All New Exec Diary Inside!: 2007/08 Events Planner

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Issue 8, September 2007 Your DCSU Magazine

All New Exec Diary

All the latest from your team

2007/08 Events Planner

We’ve got the academic year covered

Local Bands Lowdown

Derby’s hottest young musical talent

Alton Towers Fright Night : 31st Oct 2007, £25.00 – Normal Adult Ticket Price: £31.00
This year sees a change at Alton Towers with the new Fright Night theme; rides will be open until 9pm
and staff will be freaking out patrons around the park.

Snowboarding : 28th Nov 2007, £TBC

Learn to snowboard at the frosty Tamworth Snowdome. Come along and have a taste at
snowboarding, if you like it, you can get qualified and snowboard freestyle!

Clothes Show Live 07 : 12th Dec 2007, Tickets £27.00, £25.00 without transport
Come on all you fashion gurus! This is the one-stop place to be for clothes, celebrities, makeup and
glamour! Shops, demonstrations and fashion shows all go together to create this fantastic annual
event, definitely worth a visit.

London Day Trip (Beat the sales in London!) : 16th Jan 2008, £15 – Doesn’t get cheaper!!!
Do you think you will receive all the presents you want for Christmas? Plan ahead, save some money
and shop in the capital, where you can literally shop ‘til you drop.

Amsterdam : 17th Feb – 20th Feb 2008, £155 – Still as cheap as ever!!!
Yet again, the annual Students’ Union trip to Amsterdam will be going ahead in the Feb half term.
Get your mates to come along to the only place to be next year! We stay in the centre of Amsterdam
so it is only minutes from ANYWHERE you may want to go!

Paintballing : 14th Mar 2008, £TBC

As usual we are running another hit ‘n miss session to Wild Park Leisure for a chance to shoot the life
out of your mates. Bring a group of your close friends and be on the same team against some of the
hardened players that go! Alternatively we can split you up for even more fun…

Paris inc. Disneyland 25th–28th May 2008, £135 + £25 for Disneyland – Normally £53.00!!!
This year sees the Students’ Union running a second foreign trip. We will be staying at the two star
Misterbed Bangolet hotel in the centre of Paris and for an additional £25.00 you can go to the
award winning Disneyland Paris.

White Water Rafting : 27th May 2008, £TBC

After a successful visit to Holme Pierre Point for a days activities of on the white waters the Union
are going to run another excursion this year. The day is split into four sessions including White Water
Rafting and Raft Building and is a must for any… well, any water loving freak!

Weekend Away : 5th Jun – 7th Jun 2008, £TBC

The Students’ Union has booked in a slot for a weekend away before exams start. The only problem,
we don’t know where to go or what to do on the weekend away. Give us your ideas and we will
update you as soon as we have made plans!!!

Drayton Manor : 12th Jun 2008, £TBC

Bored of Alton Towers, how can you be! Anyway, you can go to Drayton Manor and take on the
rides for thrills and spills.

Alton Towers – End of Year Bonanza! : 4th Jul 2008, £25.00 – Normal Ticket Price: £31.00
It is the end of the year and exams are over so what better things have you got to do??? Go to Alton
Towers and celebrate in style!

Welcome to the bumper fresher’s issue of your
official DCSU magazine! For those of you who
are new to Derby College this is the one-stop
guide to everything your Students’ Union can
offer you through your time here. Read on for
details of clubs & societies, trips and events, our
welfare advice centre and much much more! I
have also included the popular sports columns,
along with our regular music and film reviews.
Our student journalist committee has depleted
somewhat, as some of our regular writers
graduated from last year – this means we need
YOU! Are you a budding writer or photographer?

Have you got hidden design skills just waiting to
burst out?! If so, pop down to one of our offices
or drop an email to the address below and gain
some great experience working on ‘Stuffed’!

