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Code No: RR210502 Set No.

II B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Compare and contrast Java language with C language. [16]

2. (a) What is inheritance and how does it help us to create new classes quickly?
(b) Describe the different forms of inheritance with examples? [8+8]

3. (a) Define an interface? Write a program which illustrates the way to design and
implement an interface.
(b) Give an example where interface can be used to support multiple inheritance.

4. (a) What is an event driven programming and how is it structured?

(b) How events are categorized in Java?
(c) What is an adapter class and how can adapter classes are effective? [5+5+6]

5. A program throws an exception and the appropriate exception handler begins exe-
cution, and this exception handler in turns throws the same exception. Is this above
approach creating an infinite recursion? Justify your answer with an example. [16]

6. Write about the various ByteStreams in java? [16]

7. Explain the process of writing JDBC programs. [16]

8. Write short notes on the following:

(a) TCP/IP programming

(b) client/server model implementation
(d) Getting information from Internet. [4×4]


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Code No: RR210502 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain briefly the main concepts of object-oriented programming.

(b) What are constructor and destructor functions? Explain different types of
constructors? [8+8]
2. (a) Explain the significance of public, protected and private access specifiers in
(b) Explain the peculiariaty of Java in providing multiple inheritance.
(c) Write a Java program that uses overloaded constructors and this pseudovari-
able. [5+6+5]
3. (a) Write a Java program to illustrate the usage of the reverse() method of the
StringBuffer class. Give output.
(b) Explain the delete() and deletecharAt() methods of the StringBuffer class.
4. Write a program that randomly draws characters in different font sizes and colors.
5. (a) Write a java program that demostrates the order of exception handler is im-
(b) If we try to catch a super class exception type before a sub class type, compiler
generates exception errors. Explain why this error occurs with an example?
6. (a) Develop a program to illustrate how multithread operation is done?
(b) What does extending a thread mean? Explain by means of a program. [8+8]
7. What is the JDBC? Explain two-tier JDBC model and three-tier JDBC model.
8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) TCP/IP programming
(b) client/server model implementation
(d) Getting information from Internet. [4×4]


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Code No: RR210502 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Describe Java as an Object Oriented Programming language. [16]

2. (a) What is multiple inheritance? Explain how does Java support multiple inher-
(b) Write about the data types supported by Java? [8+8]

3. (a) Explain the two general forms of usage of the pseudovariable super.
(b) Write a Java program to illustrate the usage of super to call superclass con-
structors. [8+8]

4. Describe about various components in Swing. [16]

5. Using inheritance, create an exception in super class and various exceptions in sub
classes. Write a program to demonstrate that the catch specifying the super class
catches the sub class exceptions. [16]

6. Write program to copy the contents of one file to another file. [16]

7. What is JDBC? Explain 2-tier JDBC model and 3-Tier JDBC model. [16]

8. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Network programs

(b) UDP programs
(c) Remote Method Invocation
(d) client/server model implementation [4+4+4+4]


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Code No: RR210502 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Java is both compiled and interpreted language -discuss.

(b) What is command line argument? How it is useful?
(c) What is garbage collection?Explain in detail. [5+5+6]

2. (a) Give general form of the package statement. Give an example package creation
(b) Give general form of a multileveled package statement. What is the signifi-
cance of the CLASSPATH environment variable in creating/using a package?
(c) Give the general form of the import statement. Illustrate a Java program that
creates a package and uses it. [5+6+5]

3. (a) Define an interface? Write a program which illustrates the way to design and
implement an interface.
(b) Give an example where interface can be used to support multiple inheritance.

4. (a) Describe about Event handling model? Explain about any three components
in Swing.
(b) Write a program for creating and manipulating the radio button. [8+8]

5. Why exception handling is considered as one of the important features in OOPS?

Write your explanation with suitable examples. [16]

6. Write program to copy the contents of one file to another file. [16]

7. Explain about life cycle of servlet? Where does the basic servlet fit into the servlet
framework? [16]

8. How can you create a custom RNI socket factory and how can you specify the
socket factory in your application? Give and example. [16]


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