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Radio Show

Introduction: / (Intro Music 2:222:38) Hello, and welcome listeners to static noises. What we have in store for today is
recent development in llama crime, the weather outlook for this week, and insert
subject. Also we have a treat for you guys, today we have a live Llama with us in the
studio. Not to be confused with the dead llama from last week.
Studio News: In the studio this week, its Bobs birthday! Today he is turning 106, but
sadly, this will be his last birthday. His death is scheduled Tuesday afternoon. He will be
poked and jabbed by poisonous scorpions in the town arena at 4:00 p.m, worry not
listeners,we will all see him after the rapidly approaching apocalypse.
Advertisement: Does your T.V. or radio show have a bunch of blank space that you
dont know what to fill with? Call 1-800-FILL-NOW and we can get rid of a bunch of
blank space on your show using this very commercial! If you order now, you get the
deluxe package of all, yes ALL of our time wasting sounds. This includes the classic
very long yawn! (Long Yawn) and of course goat
screams! / (Taylor Swift and Goat
Noises 0:10-End) and last but not least llama noises! /
t=7s/ (Llama Noise 0:07-0:18)
Call now!
Interview: So Llama,.
1. How do you feel about drama?
2. How about my silk pajamas?
3. What's your opinion on president Obama?
4. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck was driving
63 miles an hour down the highway?
Weather: Now time for the weather. (Weather music) The weather has been cancelled
due to budget cuts. There will be no more rain, snow, or wind, it has all been cancelled.
Aside from the usual storms of fire that have been occurring on the weekends due the
the apocalypse that is predicted to hit next thursday.

Breaking News: (Breaking News Music) Breaking news! A radical group of Llamas is
stampeding through the streets and are heading for the mall. It is highly advised to
remain indoors. I repeat. remain indoors. if you are in the mall,the estimated time of
arrival is 34 minutes.
Whats HOT this week: This week, the top trending song on the radio is What is Love
(Start playing What is Love in the background) by Haddaway. Teens were seen dancing
in the streets to this song, but dont worry, only a few got hit by a bus. Witnesses
reported seeing the students mindlessly thrusting into the streets in front of traffic, like
they had no mind of their own.
Random Talk: So listeners, I have quite the tale to tell.I was walking down the street
today, and was suddenly teleported into an alien ship. Although It was quite roomy in
there the decor was super tacky, garbage really. Anyway, they told me the meaning of
life. It sounds ridiculous, but once you think about it, you will understand. They said,
Matt, the meaning of life is If thats not insightful I
don't know what is . At first, I was skeptical, and thought to myself, these must be the
drunk aliens I encountered last week, but, listeners, if you really think about it, its true.
There is no greater meaning.
Breaking News P2: Breaking news! A gang war has broken out between two lizard
communities this evening. The Gekkos and the Iguanas. The two gangs are starting to
have intense stare downs in the streets. There has been over 20 reported deaths from
being exposed to the direct sunlight for too long. Oh, whats this? Three of the Geckos
have somehow produced guns and theyre approaching the studio. Im sure our security
can handle the--/ / (Gunshots)
(LAITH) Conclusion: (Quietly whispering) Thank you listeners for tuning in to our show
this week. Due to the lizards currently storming the studio,(Gunshots) this sadly will be
our last broadcast. But wait! The radical group of llamas is now storming the studio as
well and they are fending off the lizards! (Gunshots+Llama noises) The show is saved
after all! (Outro Music)

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