4..... President’s Press We have had a really busy summer here in the
DCSU office, planning a whole host of activities
5..... DCSU News
and events for you to enjoy this year, all kicking
6..... Exec Diary off with our biggest Fresher’s Fair ever! There’s
8..... Bands
something for everyone at this years event,
from penalty shoot outs with DCFC’s Rammie
10... Vacant Positions and bungee running on our inflatable’s to a
12... Road Safety fantastic range of stalls and freebies for all you
bargain hunters! Make sure you also have a look
14... Recycling Your Money
at our upcoming events and trips list opposite
15... Student’s Choice Shop to see what takes your fancy!
16... Reviews In this issue you can meet your brand new
18... Listening To Students Executive Committee members in the ‘Exec
Diary’ pages and get the gossip from your new
20... Welfare & Advice SU president Claire in our ‘Presidents Press’.
This is my last ever issue of ‘Stuffed’ and by the
time you read this I will have left the SU to start
a new job. I’m very excited about my new
Hayley Fisher – Editor adventure but will be sad to leave all my friends at the Students’ Union. This means of course that
you will have a new editor (yet to be named…)
who I hope will enjoy co-ordinating ‘Stuffed’ as
much as I have.
Disclaimer – The articles featured in Stuffed
magazine may not necessarily represent
Good luck to you all as you start a new year
the views of Derby College Students’ Union. and remember to work hard and play hard!
This magazine is also available in large print
upon request.
President’s Press
Hello all,
I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and welcome
to a new year at Derby College. Many of you will be new to
the college and I hope you all enjoy your first term. I’d also
like to welcome back all the returning students coming back
to study for another year and hope you equally enjoy your
first new term.
Firstly, I’d like to thank all the students who voted for me in
the Students’ Union elections last April. They were our most
successful elections to date with an incredible 459 of you
voting for your favourite candidates. As a result from those
elections I was elected as your new Sabbatical President of
the Students’ Union for the upcoming academic year.
Before running for President I was a Derby College student for five years (I just can’t seem
to get away from the place!) where I studied a number of various courses including Fine
Art and Conservation. I can honestly say that I have loved every year I have studied at
Derby College and I hope that you all feel the same once you have settled in.
Over the summer, we in the Students’ Union have been working hard to try and improve
your live at College even more. One of our biggest changes is to our ‘Student’ Rep System,
which has now been successfully re-mastered and has now become the ‘Course’ Rep
System. This new system should grossly enhance the students’ voice within college and
to accompany this new system we have also devised our own ‘Learner Involvement
Strategy’. The new system will also enable us to manage the course representatives
more efficiently than in previous years, which means we can offer them more support
and better training to enhance their skills.
During this new term we will be looking to recruit our first groups of Course Representatives
for 07/08. Any of you guys can run for the position and if you’re interested in becoming
the leading learner voice in your study area then you can come and sign up at our stall
at Freshers Fayre on Wednesday 12th September. Alternatively, you can also apply by
asking your course tutor or asking a member of staff at the Students’ Union.
Also, our Marketing Co-ordinator, Hayley Fisher, has been putting a lot of effort into our
Freshers Fayre on Wednesday 12th September and she has arranged a host of events
and activities for you all to indulge in.
Well unfortunately I don’t have enough space to write about everything we’ve achieved
in the Students’ Union over the summer so I bid you all farewell and I hope see you all at
Freshers’ Fayre, if not before.

Good luck and take care!

Claire Algar
Our 2 student advisors, Pam and Lauren have both now got beautiful baby boys! We hope they
are enjoying this special time but we are also looking forward to them coming back to the SU
office next year.

New Arrivals of our own….

As we go to press we have two new members of staff joining the team. Laura Clinton has
accepted the position of Website and Marketing Co-ordinator, while Liam McClelland will be
based at Broomfield Hall as a Supervisor. We are also recruiting for a Support Worker who will be
responsible for supervising our social spaces at PCA and MP. It’s a very exciting time in the SU,
we have a growing team who are full of lots of fantastic new ideas so get involved and have a
fantastic year at Derby College!

BH developments
Plans to fully renovate the SU building up at BH are underway. After a slow start at the beginning
of this year things are really moving along. We aim to have our new coffee bar opening around
Christmas time which will hopefully become the hub of Broomfield, a fantastic meeting place
for all our students. In addition, we will be completely redecorating with new floors, paint and
furniture. If anyone has any ideas about what they would like to see happen up at our SU building
– any activities, events or even your opinions on our colour scheme, you just need to find Liam (see
previous newsbyte!) and have a quick chat!


