understanding the task - FCE Reading Part 2
Look at this extract from a Part 2 task from a past FCE Reading paper. Think
about how you are doing it.
Task 2
Now look at these questions about how you approached this task and
consider your answers.
1. Did you quickly read through the main body of the text first ?
2. Were there certain types of words that you concentrated on ?
3. Was the reading approach you took


4. Did you need to read through the whole text again once youd completed all
the gaps?
5. Do you think this part of the test will take longer to complete than others?

Tips for students - FCE Reading Part 2

Practise your skim reading skills and use them to read through the text
quickly before starting

Pay attention to pronouns in the extracts, and check what they refer to
in the text
Look out for any conjunctions or phrases which might help you
Watch out for verb tenses and make sure the sequence is logical
Practise looking at coherence and cohesion of texts
Always check that answers fit the text both before and after the extract
you choose
Read the whole text through when you have finished to check for
Set a time limit so you allow yourself enough time for this section, but
always leave enough for all the other parts of the paper

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