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351 N. Mountain View Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92415 | Phone: 909.387.9146 Fax: 909.387.


Public Health

Trudy Raymundo


Maxwell Ohikhuare, M.D.

Health Officer

Marketing & Communications Plan

Diana Rodriguez
February 18, 2015


Marketing Goals and Objectives

The main goal in developing an accreditation campaign to San Bernardino Countys

Department of Public Health is to create awareness among all staff in its various programs,
and to illustrate the importance of accreditation
Get buy-in from DPH employees (Araceli Jimenez)
Public Health Employees understand the level of service they provide to the public is a
national standard.
Accreditation is not only about quality of service or funding opportunities its about quality
of work environment.
Accreditation holds the department accountable in continuously providing and improving
the quality of services it offers.
What is Public Health made up of in the County of San Bernardino?
The objective is to ultimately increase support for, and involvement in voluntary public health
accreditation from local government and non-government public health stakeholders
improving the level of their understanding about the purpose and value of accreditation, and
thereby helping prepare the County of San Bernardino Department of Public Health for
accreditation (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014)
II. Target Audience (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014)
County of San Bernardino Department of Public Health management and staff
Board of Supervisors
Other state government agencies with public health interests
Local level (county and tribal) health department managers and staff, health boards, and
elected officials
Other statewide/local public health partner organizations/groups
III. Marketing Strategy
Phase 1
Develop a Mission and a Vision Statement
Develop a logo and a slogan
Create a PowerPoint presentation (complete)
Create an accreditation FAQ and Fact Sheet (complete)
Phase 2
Utilize internal communications
Phase 3
Create marketing collateral
Create promotional events
Create promotional giveaways
Create outlets for Social Media

Create a video
Create a website

Phase 4
Communication to State Government Agencies/Education
Communication to Stakeholders Groups and Partners
III. Marketing Tactics
Phase I
a. San Bernardino Countys Department of Public Health has its own unique set of Mission and
Vision statements. The tentative Mission statement of the department is, "To satisfy our
customers by providing community and preventive health services that promote and improve
the health, safety, wellbeing, and quality of life of San Bernardino County residents and
visitors. The tentative Vision statement of the department is Healthy People in Healthy
Communities. Clearly, the essence of San Bernardino Countys Public Health Department is
to offer the latest in healthcare quality to people encompassing San Bernardino County.
According to, The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to advancing the continuous quality improvement of Tribal, state,
local and territorial public health departments. In order for the County of San Bernardino to
deliver the latest in healthcare, it is vital for its Public Health department to become
nationally accredited. By becoming nationally accredited, San Bernardino Countys
Department of Public Health will be able to better serve their community by improving the
quality of practice, performance, and health. Therefore, the Mission and Vision of San
Bernardino Countys Department of Public health together with PHAB should be:
o Committed to providing quality healthcare improvement initiatives to residents and
visitors of San Bernardino County, which will improve their wellbeing
o As a public servants we have the individual responsibility to protect the health of
people and communities in our county (Araceli Jimenez)
o Commitment to providing quality care to San Bernardino County residents, by
continually observing and improving The Department of Public Health (Lauren Ford)
o To make San Bernardino County a healthier community
o A department that is hold accountable for the level of service it provides to the public
and its employees (Araceli Jimenez)
o To have quality care/services to support a Healthier Community (Lauren Ford)
b. It is vital to create a logo and a slogan where people can identify or associate the
relationship between accreditation and San Bernardino Countys Department of Public
Health. The main goal of a logo and a slogan is to promote brand recall in the mind of the