DCSU Exec Diary

Drew and Mike - Vice Presidents Lily Marie - Project Officer

Along time ago in a galaxy far, far away……… Well here’s a little about me, my name is Lily-Marie.
something to do with wookies n stuff. But thats
My job at the DCSU is a Project Officer!
neither here nor there.
We are Drew and Mike or Mike and Drew for I would say I’m a girly girl who just wants to have
the benefit of diplomats. Were both 18 years old
and are your vice presidents. Like most normal fun! I’m silly, loud, and hyper and I’d say funny. I
18 year olds, we enjoy a good night on the
sauce, socialising and getting drunk enough to pride my self on being there for my friends and I’m
make some bad decisions! Funnily enough this
happens quite frequently. In our spare time we glad that I have them there for me. I like being in
also like to play guitar, sing (ask Drew to sing you a
tune. Quality!) Then we drink some more! We like control.
to play poker. We’d be willing to teach you if it’s
I take pride in being organised, I hate not planning
always been your envy!
Anyway, we both share many interests, much things. I’m very judgemental- that just me. I love
like a love relationship. Were in the same band,
we share women and we both share the same being hyper and I am glad that the way my
policies for this year.
Our main objective is for students to be able to friends are too.
chillax more. Go on trips, have parties and just
generally help them to feel stress free. This creates I’m at Derby College studying a BTEC in media.
a more enjoyable working environment within
college and therefore, allows students to work to Lots of work is involved but hey ho! I’d like to do
their full potential.
The powers we posses are incomparable to all. something in the future which involves law in
That’s why were willing to listen to whatever you
some way.
have to say or ask in order to make the college
a more enjoyable place to be. No one wants a I love going out, dancing, smiling, crying, playing,
sweaty lass touching their burgers!
Think the sweaty lass comment just about wraps running around, shopping and just being me.
it up!
I’m like marmite you either love me or hate me!
Hope to see you around pretty soon
Peace xxx X

DCSU Exec Diary

Lilna - Project Officer Simon Wright - Mature Students’ Officer

My name is Lina and I’m 17 years old, the youngest I have already completed an NVQ level 2 in
member of the SU! Amenity Landscaping and Horticulture, from

I am studying a BTEC National Art and Design September I will be starting a course in Countryside

course and am based at PCA. I am a Project Management at the Broomfield Hall site.

Officer for DCSU so will be co-ordinating several I enjoy playing and watching football, in my free

projects over the next year. These will involve time I like going to air shows in the UK and also

everything from trips and events to welfare gardening. I enjoy socialising with my friends.

matters, so if you ever have a suggestion or During my time in the Students’ Union I will be

question about these things then come find me! helping in the welfare priority campaigns, which

I love my life at college, love my mates and also are run every month. Over the summer holidays I

love shopping – its one of my favourites things in have been helping SU staff to plan the enrichment

the world! I’m just a normal teenager who loves activities and events for the new college year. I

to laugh and enjoy life! look forward to meeting you all.

See Our Elections Article On Page 10 to Find Out

How You Can Join the Team!

The band are really busy at the moment recording 4 new songs, these
won’t be finished until September time. They have gigs galore, in fact
even had to turn down about 12 this year due to exams and holidays
etc. Element 104 only play original songs written themselves, and are
slightly heavier now than a year ago (no screaming though!). They
have recently sold out the Vic Inn for the third time in a year, played at
derby assembly rooms, and have also supported chart rock band Elliot
Minor. Things are slowly but surely building and looking very positive for
this young band.
With gigs all over the Midlands coming up for the remainder of 2007 and
and already booking gigs for 2008 this is a very exciting time! Next year
the band plan to play some gigs in Germany and possibly Holland.
Upcoming local gigs in Derby include the Ecofest on Markeaton Park
on September 9th and The Venue on September 13th.

For more information check the gig list on


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Speedy, Good Value
& Reliable!

you’re used to

Nominations is the period during Students’ Union elections that those running find two
people to nominate them for the remaining elected officers positions and hand their
nomination form in with all their art work (manifestos and posters). Nomination forms
are available from the Students’ Union offices and SU staff.


