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Thesis: People in less developed countries are just as successful as we are in the USA

Defining Success:
In order to be able to define success, I must first see the differences in lifestyles and life goals
for people in different countries. In order to get a perspective from different people I have to
find people with a more diverse background and compare that to
Importance of Success:
Presumably, success will be the most important value no matter where you go considering it
is a very broad and vague topic. Hopefully Ill see different results as I do more research and
hear more success stories.

How to Define Success for Yourself, Wall Street Journal, 10/24/14
o Authors Purpose: The authors purpose was really just to get people thinking
about their own lives and reflecting on whether or not they feel successful.
The author wants the reader to be able to create their own definition of
success after reading the article.
o Main Idea: The main idea is finding what youre passionate about. If you can
find what youre passionate about it makes it a lot easier to be able to find
yourself being successful.
o Key Ideas & Facts:
Thinking for yourself: Dont let the people around you and
expectations other people have set define what you want to do with
your life. You have your own mind and values, being able to set your
own expectations and know what you want out of life is the first step
to success
Finding Passion: Passion is the most important value possible when it
comes to finding success in your life.
The Culture of Success, The Futurist; , 12/10/06
o Authors Purpose:
o Main Idea:
o Key Ideas & Facts:
o Results:
What they mean:
Interview with Suki Kim about her book Without You, There Is No Us,
o What she said:

North Korea: Self Alliance; philosophy they live by. Sheltered from
the rest of the world. The students (19 years old) there are perpetually
scared, essentially always watching each others back. Not a single
minute alone. Their lives are focused around their great leader
o What that tells me:
Their success is really defined and measured by what their great
leader at the time puts them out to be. The students are said to be the
best of the best in the country so theyre probably watched more
closely than other people. I couldnt tell whether the perpetual fear is
from fear of messing up or just a general fear of being watched. Either
way this does push very high expectations on these kids as they feel
as if they have to do their best in order to stay alive.

Interview with Mr. Ragon, done by yours truly:

o What he said(going to summarize):
Japan: Public Japanese schools; uniforms w/o question. 40 students in
a class and the class is often segregated and students never ask
questions because it is disrespectful towards the teacher. Students
would go straight from school to a tutoring school so they could
actually learn. All of high school graduation depends on one test taken
senior year. High expectations and unbelievable pressure. Main goal
for people in Japan (what they strive for): Good uni, good job, have a
family that youre able to take care of, and leave a good legacy before
you die. Very similar, other than values. Things that can be measured
define their success.
Nepal: Pretty similar to India. Hindus and Buddhists they are very
close and coexist well. In fact, they share each others gods. Affinity
for each others gods so they more or less grew into eachother. In some
parts, there are twice as many temples as homes. They have very
religious values. Its illegal to kill a cow, and if you do its the same
punishment as killing a person. So, they live their lives the best they
can and they are much happier people despite being poor. They are
more satisfied with their station in life. They dont carry the same
burden of America where we have to succeed, we have to achieve, we
have to dominate.
Alaska(in the bush/off the grid): They value their independence over
all else. Self-reliance is super important; make their own electricity,
grow their own food, and hunt. They are very tough minded. Theyve
more or less grown their own culture; they dont really consider
themselves American.
Thailand: Very distinct difference from Japan. Much more laid back.
Their democracy has grown organically rather forced. Avoided many
different wars (including civil). People are much more happy-golucky.
o What I got out of it (regarding success):
Japan: A much stricter country regarding success and that really
dominates how they live their lives from what it seems like their

childhood to adulthood. Theres the constant pressure of having to be

better and the expectations you have of having to achieve really
narrow down what they can do throughout life. A lot of their values
are similar other than the American culture values happiness.
Although, they consider success under something thats measurable,
things like efficiency.
Nepal: Their main values are really reflective of how they live their
lives. THey value happiness and religion. Although they are
extremely poor, they are very happy. So that tells me that their
religions goal is to be happy therefore making it theirs as well.
Alaska: They value independence and self-reliance. If they can live
off the land by themselves then they would feel accomplished and
fulfilled with themselves.
Thailand: They value really just being able to do whatever they want
whenever theyd like while being able to sustain themselves and their

How it all ties together to be able to define success:

o Going back to the importance of success: As predicted, people in different
countries rely on the basic outline of success. They often live their lives based
on what they really consider success and sometimes thats influenced by their
leaders. A lot of the happier countries seem to be run by individual people
working as a community to reach one main goal.
o Definition of success: Considering all difference in the cultures Ive dived
into, I cant really define success in general, so I will have to do a different
definition for each one.
Japan: The more efficient you are during your life, the more
successful you are. Essentially if you follow their status quo, you will
be successful.
United States: Success is very passion driven. However, if your
passion does not include something that will further the country as a
whole, then no one cares. BUT WE DO VALUE HAPPINESS!...
What the hell America.
Nepal: If you follow your religion and be as happy and the best
person you can be throughout your life then you have succeeded.
Alaska: Once you can rely on yourself and be independant from
cultural needs and norms you are considered successful. As they are
self-reliant, self-fulfillment is also very important.
Thailand: Thailands success is measured by the happiness and
passions of people in it. If people are following their passions without
hurting others, then they are successful.

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