Logo: A logo shall be incorporated to bring identity and recognition to the accreditation
process during the accreditation campaign. The logo is to be displayed in every piece of
marketing material. Since the main colors of the DPH are primarily blue and gold, the
accreditation aspect of it should remain in that color scheme. Some ideas are:
1) One idea of a logo would be a puzzle, where each piece of the puzzle depicts the
different domains in the accreditation processthe puzzle of accreditation
2) Another idea of a logo would be a different variation of an arrowhead with different
people/hands around it
3) Another idea of a logo would be a roadmap/treasure map depicting the process of
accreditation and the different domains involved
4) Another idea of a logo would be a crowd rooting for completion with the words Go Team
(original) this is the graphic currently being displayed on the ALC SharePoint site.
5) Another idea of a logo would be a blue crown with gold jewels representing the different
domains in the PHAB accreditation process

Giving you the Best in Healthcare

Your Health in Good Hands
In Search of a Better Quality of Life
Accreditation is PHABulous (original) currently being used in staff meetings
Serving You for a Better Quality of Life

c. A PowerPoint presentation is vital to get important information across to people that will be
affected by the accreditation process. This type of visual can aid in presenting key
fundamentals of the Accreditation Campaign (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014)
o Include the basics of the accreditation program, the incentives and benefits to the
County of San Bernardino
o Include program specific examples
o Update the PowerPoint as new information is generated, and for specific audiences
d. An accreditation FAQ and Fact Sheet can aid in answering peoples questions about
accreditation (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014) complete, but may want to review
Include information that answers the following questions about accreditation:
o What is it?
o Why is it important to the public health of San Bernardino County?
o Who is responsible for the accreditation project?
o What is the structure of the accreditation program?
o How will my program be affected?
Include the basics about public health accreditation and its value to public health
Include contact information for ALC staff and encourage people to ask questions
Ensure that the message content is clear, and consistent

Phase II
e. Internal communications are all shared communications by employees of the DPH. It is
important to get in touch with all program managers and supervisors of the DPH to instruct
all employees of the accreditation process
1) Screen Savers
o Newly developed logo and slogan should be placed within each computer of all staff
o The screen saver should also incorporate pictures of the human aspects of the
accreditation process.
2) Email Blasts
o Send out daily/weekly emails to SB Countys DPH employees
3) Newsletters: Meet the Board/Roadmap to accreditation/Upcoming events
4) Communication Log
o Get each employee to read pertinent information regarding the accreditation process
by having them get signed off by their supervisor once they have read and
understood the accreditation process
5) Staff engagement activities are a way to keep people interested about the accreditation
o Develop a PowerPoint Presentation with games like Jeopardy or Family Feud
(Nunley, Caryn, 8/27/2014)
o Contests
6) Mandatory Webinars
o Conduct a mandatory webinar that each employee needs to complete as part of their
employment (eventually all staff will be required to take the PHAB online training
o A PowerPoint presentation can be used during the webinar, and the Accreditation
Coordinator can answer questions from employees after the presentation
7) Develop Whats in it for My program (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014)
o Incentive examples specific to various DPH programs
o Create several written examples of Whats In It For My Program? to use for
program level discussions with SBCDPH mangers and staff
8) Request that Accreditation Coordinator provide quarterly accreditation updates to the
DPH program managers and coordinators (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014) already in place
when PC/PM meetings occur.
o Set up meetings with program managers and staff to give each program a personal
presentation on the accreditation process voluntary at this point.
o Have ALC members present the information and host a group discussion
o Tailor the PowerPoint and discussion points to be specific to the various programs
o Develop a short list of steps that staff could take to help promote accreditation within
their programs, and ask for their commitment.
9) Expand communication materials to SharePoint (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014) set up a
marketing section on SP
10)Have the accreditation team add signature lines to their e-mail linking to the DPH
accreditation website