Derby College Students’ Union is a student led organization; this means that as an elected officer you would
effectively be directing the work of the Students’ Union. You can run campaigns on all sorts of issues from
welfare to educational issues. You can also organize trips, and other enrichment activities, and to top it all off it
looks great on your CV and UCAS forms.


Centre Officer (JWC) - Voluntary Position

In conjunction with the Sabbatical Officers be responsible for receiving feedback from your JWC college site
and encourage the students to participate within the Students’ Union. Co-ordinate the Students’ Union activities
at JWC. Provide the information on the issues that affect the students on your site to the Executive Committee
and ensure that the proposed perspective is recognised in all of the Students’ Union work.

Centre Officer (PCA) - Voluntary Position

In conjunction with the Sabbatical Officers be responsible for receiving feedback from your PCA college site
and encourage the students to participate within the Students’ Union. Co-ordinate the Students’ Union activities
at PCA. Provide the information on the issues that affect the students on your site to the Executive Committee
and ensure that the proposed perspective is recognised in all of the Students’ Union work.

“Keep your eyes peeled for more info -

voting will commence in October.

Make your vote count!”

x consult with course mates to their views on issues affecting
x represent the majority views of your course at meetings with
course staff
x work with other course reps to negotiate improvements for
x work with the Students’ Union


You should attend the Course Rep training, meetings with course
staff (which only happens a couple of times a year). Other than
that, you can spend as little or as much time on being a Course
Rep as you choose.


Elections / selections for Course Reps are usually organised
around week 3 of your teaching. You’ll probably have been told
about them at induction week or the information maybe in your
handbook but, if not, contact your Course Co-ordinator / Team
Leader to find out how you can stand as a Course Rep.

When you become a Course Rep you should make sure that your
Course Co-ordinator / Team Leader informs the Quality Team and
Students’ Union to ensure that you get information about training,
mailings and to keep you up-to-date with what’s going on.

Doing it for Students!

Volunteering in the Union!!!

Derby College Students’ Union offers a wide range of volunteering opportunities within the Students’ Union and the community.

In the past the Students’ Union have run gardening projects within the community whereby students went, en-masse, into the
community to help tidy / clean up gardens and parks.

For the ‘Live the Dream’ Elections of 2007, the SU hosted a James Bond Ball to announce the results. This meant that there were
many plans and arrangements to put into place to organise such an event which required a team of volunteers. In the Elections
we saw an increase in the number of students who wanted to be involved in running the Union for 2008 and because of this we
can ensure that we have a good calibre of students for the following year. Any student who wishes to be on our Executive
Committee can be nominated and run for a position. All posts, except President, are part time voluntary posts which enables any
student to have a whole year of voluntary experience behind them.

Either way you can make a real difference to the way your Students’ Union is run and gain fantastic experience that will look
great on your CV.

Visit for more information…


There are many different types of ass. The worst of all is not,
surprisingly, the “fat” or “sag” ass’ but the ‘dumb ass’. Becoming
a dumb ass is reasonably easy. A large number of young drivers
prove how simple it is every year.

No, this is not a gibe at the max power dudes and their neon trims and pumping
inverters or the coasting wheel spinning crazies burning up the asphalt of
old airfields. This is a serious gibe at those who use the public highway as
an extension of ‘Le Mans 24 hr’. Every year it’s the same old story, too many
deaths, too many serious injuries due to too many dumb ass driving decisions.
There are many reasons for this. One big reason is that young drivers don’t
have the experience. Couple this with a hormonally inspired driving style and
things tend to go wrong. In fact, inexperience and youth when combined is
as risky to life as watching a Bollywood movie in Bradford with Jade Goody.

So, I recommend you become a ‘smart ass’ and get yourself on the pass plus
extra course. You will gain valuable driving experience and improve your
driving skills and reduce your accident risk. It will also help reduce the cost of
your insurance, which we all know is as high as Pete Doherty.

(Editorial provided by the Road Safety Department, Derby City Council.)


Just passed
your driving
Make the call today and get 50% off a
pass plus course and receive
✓ Big Insurance discounts
✓ Reduced Risk of Accidents
✓ Gain Driving Experience Safely
✓ Improve Driving Skills

Call 01332 715023 or email us at



‘The one-stop SU stationery shop!’

