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Dear Families,

As we near the conclusion of our study of the Native Americans who lived in New York
students will complete a project to showcase what they have learned. The project is to be
done as a homework assignment. There are several ways your child can participate in this

Ideas for Fourth Grade Social Studies Project

1. Build a model of a wigwam or a longhouse.
a. Tell which tribe lived in the structure.
b. Where in New York State did they live?
c. What was the home actually made of?
d. How was in built?
e. Compare your way of life to theirs.
2. Research report
A. Investigate an Algonquian tribe
a. Where did they live?
b. Describe their way of life. Include details about food clothing and shelter.
B. Write a biography of a famous Algonquian or Iroquoian figure. Some
a. Eli. S. Parker
b. Pocahontas
c. Hockey Player Gino Odjick
C. Investigate one of the Iroquoian Nations: Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga,
Cayuga, Seneca
a. Where did they live?
c. Describe their way of life. Include details about food clothing and shelter.
3. Design and make wampum
a. What is the value of your wampum?
b. How would it be used?
4. Make a backboard for a baby. Write a story about the mother who would
have used it.
a. Include how the backboard is built.
b. Include details about the life of a mother and baby in an Algonquian or
Iroquoian tribe.

Questions students may have about the project.

Where do I get my information?
1. You can visit the public library as well as the school library.
2. Use the Internet. There are many child friendly web sites.
3. You may use classroom materials. Just check with your teacher before you take
anything home.
Can I do a project that is not on the list?
1. Yes, just check with your teacher. Have all the details about the project written
down for your teachers approval.
Guidelines for students
1. The writing must be your own. Do not copy information word for word from a
book. You must put the information into your own words.
2. Families may and should help, however the project is to be completed by the
3. The final project is due December 16th.

Fourth Grade teachers

Ms. Chipkin, Ms. Rabinowitz and Mr. Milliken

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