11)Request that the DPH programs include accreditation information in routine

communication, e.g. Staff meetings, newsletters etc. (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014)
o Be prepared to present information reiterating the main accreditation message at
each meeting, along with at least one new update or information piece
o Rotate who gives the presentation/update so there is more than one face associated
with accreditation
Phase III
f. Marketing collateral like poster, flyers, brochures etc. with newly developed logo and slogan
should be placed in every programs break-room and others areas within the DPH. Some
ideas are:
1) Different hands putting the pieces of the puzzle together to obtain accreditation
2) A photo of Public Health professionals or a patient with a Public Health professional
3) A roadmap/treasure map with the DPH logo representing a marker as the final step in the
accreditation process
4) A bicycle race with a crowd cheering in the background saying Go Team
5) Use the famous words, Keep Calm and get accredited/focus on
accreditation/become accredited along with crown logo example
g. Promotional events are a way to raise public awareness of the accreditation initiative to
County of San Bernardinos department of Public Health
Accreditation Coordinator to visit a SB County Public Health department and conduct a
presentation(s) - ongoing
Accreditation Coordinator to attend all (not possible unless more staff is hired) Public Health
events to educate employees and the community of new initiative
h. Promotional giveaways are a way to keep employees engaged during the accreditation
campaign, and to instruct their peers about the accreditation process
T-shirts, pens, umbrellas, mugs, badge lanyards, mouse pads, badge clips, totes, USB
drives, stress balls, key chains etc.
Offer items as giveaways at promotional events or as prizes
i. Social Media can increase exposure of the PHAB initiative, and can be used during
promotional activities such as events
Instagram: Create an account to illustrate pictures of San Bernardino Countys Department
of Public Healths accreditation process. A hashtag of PHABsbcounty can also be
Facebook: Create an account to stay in touch with the people of San Bernardino County to
promote health and wellbeing, and make the community aware of the accreditation process.
A hashtag of PHABsbcounty can also be incorporated.
o Refer to:

Twitter: Create an account to stay in touch with the people of San Bernardino County to
promote health and wellbeing, and make the community aware of the accreditation process.
A hashtag of PHABsbcounty can also be incorporated.
o Refer to:
YouTube: Create an account to stay in touch with the people of San Bernardino County to
promote health and wellbeing, and make the community aware of the accreditation process.
Videos can be made on the importance of accreditation, and on the different programs within
Public Health.
o Refer to:
k. Creating a video should be incorporated to show the process of accreditation and the
various program within County of San Bernardinos Public Health department
l. A website is a way to keep everyone informed about the accreditation process. A website
can illustrate important aspects such as

Accreditation Leadership Committee

Accreditation progress
About accreditation (benefits, steps, introduction of each domain)
o Please refer to:
Phase IV
a. Communication/Marketing to other state government agencies/education (Nunley, Caryn,

Determine agencies that have a stake in the public health accreditation and what specific
programs within their agency need to be informed and involved with DPH accreditation
o Meet with upper management at other state agencies with programs that may have a
stake in accreditation
o Come prepared with a letter of introduction/request for collaboration from the DPH
director and/or Division Administrator
Schedule and give accreditation presentations to stakeholders
o Inform them about the purpose and value of accreditation and discuss how to
integrate their programs into the accreditation process
o Determine the best method for communicating with them over the months ahead
newsletters, e-mails, meetings or conferences, etc.

o Schedule routine times to provide information/updates to management and key staff

Determine the best method of communication and update key staff
Determine universities, community colleges, and other educational organizations that
teach courses in public health and provide them with DPH accreditation information
o Determine what public and private San Bernardino County universities, colleges,
community colleges, and vocational schools teach courses in public health or public
health related fields (i.e. nursing, epidemiology, public health, environmental health)
o Obtain contact information for those programs
o Provide them with basic information on the voluntary accreditation program and offer
to give presentations to staff and/or students AC has signed up to host Externships

b. Communications/Marketing to Stakeholders groups and partners (Nunley, Caryn, 8/4/2014)

Develop an outreach schedule for accreditation orientation presentations to stakeholders

groups and partners
o Develop the schedule for the following major stakeholders and new
stakeholders as they are identified
o Tailor the orientation PowerPoint presentation and discussion session to these
o Continue to identify new stakeholders.
Tailor the orientation PowerPoint presentation and discussion session to these groups
Provide ongoing DPH accreditation updates
Ask stakeholders groups and partners to make Public Health accreditation a standard
agenda item
Set up blog for stakeholders to share information

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