NEEDS the Students’ Union is here to help.

You can order all your stationery, art & I.T. needs from ONE place, save money and help
benefit yourself and fellow students. When you order/ buy anything from the Students’
Union ALL PROFITS are used to improve our services & facilities, or provide/ subsidise a
wide range of events FOR YOU to participate in!

‘How do I order things from the Students’ Union?’

It’s easy – just complete a very easy ‘Stationery order form’, ‘pay & collect’. Order forms are
available from ALL students’ Union offices, Students’ Union information racks and downloadable
from our website – Full instructions on how to complete the form are on the form
Once completed return it to your campus Students’ Union Office, or post to:
Derby College Students’ Union, Broomfield Hall, Morley, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6DN (Do NOT
enclose cash if posted!!!)

‘How do I pay?’
We can only accept cash, cheque or Derby College ‘Access fund voucher’ as payment (soon we
hope you will be able to order online as well as take credit cards!)

‘Where do I collect my order from?’

We aim to get your order back to you within 3 days (if the Students’ Union office has everything
in stock you can take it all away immediately). It will be returned to your campus Students’ Union
office, and we even give you a ring to tell you it has arrived!
It maybe possible to arrange collection from your campus Student Services office too, please
request this on your order form! Unfortunately we cannot delivery orders to your home due to the
cost this involves – sorry!


The Students’ Choice Shop has lots to offer
you, the DCSU students:
•Soft Drinks
Buy two Coke Zero, Coca- •Art Materials
Cola or Diet Coke 500ml •I.T. consumables
for £1.00 •Mobile Phone top-ups

Where is the Students’ Choice Shop?

Buy two Evian 75cl for only
Each Students’ Union Offices has a wide
range of Stationery, Art & I.T. consumables
for you to buy immediately, but the main
shop is located in the Students’ Union
Any 2 Ribena Bottles Building on the Broomfield Hall campus
500ml £2.00 where you can get all you need!!
You can also order your stationery, art
materials and I.T. consumables using our
simple order system – see opposite page
Any 2 34.5g Walkers Crisps for details.
for 50p
To find out more about the Students’
Choice Shop, get an order form, or contact
the staff please go to:

Any 2 Starmix / Strawbs •the Students’ Union website:

/ Tangfastics / Kiddies
Super Mix / MaoamStripes •Contact one of the Students’ Union
/ Mao Mix only £1.80 Office on your site
•Call: 01332 836643
•Email the shop direct: dcsushop@derby-
Grab a Fabulous Bakin’
Boys 85g Flapjack for only
Music Reviews
James Blunt : All The Lost Souls
Release Date: 17th September 2007

Having conquered the world with ‘You’re Beautiful’, James Blunt

makes a return to the charts with his brand new album ‘All The
Lost Souls’. Many of the songs on the album were written in the
Balearic Islands where James spent most of 2006 partying and
writing with his piano and guitar, including
the album’s lead single, the propulsive, anthemic ‘1973’.

Kanye West : Graduation

Release Date: 10th September 2007

The Louis Vuitton Don is planning to re-emerge on the scene just

as the summer comes to a close with his third album offering,
‘Graduation’. Though Kanye’s camp has been extremely tight
lipped about who will be in attendance at the ‘Graduation’, the
CD is rumoured to feature Coldplay’s Chris Martin on the track
‘Homecoming’, as well as ‘Late Registration’ collaborator Jon
Brion. The first single to be taken from the album will be the DJ
Toomp-assisted track ‘Can’t Tell Me Nothing’. The producer/MC’s
third album will also include a song titled ‘Stronger’ which has
been built around a sample of ‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’
from the album ‘Discovery’ by Daft Punk.

Natalie Imbruglia : Glorious - The Singles 97-07

Release Date: 10th September 2007

With sales of 10 million and a total of 3 years on the UK charts,

Natalie Imbruglia remains one of the most critically acclaimed,
commercially successful female artists of the last decade. Ten
years since the release of her smash-hit debut ‘Left Of The
Middle’, she returns on September 10th with ‘Glorious: The Singles
1997-2007’. Her first ever hits collection, it spans all 3 albums –
including 2001’s ‘White Lilies Island’ and the Number 1 ‘Counting
Down The Days’ – and precedes her eagerly awaited 4th studio
LP, due early 2008.
The highly anticipated collection features five brand new
Natalie-penned songs including ‘Be With You’ and the new
single ‘Glorious’. In short, it’s an accomplished anthology of
songs – past, present and future.
Film Reviews
In the Hands of the Gods
Cert - 15
Release Date: 14th September 2007
In the Hands of the Gods is the true story of five young British freestyle
footballers’ journey across the Americas to Argentina in the hope
of meeting their hero, Diego Maradona. This coming-of-age road
movie tells the story of a group of young men in pursuit of a lifelong
dream. The group of friends is made up of urban teenagers, most of
whom have never been abroad before: a devout Christian, a cheeky
scouser, a failed footballer, a pampered teenager and an asylum
seeker from Somalia. These boys, ranging from 17 to 22 years old,
represent the diversity and attitude of British youth today. For them,
Diego Maradona epitomises everything they love about football; he
is both the creator of their art and their inspiration during hard times
in their lives. Along the way they found that it wasn’t just Diego they
were searching for, but something inside themselves.
With no money for food, accommodation or travel, the freestylers
hustle and busk their way from London to Buenos Aires using only their
football skills and their charm, often being forced to go hungry and
to sleep rough. In the Hands of the Gods is a voyage of adventure
and self-discovery that will take these boys far from their homes, on a
trip that will change their lives forever.

I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry

Cert -12A
Release Date: 21st September 2007
Adam Sandler (Click) and Kevin James (Hitch) team as two straight
guys who stumble down the aisle with the best of intentions in I Now
Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Chuck Levine (Sandler) and Larry
Valentine (James) are the pride of their fire station: two guy’s guys
always side-by-side and willing to do anything for each other. Salt-of-
the-earth widower Larry wants just one thing: to protect his family. His
buddy Chuck also wants one thing: to enjoy the single life.
Grateful Chuck owes Larry for saving his life in a fire, and Larry calls in
that favor big time when civic red tape prevents him from naming his
own two kids as his life insurance beneficiaries. All that Chuck has to
do is claim to be Larry’s domestic partner on some city forms. Easy.
Nobody will ever know.
But when an overzealous, spot-checking bureaucrat becomes
suspicious, the new couple’s arrangement becomes a citywide issue
and goes from confidential to front-page news. Forced to improvise
as love-struck newlyweds, Chuck and Larry must now fumble through
a hilarious charade of domestic bliss under one roof. After surviving
their mandatory honeymoon and dodging the threat of exposure,
the well-intentioned con men discover that sticking together in your
time of need is what truly makes a family.
Why Colleges Can Benefit From
Listening to Their Students
Student unions in the universities have a long, sometimes riotous history, but further
education has rather lagged behind when it comes to giving learners a voice in the way
colleges are run. Until now; this month, the Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL)
held its first “Leading the learner voice” awards and handed out eight accolades.

Learner representation is a hot topic in government circles. “It really does change lives,”
says Bill Rammell, Minister for Lifelong Learning, speaking at the CEL awards on 4 July.
“I wouldn’t be where I am today if I had not had the opportunity of being a student
representative when I was younger.”

Lynne Sedgmore, Chief Executive of the CEL, says the issue of the learner voice is
now centre stage. Some colleges have been interested in what students have to say
for decades, but the mainstream only caught up with the publication in 2005 of the
Foster Review, which recognised how important it was for institutions to listen to their

The principle is simple. “Good leaders listen,” says Sedgmore, who was head of
Guildford College for six years. That means more than just putting in place the structures
of student councils and executives.

“Those are your basic minimum,” she says. “Colleges also need more creative, innovative
approaches to engaging students.” The challenge is making those structures work.

First, the students must become involved. At Blackpool Sixth Form College, Kathryn
Dodgson, named CEL’s Leading Learner of the Year, raised participation in student
elections by 23 per cent by jazzing up the polls, with candidates’ video hustings that
were then shown in tutorials.

Students have to see that what they say makes a difference. At Leicester College,
students now have 338 representatives. Students sit on the academic board, on equal
opportunities and on the governing board.

“The best part of the job is seeing a spark in someone who has not previously engaged
with their school or college education,” says Jay Moore, student liaison officer at
Leicester and CEL Student Liaison Officer of the Year. “Students take part in meetings as
confident equals when previously they’ve felt unable to articulate or even care about
the opportunity available.”
The learner voice makes for better institutions, advocates say. “Successful companies listen
to their customers,” says Dr Richard Parker, head of Chichester College and CEL Principal
of the Year. “And if you want your college to be outstanding you’ve got to listen to your

Chichester conducts student surveys and brings student representatives into school
management. The college is piloting bolder reforms, including lesson observation by

But are students really the best people to guide their own education? The trick to getting
students to engage seriously with their colleges, Dr Parker argues, is for institutions to take
them seriously. “The day of ‘the professor knows best’ is long gone,” he says.

Dr Parker says results at the college have improved since students engaged more, and
numbers at the college have gone up steeply: a 36 per cent rise in the past four years, with
many students choosing the college because of its reputation for student engagement.

Colleges have a role to play in setting up these systems, but it is the representatives themselves
who bring about change. Shane Griffin, 20, a public services student at Worcester College
of Technology, is CEL’s Student Governor of the Year. He was the first student at Worcester to
combine the roles of student union president and student governor, and has now managed
to get another student governor appointed.

“It’s about getting the corporation to listen,” Griffin says, “to get them to realise there are
actually students at the college.”

He says the issues raised include welfare concerns, common rooms and canteen food.
“Before you’re 16, decisions are made for you. After 16, you have to make your own decisions.
You have opportunities at college that you don’t at school. It’s part of growing up.”

Griffin’s advice to other students is simple: “If you’ve got an opinion, get in the student union
and get your voice heard.”

For more information on the CEL awards, and on learner voices, visit the website at www.


By Nick Jackson, Published July 19th 2007


Migraine Awareness Week : 02 - 08 Sep 2007
Migraine Awareness Week - aimed at raising awareness of the condition which affects people of all ages
and backgrounds. Migraines affects up to 15% of the UK population and around two thirds of sufferers are
women. An attack can last from 4 hours to 72 hours, although sufferers may feel drained for a couple of
days after that.
Migraines affect people of all ages, social classes, races and cultures. However, it is most prevalent during
the productive years (20-50) and two thirds of sufferers are women. There may be a genetic predisposition
to the condition as it often runs in families.
If you suffer from migraines, you’re not alone and there are treatment options for these unbearable
headaches. The trick is, knowing if your headaches are migraines, or something else. For more information
go to and

Advice Week : 10 - 16 Sep 2007

Citizens Advice Bureaux across the UK highlight their key role as community charities.
Hundreds of Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) will run special advice sessions, volunteer recruitment campaigns
and open days to celebrate Advice Week 2007. The Citizens Advice service is one of the UK’s largest
voluntary organisations as well as one of the best known in the UK - 95% of people have heard of the
organisation and nearly half have used a CAB at some stage in their life.
Bureaux deliver high quality advice and information on just about everything from consumer problems,
debt and benefit issues to housing, employment and legal matters. Advice is free, confidential and impartial
and open to everybody. Research shows that only a quarter of the population know that Citizens Advice
Bureaux are charities and rely on support both from volunteers and financially from the communities that
they serve. For more information go to and
Don’t forget the Student Advice Centre at the Students’ Union is here to provide free and confidential advice
and information too!

PMS Awareness Week : 10 - 17 Sep 2007

Campaigning to raise awareness of the affects of Premenstrual Syndrome and how we can help women
and their families cope with menstrual difficulties.
The term PMS covers a range of emotional and physical symptoms experienced by women during part of
the menstrual cycle from 2 to 14 days before a period starts.
Over 150 different symptoms have been described but the most common are headache, breast swelling
and tenderness, bloating, water retention, fatigue and depression, tension and irritability, and craving for
sweet or salty food.
Existing conditions such as depression, asthma, allergies, and epilepsy can become worse during this
time of the month. But the menstrual cycle isn’t just a cycle of negative symptoms. Among the symptoms
experienced are Productivity, High energy levels, Sexual desire, Intense and vivid dreaming and Creativity.
If you are affected by PMS, it is comforting to know you are not on your own, although it’s difficult to say how
many women are affected. For more information go to

Meningitis Awareness Week - B Aware : 17 - 23 Sep 2007

Meningitis Research Foundation - B Aware: Meningitis and septicaemia still cause around 3,000 cases every
year in the UK resulting in some 300 deaths.
Although there are vaccines in the childhood immunisation programme which protect against three forms
of meningitis, there is no vaccine to protect against meningitis and septicaemia caused by Group B disease
which has always been responsible for the majority of the cases in the UK. Knowing the symptoms and what
to do if meningitis is suspected could save lives. Symptoms can appear in any order, but the first symptoms
are usually fever, vomiting, headache and feeling unwell, just like in many mild illnesses.
Be Aware – For free symptoms information contact Meningitis Research Foundation’s free phone 24 hour
help line – 080 8800 3344. For more information log onto
Advice Page
Your Problems Answered
If you find it difficult talking to someone personally check out the SAC leaflet racks
around all college sites for more information.
Each student and their issue are individual and would be treated as such, if you are
experiencing similar problems please come and talk to us.

Dear SAC, Dear SAC, Dear SAC,

A couple of weeks ago my At the start my summer holidays I had This is my first year at college
granddad passed away, my to get used to the no smoking policy in and I have heard from my
family and I have not really England along with lots of other people. friends that they will be
had time to get used to him I’m now thinking about giving up, can able to receive Educational
not being around. I’m really you help? Maintenance Allowance
worried about coming back (EMA) this year! How can I
to college because I don’t That’s great news you want to quit! find out more information
know if I can cope with my There are loads of good reasons to stop about receiving this too?
loss and continuing with my smoking; better skin, more money, fresh
studies. breath and your sense of smell and Unfortunately EMA is not
taste will improve too! available to all students; you
I’m very sorry to hear about need to be a UK national
your loss, times like these can Some helpful tips: student aged 16-19, your
be extremely difficult for you It’s best to allocate one particular day household has to have an
and your family. to quit, but make life easy and don’t income of £30,000 or less and
choose a stressful week to stop. your course needs to involve
During this difficult time some at least 12 hours of guided
people find it hard to cope Write yourself a list of all the main learning. If you think you fit
with day-to-day activities. reason why you want to stop, to remind into these three categories
It might help to explain to yourself of them when your motivation Student Services can provide
someone how you’re feeling weakens. you with further information
– maybe a teacher you trust, and the application form you
a friend, or someone in your Make a wall chart and take great need to fill in.
family. If people know what pleasure in ticking the days off that you
you’re going through, they have gone without a cigarette. For more information see
are more likely to understand below.
why you might be acting If will power alone is not enough don’t
differently from normal. be afraid to ask for help! Your local
pharmacy can help along with Fresh
If you prefer to talk to Start and the NHS smoking help line.
someone who is trained to
help with personal problems Numbers are below!
don’t forget, the college
offers a free and confidential
counselling service.
See below for further

Fresh Start 01332 224019

NHS smoking helpline: 0800 169 0169
Student Services: next to the main reception.
College Counselling: 01332 520360
Cruse Bereavement Care Helpline: 0870 167 1677
Student Advice Centre: 01332 520387
The Student Advice

Who I am
Katie Roberts is a Student Advisor, employed
by the Students’ Union to run the Welfare

What I do
The service is divided into two main areas:
The Student Advice Centre and The
Welfare Information Service. Katie
The services are available at all Derby
College sites.

How I can help you

The Student Advice Centre is a confidential support and
referral service. This ensures you can get the right help or
advice from the best people.
As a Student Advisor I offer support, representation and
guidance to all Derby College students and will do everything I
can to help.

If you have academic issues; issues at home; need

contraception or any other concern, please contact me at the
Student Advice Centre. I will always be happy to help.

How to contact me
Telephone: 01332 520387 ext. 5387
Mobile: 07908 526910
Locations: Students’ Union Office – PCA, BH & JWC

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